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Posts posted by SNestor

  1. 5 minutes ago, Dermot said:

    Have you tried the Help button?


    Yea...just did.  I know...should have done before posting.  :wacko:


    So...the the software looks at all the images in the schedule and adjusts each to a "relative" size.  Do I have this correct?  


  2. 34 minutes ago, Dermot said:

    The 3D Elevation image is generated by the program using the same code we use to generate normal elevation views.


    You can control the size by adjusting the column width.  You may also want to rename the column if you are trying to make them smaller.


    You can also affect the size of the images by changing the scale options in the schedule dialog.



    schedule image size.png


    schedule image size 2.png


    If you click "Scale Images"...what scale is the program using?  Is this something defined by the user?  

  3. On 1/29/2020 at 9:54 PM, paccoastJeff said:

    I am currently trying out the trial version of X11.  We currently own Softplan, and I have to say I like CA  better so far.  I had a question about changing defaults for dimensioning that didn't seem to be working like I thought the documentation said it should.  I sent an email inquiry and received a pretty fast reply with a screen shot showing precisely what I was doing wrong.  That was impressive.


    With the SSA, is support like that part of the package?  Reading the description online it sounds more like it's aimed at installation and error message problems, so I'm seeking clarification on if it also includes technical/operational questions?  The documentation seems thorough and well organized, but I know with relatively complex software with multiple options there will likely be questions from time to time.  Having access to technical support with the SSA package would be a big selling point for me.  


    I'm taking part in the online demonstration on Friday, and looking forward to it.  

    I have a YouTube page (see link in my signature)...and some other Chief Experts have created YouTube pages/videos.  You might watch some of these to get a feel for Chief.  DSHall has posted hundreds of videos on YT.  

    Chief is  an incredible will not be disappointed.  

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, sunsen said:

    Hello everyone,


    I'm attempting to create a symbol from a molding polyline. I open a new plan, draw a rectangle, convert it to a molding polyline, take a full camera view, convert that to a symbol via the tool menu, store it in the library then attempt to use it. The problem arises when I store it in the library browser. The symbol doesn't look like the 3D object I took the camera view of. Instead, it appears as four of them joined together in a chain, which makes it fairly useless in the drawing I'm attempting to make. Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?





    You are skipping an important step.  After saving the molding to your library you need to use either a molding line or molding poly line the dialogue box for the molding line and on the “moldings” tab...add the molding you just created (it’s in your library) to the molding line.  

    then take a camera view...from this view you can then create a symbol.  

  5. 2 hours ago, solver said:

    And experiment with placing a doorway in the railing. Sometimes it's the simplest way.

    actually, Eric is right.  Just place a doorway into the railing wall and size it how you need to space the posts.  3-4 clicks and - DONE. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, ChiefUserBigRob said:

    when i mess with the center railing and increase the spacing or set post size to zero it reconnects the whole railing. i will keep trying

    After you break the the center section and reverse it.  This will keep it from re-joining the other rails.  You could also just change its “wall type” and that would also keep it from re-joining.  

  7. Just create new “room” types.  Such as: Kitchen-1, Kitchen-2, Kitchen-3...


    assign different molding and flooring in each type...then just rename the room to switch styles.  

    ooops...I didn’t see you wanted to change layouts.  My solution won’t help you.  

    You could use “plan views” and draw the plan variations off to the side of your main plan...that’s all I can think of at the moment.  

  8. 1 hour ago, Christina_Girerd said:

    I'm using a shelf ceiling for the first time in a garage/ADU conversion loft and I was surprised at how it shows the edge.  Anyone have any suggestions for a good way to close off the edge?  Thanks.

    2020 01 22 Shelf Ceiling.JPG

    Make sure “invisible walls” layer is turned on in your elevation view layerset.  

    • Upvote 2
  9. I would draw the fireplace wall...on an angle (like 45 degrees).  Place your fireplace...I use a window for the fireplace and place a fire picture on the glass.  


    Then...I'd take a backclipped elevation looking directly at the 45 degree wall.  


    Then...I'd use a wall material region to place some big region or small individual pieces if they will have different textures.  If you want to change the texture on each then you may want to create a Cad Detail from view from the B/C elevation view...then draw each piece of tile using a cad polyline...then, copy and paste these tile cad blocks back to your backclipped elevation...then, convert these cad blocks to material regions.  You can't convert to P-Solids because when you curve the wall...the solids won't curve along with the wall.


    Then...once all the material region tile pieces are placed, select the wall and curve it to your desired radius.  The material regions will curve along with the wall.  


    You don't want to try and draw material regions onto the curved wall...just about impossible.




    • Upvote 7
  10. 4 minutes ago, Dermot said:

    Michael's post might be more complicated than you need.  Try just turning on the "Details" option in the reference display.


    More information about the reference display settings can be found in my post here:




    Darn that was easy...thank you!  Very much appreciate the quick response.  


    I saw both of these those posts when they were posted,..but, it's been a while since I have messed with "REF SETS" and I just plumb forgot what I needed to do. :huh:  

  11. OK...sorry for not asking this before.  Can you use a "polyline" with a fill (such as shingles) and then reference the "fill pattern" somehow in a reference set?  I ask because I haven't figured out how...



    Below in the pictures I have drawn the polyline with the shake fill on Level 1...and I'm trying to Reference on Level 2...the cad polyline appears...but, no "fill pattern".  Is the "fill" on a unique layer?



  12. Is there a way to show the hips/ridges of a roof either above or below using a reference layerset?  Am I missing something?  The edges of the roof appear (see pics) but the hips/ridges do not.  I've tried this with some of the Chief OOB templates...and I get the same result.  





  13. 1 hour ago, ChiefUserBigRob said:

    Couldnt find the archive but i did end up redrawing the details. Leason learned.


    Alaskan, care to fill me in on how to create a cad details plan?





    See pic below;
