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Posts posted by SNestor

  1. To raise roofs...I just group select and use Transform/Replicate.  To know exactly how much to raise or lower I wii take  a cross section.  

    That said - it would be great if we could group select roof planes and make changes. 

    I wish we could save roof assemblies in our user Library.  

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Alaskan_Son said:


    If I could "quickly" elaborate or direct you to a specific language I would.  I don't have anything off the top though.  I just know I've read and heard many times from Chief that they don't recommend the conventional "Save As Method" many of us are accustomed to where we just keep reusing the same file and just deleting what we don't need.  It quickly becomes bloated and error filled, carrying problems forward from one plan and version to the next.


    I guess the better answer I could give is this...


    Where in the documentation is the Save As Method recommended?  Answer:  It's not. 


    I'm with Michael on this one...the SAM (Save As Method) might save you a few clicks...or, it could cost you a lot of time trying to chase down some elusive item causing your plan to be all screwed up.  @dshall Scott Hall swears by the SAM and has been using it for years.  But...Scott is most likely the creator of this method and he really understands Chief Architect Software - inside and out.  I'm sure he developed his layer sets to work with his SAM over the years and knows just about everything that is going on in his plans.   


    But, for me...I prefer to use a template plan to start with...something I am familiar with and know it works...consistently from plan to plan.  When I create a new plan with a template...I know there are no stray walls on weird layers, no stray framing members, no stray foundation or attic walls.  Just...a blank template ready for me to put it to work.    

  3. Take a "cad detail from view" of the plan.  Copy (or add) cad lines back into your floor plan and dimension to those lines.  You may want to put them on some unique layer so you can turn these temp cad lines off...not sure it'll be necessary...just an option.  


    Standard dimension lines will snap to any cad lines you drop into the floor, if you grab the cad lines (in the cad detail from view) that make up the handrail...then, copy what you want, go back to the plan view and use "paste and hold position" these cad lines will be placed exactly where you need them. Then...add dimensions.


  4. Just now, DzinEye said:

    That's what I think!  ;)  But if a definitive solution comes out of this, all the better.
    Nice new pic by the way!  I thought we had a new SNESTOR on the forum at first glance yesterday.


    Yea...this is what you do when you are quarantined by some invisible virus.  :)

  5. 7 minutes ago, Renerabbitt said:

    Eric beat me to it. I was doing the same thing, anytime there is an issue just copy and paste to the default Residential template. 

    No problem on my end drawing this exact same house. Something somewhere is goofed up in your plan...maybe Wall Types.


    Rene is correct...


    I had tried to recreate in a plan I was working on and for some reason (maybe I have a template issue?) it didn't work.  

    Copied to the "residential template"...worked perfectly.  

  6. 1 minute ago, solver said:

    Copied your exterior walls (and railings) to a new plan and built the roof. No idea why your walls don't show.




    I created my own file...and the walls did not, maybe it's "finicky"?

  7. Larry...I think Chief does these things to make sure we stay "crazy".  

    I think Mark is's due to the fact that the two roof planes are so close together.  


    I usually just drag the one attic wall...or, create my own attic wall.  I think everyone just automatically does this to keep moving...but, it'd be nice if it just worked. 

    Yea...after 20+ years of development you'd think Chief would have fixed this.  But - maybe they have a good reason it works the way it does. :wacko:

  8. 3 hours ago, ACADuser said:

    OK one more wall issue. Can't seem to get rid of these attic wall lines in vector view.


    I tried reversing the east-west wall exterior but no joy.

    CA Wall Joint.JPG



    I believe the problem has been created by the way you set the building ceiling elevation.  I didn't check every room...but it appears you have the ceiling height set to 180" everywhere.  This is the problem.  


    What I think you should have done is set the ceiling height to 109.125 (or whatever the base ceiling height should be).  Then, uncheck "flat ceiling" on the room structure tab...put the roof on the building and let the software create "attic walls" to fill the void.  I also used a "doorway" to create the opening that leads to the restrooms in place of using an invisible wall...just seems to be easier and works more consistently.  


    Here is my sketch...maybe it'll help you understand what I did:  Bob - Plan with Shed Roof 01.plan


    As you can see from the pics I've attached...this is how my attached plan was created and these "quirky" PIA problems do not exist.  



    • Upvote 1
  9. 2 hours ago, robdyck said:

    Thanks Steve! I thought you were onto something with your adjusted post symbol, but if you look a bit closer it only seems to behave as expected on one side. The adjusted bounding box causes the post to be 'off'  at the end of each railing segment. It causes a discrepancy between the 3D view and the plan view.

    I appreciate the effort, and just so you know, this isn't for a current project...I'm messing around with this to try to figure out a consistent & repeatable method to display these railings accurately in both views.

    I just can't handle the poor railing job available in the stair dbx.



    You need a sledgehammer to get it all to work...because Chief just won't work on fixing the stair tool.  However....the plan attached looks good to me.  


    The bounding box of the newel isn't the's the width of the railing wall...and to some degree you have to adjust the doorway that the stairs create. PIA.  

    I used a "countertop" to create the porch overhang with a custom molding edge...and adjusted the display order of each object.  


    I also changed the way you used the room divider need to make it as complex as you did.  My room divider walls are on the invisible, you will have to turn the layer on to see them.  


    deckrailing1 - Steve Nestor FIX 02.plan

    Newel Post for Rob Dyck -02.calibz


    Don't blame me if it isn't "perfect"...


  10. 1 hour ago, robdyck said:


    I made a symbol out of a straight railing section just to study the faces, and oddly enough, the rails go directly to the correct part of the alum. post, the vertical upright, as opposed to the base plate.





    I was referring to where the stair handrail was not connecting to the horizontal patio railing.  The reason that the top/bottom rail is cut off is due to the bounding box of the post....and maybe the width of the wall. You have checked the box to "use wall width" in the newels/balusters tab of the railing DBX.


    My first thought was the wall was cutting off the handrail...but, I believe it's the post you created.  The bounding box of the post is the width of the base plate...and that seems to be the line where the stair railing is cut off.


    If you replace the post I created with the one in your plan you will see that these rails will join together.  I also unchecked the "use wall width" box.  



  11. @robdyck

    You might try changing the size of the bounding box of your custom newel.  Right now Chief is using the base plate as the newel width. You have the newel set to be the width of the, the handrail is trimming off right at the wall surface.  If you uncheck the box to make the newel the width of the wall...and, on the general tab, make the wall width 5"...or experiment...maybe make it 6".  This will place the newel and the base inside your porch.  


    It's the size of the bounding box that is the problem...on the newel I created I set the bounding box to be 3"x3"...which is the size of the newel I created.  I also moved the "Y" axis in toward the newel 3/4". 


    I've attached a fix plan...and the newel I created.  

    Plan:  deckrailing1 - Steve Nestor FIX 01.plan

    Newel: Newel for Rob Dyck.calibz


  12. 3 hours ago, HumbleChief said:

    Hey Steve, wouldn't you use "Save Plan View As' in order to 'copy' a plan view? Or is there a 'copy' command I might be missing?


    This is all I meant by my previous post.  I probably would never do this...but, if one wanted to set up a saved plan view that had the default sets he wanted to start with each time he wanted to create a new "plan view"...he could create a plan view and name it "DEFAULT PLAN VIEW"....then, as needed, right click this view and "DUPLICATE".  


    You would still have to edit the new plan view...I don't see this being a big time saver.



  13. 2 hours ago, dshall said:


    I still don't get the DOOR OPENING lines.

    Scott - I believe the door opening lines are hard coded into Chief.  You don’t have control of the dashed line size.  

    You should send a ticket into Chief Support and ask for clarification.  

    I think Chief stuck this feature in to satisfy some request they got and has now completely forgotten about this...thus no added features or controls.  They do this too often IMO.  

  14. 52 minutes ago, DzinEye said:

    It probably qualifies as a workaround, but it works... 
    I just used the new X12 ability to do a custom stringer.   Set the width to match your wall thickness and I made it extra deep (30" below the tread) because it was the only way to make it look right on the curve.  Set it for whatever height above the tread you want, and of course you can do whatever you want with the railing.  

    Flared stair wall.JPG

    Now that is a creative solution...excellent.  With Chief's stair gotta think outside the box...way outside.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    Just like any other wall set to Follow Stairs, it has to be on top of the stairs, but yes, it works.


    Not all can define a pony wall as a "railing"...and set it to "follow stairs".  see attached...

    But, for the OP's question Michael is correct...but, I can't seem to get it to work.  

    Chief...please start from scratch and make the stair tool so superior that we don't ever need to post another "issue with stairs"...



  16. 2 hours ago, Flach2 said:

    Does anybody know what setting this is to get Cheif to dimension to framing instead of sheetrock on iinterior walls?

    It is already dimensioning to the framing on exterior walls. I can't even force it to the framing on interior walls.

    I have been using Chief for over 15 years and never had this happen. (I am using x12 right now)

    Annotation 2020-03-24 131022.png


    You should always post the saves us from guessing.


    That said...dimensions are controlled by the annotation/default set you are using.  Double click the "ruler" icon and view the settings.




  17. 36 minutes ago, DRAWZILLA said:

    Steve, your videos are top notch also, enjoy every one of those, As long as I have been around, you would think I know everything, but no!!!!!, I'm always learning every day and it doesn't ever stop.

    Thanks so much.  :D

    I’m with you on the learning.  Chief is a very robust piece of software and you probably will never become expert on every part of it.  

  18. 14 minutes ago, DRAWZILLA said:

    What I enjoyed with Scott's videos was the fact there were laughs and , I actually like seeing the path to getting to the final solution  including the frustrating parts so I don't make that mistake. I know he did thousands of them. I enjoyed my Saturday morning funny's . Scott and I did a couple of Chief training sessions in San Diego in  2005, great guy in person also. A few years ago we also attended the Simi- annual user meetings--Great times for sure.


    I'm right there with you Perry...Scott's videos were fantastic...always a laugh and he is a great guy.  His videos were one of the main reasons I purchased the software.


    Bought me lunch in SD a few years ago and I owe him!

    • Upvote 1
  19. 1 hour ago, Doug_N said:



    You know there are advantages to having a robust building code and code enforcement.  For example, prior to 2012 a building owner could walk into a building department with some vague sketches and get a permit.  Now all drawings have to be technically correct, to scale and contain references to code compliance.  To do work for others a designer must be qualified and pass a legal exam, and a technical building code exam.  The building departments recommend homeowners seek out someone like me to do the work.  


    Yea...but, when it comes to government me that's a sales pitch.  I've heard that song/dance for way to long...and now I've reached a point where I'm not eager to trade my Liberty for something as vague as "the possibility of more work".  


    I believe less regulation always leads too much more construction....thus, more work for everyone.  Now...don't get me wrong, the Building Code has it's place...I'm not advocating to abolish it altogether.  Just a slowing of the growth of the code would make me happy.  Unfortunately, it appears the Building Code is like a weed that never stops and to many has stretched beyond way beyond its original intention.  Just my two cents.  :rolleyes:

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