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Posts posted by SNestor

  1. 11 hours ago, tinyhouseguy said:

    Eric, I gave back when I answered your questions. Please quit giving me a hard time for you have never SOLVED anything for me.         

    There is no one that gives more to this forum than Eric.  I think your comment was quite rude and uncalled for.  Nasty isn’t going to get you help in the future.  

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  2. 2 hours ago, MN_JohnH said:

    I wonder why my second floor loft flooring is sticking through the roof and can be seen on the outside of the building?

    Loft floor issue 1.jpg

    Loft floor issue 2.jpg

    I would just raise your roof plane...even the windows in the dormer are sticking out above the roof plane.  


    I am curious though as to why the floor finish is building out to the face or the "log" veneer...seems odd.  Maybe someone can answer that. 

  3. 4 hours ago, CElder said:

    All of a sudden, recently, my wall materials are freaking out on me!  I've attached a sample plan file that I had just started working on.  My default settings are for siding exterior, drywall interior of exterior walls and drywall both sides of interior walls.  I couldn't make it happen this time but occasionally, both sides of an interior wall will come up with siding on them.


    Along the same lines, notice the siding on the two walls where a porch is indicated.  The siding changes to a different color and profile when I create a porch room on the outside.


    Can anyone offer any insight on why this is happening?






    Looks like you have a couple of problems...


     - Like Javatom states above...the exterior "wall type" is defined with a "zero" thickness.  Change to at least 1/2" for siding.


    - The walls that separate the garage from the house appear to have been "painted".  The siding is not the "default" material.  You should open the wall for the "exterior wall surface" "select material" "plan materials"....scroll to the top of the list and select "default".  Repeat for the interior wall surface.  


    Or...just delete the walls and draw in new interior walls.







    2019-12-12_22-41-39.thumb.png.ebaab3693fef82da2e8fba2f4f9cd01a.png  2019-12-12_22-42-09.thumb.png.7d0d2300fd8e8c50a2a56499655daf83.png

  4. 2 hours ago, DH7777 said:

    In AutoCAD, I can grab an object or objects, pull my cursor with the object in tow, and type in a specific measurement (1in., 2ft. etc.) hit enter and the object snaps into the position in the direction I want. I understand the point to point command chief has, but that is not what I need because that doesn't allow me to move the object the way I just explained. To be specific: I am trying to move a complete second floor 1/2" to line up with the first floor(it is off) I do not want to move wall by wall into position.  Also on a side note: Is there an offset command in chief? Any help would be great! Thanks...


    I actually use Transform/Replicate most of the time...I have a "hot key", for me it's 0, to the X and/or Y field...enter distance.  Done. 10 seconds or less....:)

  5. 11 minutes ago, ChiefUserBigRob said:

    i've seen several people able to record a session of CA to show examples and such. is there an app for this or is it something included in the program?

    I use Camtasia...but there are a numbers of programs that can do it.  

  6. 26 minutes ago, wjmdes said:


    If I wanted to draw everything by hand I would still be using AutoCad or just get the board out of the closet.

    I think you will find the stair tool will make you want you to take a hammer to your computer.  It’s a tool that needs a complete overhaul.  :angry:

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  7. 1 hour ago, wjmdes said:


    If that is the only answer then this would be a bug.......

    It’s not a’s just how the software works.  You could have created the p-solid risers in less time it took you to ask the question. 

    All that said...the stair tool in Chief is ridiculously weak...and I don’t see huge improvements on the horizon.  So...we will all be cursing this tool for some time to come. 

  8. 3 hours ago, DianeP said:

    Is there a way to have the exterior molding to have a plumb cut or ,alternatively, a horizontal cut that follows the beam line?  I drew a line and  changed it into a 3d molding polyline.   



    I just did a quick drawing...I'm using a "frieze" board...and letting Chief place automatically.  Seems to work fine.  


    Why do it manually?


    2019-11-24_13-35-45.thumb.png.75c16ddb8c33ef14abcfd133652acd9b.png 2019-11-24_13-37-39.thumb.png.b3479ade9bccea7682f0a02b010251a0.png

  9. 12 minutes ago, solver said:

    It's always helpful to have images of what you want as there are so many ways of building and so many ways of doing things in Chief.


    This shows 2 corner boards both auto applied. One wider shorter one for the frieze, and one as a normal corner board below.


    This looks messy in anything but standard view because of the extra lines.



    Fantastic tip Eric!  Amazing...

  10. 2 hours ago, wjmdes said:

    Yes,....but for most situations, it is the case.  Either way, I started a spreadsheet that will give me baseline above my entered top of wall height, and stud size and rafter size.  Four years of calculus and I only use trig!  I appreciate you making me think.


    And at the end of the day, being a little off will never be noticed when they build it, but it bugs me.


    How accurate were we in paper/pencil days?  Get it close...draw a line and use a rich text box to state the "plate height".  Then...move on to the next problem.  I don't think we get paid enough to spend all day trying to get Chief to build a rafter within a sixteenth of an inch where it's "supposed" to be....


    Maybe I'm alone on this?  

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  11. 17 minutes ago, DzinEye said:

    Yep... you're missing something...  ;)    Under 'options' you can constrain to a single door panel of any size just as with any other door.
    Not quite sure why you mention it won't work because the 'track is above the door opening' ?... barn door track hardware is supposed to be above the door opening.  Usually there's just a small guide at the bottom.


    The glass wall and a barn door does work...sort of.  


    Using a glass wall and a barn door works if both ends are enclosed by walls...but, if you have a glass shower pony wall like shown in the pics below...the corner becomes an issue because the glass wall (for the door) won't join with the glass pony wall at the corner properly.  Well...I've found it difficult.  Maybe it's possible...


    If you use a "fixture" like the one I created (attached below) can use a room divider to enclose the shower room and then drop the fixture into the opening.  It works well...and the door looks similar to the picture of a shower door that I posted above.  


    Glass Shower Door Fixture:  Glass Shower Door Fixed.calibz


    Pics - Glass wall and Barn Door

    2019-11-21_23-44-13.thumb.png.24e57306fd2bb68c568efa5615c14aa8.png 2019-11-21_23-43-46.thumb.png.802524d9cca30cbb737f50ce6dcb2ef5.png


    Pics - Door is a "Fixture"

    2019-11-22_00-05-37.thumb.png.772582013668234ae8367db36ed341be.png 2019-11-22_00-05-25.thumb.png.75ea0504c69dcb2cc2c852f01af41624.png



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  12. 37 minutes ago, wjmdes said:

    Correct, but then you need to determine the vertical distance the roof needs to be raised or lowered.  Not a big deal, just a pain.  Not sure who came up with the idea of where Chief has put the baseline, but the 100% most logical place would be on the inside of the stud wall at the top of the double top plate.  That point generally will not move when a pitch is changed or if a larger rafter is used.


    Uh...that's what I thought at first but...if you give this some thought it's not true.  You are assuming all rafters will sit on the double top plate at the top of the wall...but, what if you raise the roof so that it is actually sitting on top of the plate of an "attic wall"?  Which happens all the time. thick is the wall...what depth have you set the "seat cut" to...and, what is the roof pitch and rafter depth.  There are a lot of variables.


    Chief has to be able to place a polyline box (the rafter) at the correct pitch and I think the only consistent point to "spring" the box from is the "baseline" point I've shown above.  The software will always know where this point is.'s not "logical" to those of us that designed roofs for years with paper and pencil.  I'm right there with you...but, you have to figure out how the software works and then make it work for you.


    I think you may want to create a cad detail.  Draw your roof on top of the the pitch you want..or create multiple sections if you are using different roof pitches...and calculate the roof baseline elevation in this detail...then transfer this info to your roof building dialogue.  

  13. 20 hours ago, DzinEye said:

    You should be able to do it by first building a glass wall all the way across your opening, then placing your glass barn door into the glass wall.


    Glass barn doors won't work...the track is above the door opening...and, if you make it 60" wide you will get two 30" door on each side.  Maybe I'm missing something...if so, let me know.


  14. 18 hours ago, Designer1 said:

    Im putting optimism out there for some legendary new stair tool new from the top down with great tools and customization for X12!  :)


    Yes...let's hope Santa Claus delivers on this.  (not holding my breath...):rolleyes:

  15. On 11/9/2019 at 10:56 AM, BrownTiger said:

    Yes you can. 


    One time procedure: Open new plan, place glass door from the catalog. Select this symbol from the bottom action bar select the chair with the star button "Convert Selected to Symbol" -> specify Symbol Type: Window. Add it back to your user library. From now on it will be on the window scheduler.


    Yes...but, if you convert a door to a window it won't show "open" in plan view like a door will.  It will look like a window....