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Posts posted by SNestor

  1. Just now, Alaskan_Son said:

    I have no doubt in my mind that it was designed to work that way and that it’s not a bug.  you obviously don’t want all your base cabinets in the plan changing to a 24” wide single door and drawer base.  A window isn’t much different.  You want to change the general repeating characteristics, but not the parameters that we typically set on an individual unit by unit basis.

    Agreed....I just think the tool is a bit confusing.  


    Seems to me they should tweak how it works.  When you choose an object in the style should only allow you to edit what can be "changed".

  2. The new Style Pallet tool allows you to add a "window" object...and it appears you can edit this object to your hearts content.  However, when you go to paint the object in a room...or maybe directly on the window itself it appears that only cosmetic things change.


    The casing, sill, lintel, lite pattern and materials change...but, the size/style of the window does not change.  Not sure if this is the way it's supposed to work...or, it's a bug?

  3. 4 hours ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    -A more complex folder hierarchy

    -Proper use of Keywords and Styles (Search Attributes)

    -Creating and using temporary Style Palettes.  For example, we can tweak the settings of one single "Modern Shaker" palette to change all sort of little details about it (materials, moldings, hardware, etc.).  It will still greatly speed up our workflow without over complexifying our libraries.  We could also quickly create one based on objects in an existing plan, or just set one up real quick on the fly.  I guess what I'm saying is that we don't actually have to store it to make it useful. 



    After using the Style Pallet tool for a bit...I have to agree.  Maybe some general pallet styles...and just "tweak" as needed.  Much easier than trying to create and name numerous styles. 

  4. 2 hours ago, tjsage1 said:

    The colors on the Layer Display Options are shown on 'snestor' videos are shown as wood colored pencils.  How do I get one, and some of the linetypes styles you have?’s a Mac thing 

  5. My most used hotkeys are for "Copy and Reflect About".  Let's face's probably what we do more than anything when designing a new floor plan...or even creating roofs.


    So...I use the number keypad;  


    1-1 is for Copy;  0-1 is for "Reflect About".  I use my left hand so I don't have to take my hand off the mouse.  I do copy/reflect so fast I hardly even notice when I'm doing's become rote for me.  


    I also use the number keys at the top of my keyboard;  I have the following that I use all the time;  


    1-1 for Line;  1-2 for polyline;  1-3 for Slab


    I have set all my hotkeys to use two keystrokes...but, I may re-think this.  I like Michaels "L" for line...sort of makes sense doesn't it?

  6. On 2/6/2020 at 8:50 PM, Renerabbitt said:

    You can right click any user library folder and create a style palette. You can also click and drag your style palette into any other user folder.

    Style palettes are huge for saving intricate window or cabinet details, saving me hours of searching through template plans. With the new delete tools and style palette CA really heard and answered the call from us SAM users.

    Need a particular stacked molding detail and toe kick on your cabinet, easy with a style palette. Need beaded face frames..boom, style palette. 

    instead of a wall material region you can use a backsplash and save a custom layered backsplash to your palette for things such as shower walls with hardie backer, aqua-bar and tile.


    The "style pallet" tool is a fantastic new about a time saver.  Wow.  


    Now...How are you going about naming a style pallet.  For instance...a Kitchen room pallet...where you have a base cabinet with a door style, maybe it's painted a unique color, has a specific pull style hardware, maybe the interior of the cabinet is painted a unique color...and then the wall cabinet is a different color.  Say dark gray base cabinets and white wall cabinets. the room painted a unique color...and is the base changed and crown style added.  


    I find it a bit difficult to name such a complex style with a name that reminds me of what is included.  Maybe the strategy should be smaller just for base for wall cabinets and one for the room?  




    Thanks...good topic.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 14 hours ago, wymandg said:

    Forgot to mention I did save the new plan as a new layer set also. I have the floor plan view shell saved using the floor plan shell layer set and the new kitchen plan is saved using the kitchen and bath layer set.


    Changing "layer sets" is good...but, to control the layer that text is going on you probably need to edit or change the "default sets" in the KITCHEN/BATH Plan View.  I'd bet that your "shell" plan view and your new plan view are both placing text on the same layer...and that is why your "shell" plan view keeps changing.


    Just a might want to post the plan or at least some screen clips of your "plan views" dialog boxes.


    39 minutes ago, CHROMATICGA17 said:

    Hi there this link is very helpful! 

    however i just want to be a bit more clear about accessing the saved square footages for use in other plans.  i want to enter my labor cost for tile etc. and each time i generate a new plan be able to quickly build a materials list from the saved data. 


    Have you read the help file?  I'm no expert on material lists...but there is a lot of info in the help file that might help you out.  


    An easy way to get to this help...go to tools/material list/master list (or...just hit CTRL+M) 


    Then...when the master list is on the question mark at the top and the help file will open directly into the Master List help file.


    2020-02-08_13-20-19.thumb.png.3bbfa37480459159cbee10b7c15fc084.png 2020-02-08_13-22-26.thumb.png.293ef0e1f710ee2bb5a0e61c70cfe6f0.png 2020-02-08_13-17-14.thumb.png.b539a4839ae356f0d5e8e84a3b3386a1.png

  9. 4 hours ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    Very easy to accomplish by auto building the lower tier, exploding it and deleting the center ceiling section, and then auto building the upper tier.  


    Yep...another "genius" suggestion Michael.  And, it works...sort of.  


    See the section below...the lower ceiling loses the top surface...which is easy enough to fix. I'd probable use Ben's suggestion and just attach a molding to the lower ceiling to create the "recessed" look.


    2020-02-07_20-35-25.thumb.png.00a489ae0b99fc4081b72ba6e20b8741.png  2020-02-07_20-36-32.thumb.png.5e1b1a63b404af00deb80e0d18def245.png

  10. Well...I've discovered that once you create a "tray ceiling" select the line of the tray ceiling and this action then gives you the "nested tray ceiling icon" on the bottom toolbar.


    But creating a two stepped tray ceiling as per my example B above I don't believe is possible....maybe someone can enlighten me.





  11. OK...I've been messing around with the "Tray Ceiling" tool in X12.  Cannot for the life of me figure out how to create a "nested" tray ceiling.  In the help file it shows to unique for a "tray"...and one for a "nested tray".  I cannot find where this "nested" tray menu or icon exists.  




    Is the nested ceiling shown below in Example B possible with the Nested Tray Ceiling tool?  Thanks!




  12. 47 minutes ago, wjmdes said:

    Thank you Steve!  You have confirmed that I am in fact doing exactly what you are.  Next week I will be working on a few older jobs and I will try to pay more attention.


    I am curious if it makes a difference as to what you import first, Default Sets or Layer Sets.


    I also had an issue yesterday when recreating some of my commercial default sets (because you cannot import just one default set) that it took it a while to propagate and show up in the drop-down list or in the project browser area.  I created it in Default Sets Dialog Box and then went to create my Saved Plan View and it was not in the Drop Down, not sure what went on, but it eventually showed up.  I  have to create 3 or 4 more defaults sets and then these will all be on my template (rather than scattered between several different plan files) and I will try and document exactly what I did.


    Bill...I was thinking last night that one difference between what I did and what you stated in your original post was that you had opened and "older" plan...and things did not work.  In my example video I was using a new plan created in X12...and then imported my default sets, layer sets and saved plan views into the new X12 plan. 


    That might make a difference....not sure really.  

  13. On 1/21/2020 at 7:35 AM, wjmdes said:

    Curious if I am missing something or if this is correct in using the "New Default Sets" that have replaced annosets.


    No matter what I select under the drop down, it always says "Active Defaults" under Default Set. The name of my Default Set (old anno) will not display. I think I have to open the Saved Plan View Specification to verify what the specific individual Selected Defaults are.


    Has anyone messed with his enough to clarify this so I know how to address moving forward?




    Bill...did a video for you.  Not sure I covered exactly what you are having difficulty with.  If not...maybe you can expound a bit.  Hope it helps...



    • Like 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, BenPalmer said:


    Bill, I can confirm that is when I get the same behavior:  when importing default sets.


    I'm just guessing...but, if you import an annoset, you may have to go to your plan views and make sure the specific "anno/default" set is specified in the plan view dialog.  See picture below.  Changing plan views changes my anno/default sets...unless I have a plan view that does not have a specific anno/default set specified (which I don't).  



  15. 3 minutes ago, Renerabbitt said:

    For anyone finding this thread and looking for training.

    May want to check out Dan Baumann's program at he's an incredibly kind and warm person who has coached in this software for a couple of decades and is reasonably priced. I haven't taken the program but was invited to hang out with his family and constituents and can't say enough great things about him.

    May also want to check out @DMDesigns website for training and @SNestor's or @dshall's YouTube channel.

    @Alaskan_Son offers training in Macro creation, time available, @Joe_Carrick may offer training as well, not sure.

    May want to sit in on @MarkMc's cabinet hacking webinar next week. 

    Lastly, I would say to direct questions @solver for roof related questions(or any questions) as he is the best and most available at auto generating complicated roofs in my opinion.

    You can click on any of these tags that I've so annoyingly placed for these users and follow them.(sorry fellas, get back to work!,ha)



    All great suggestions.  Thanks Rene!

  16. 1 hour ago, ChiefUserJoe2020 said:

    1) Framing for basement walls above concrete pony walls is not visible in the Orthographic Framing Overview. 2) When I add framing for the ceiling of the basement it shows above the roof of the room above the basement.  Can someone help with these problems?


    If you turn off the "walls, foundation" layer in the "3D framing layer set" will see the framing.  Of course you lose the foundation wall.  Maybe someone can chime in with a better solution.


    • Like 1
  17. 21 hours ago, BenjaminZ said:

    That roof is the original roof from the plan I am working on.  I did not adjust anything because I wanted to provide the untouched version and the part that I am trying to recreate should look exactly as the gable/dormer with the single window in looks in your render.  I have attached the job file with the roof redone, but I do not know how to go about creating that dormer/gable which I need to center over the front door.


    I did a video...did things a bit different from Eric to get to the same result.  Maybe you will pick up a few ideas.  Hope it helps.


  18. 25 minutes ago, kwhitt said:

    I'm building my own cabinet door/drawer front library.  This library includes wainscoting that has four or more raised panels.  I want the raised panel areas to be the only ones to resize when I stretch.  There appears to be a limit of three stretch planes.  Is there a workaround for this other than piecing my wainscoting?  Much thanks, Kevin


    Joe Carrick posted this method on Chief is a link to the post; 




    • Like 1
  19. On 11/3/2017 at 4:02 PM, cjanderson66 said:

    I am trying to do some interior elevations and I have a room with a vaulted ceiling.  When I do a wall elevation it is only giving me the lower half of the room and not including any of the vaulted portion.  Am I doing something wrong or does Chief not acknowledge the upper portion for wall elevations?


    Well...I think you can get it to work.  Not sure if this process creates other problems...but, give it a try and see what you think.

  the one caveat is that this method changes the ceiling height of the, may not be a good solution. 


    Step 1: Take a "Wall Elevation" Cameral view


    Step 2: Click on the Wall


    Step 3: Hit "TAB"...the selection nodes change to "small nodes"


    Step 4: Drag this camera view "box" upward to reveal the entire wall. 


    See pics below;


    Step 1:  2020-02-04_16-39-14.thumb.png.782b481eb563e97c89fbb0ddf5ab30ce.png 


    Step 2:2020-02-04_16-39-31.thumb.png.a8d9bd905379465eeb6836a795ef2324.png


    Step 3: 2020-02-04_16-39-45.thumb.png.81e1211c38ebae8caa469bfae4308742.png


    Step 4: 2020-02-04_16-44-10.thumb.png.dbeb0e0b1b0efa4f2e42814a1d87872c.png