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Posts posted by SNestor

  1. 6 hours ago, ACADuser said:

    Yes I see it now. It is X12


    See attached.

    I had to do the following to fix all the issues:
    Make Stair open underneath
    1. Added a wall in the powder room & edited it in 3D view. Also, put on a new wall layer not shown in plan view
    2. P-solid at the ceiling
    3. made this part of the wall an invisible wall segment.
    4. another P-solid

    CA Moldings.JPG


    Yes...there are ways we can fix these problems...but, this is a glitch for sure.  Way too many work arounds required.

  2. 8 hours ago, ACADuser said:

    No problem [X12]

    BTW I added a hidden wall to separate the hallway so the molding lines I added would not run wild.

    I added base molding separate from the crown molding line as the doorways were a problem.

    See 2 molding layers.



    Alan...your plan fix is experiencing the same issue as my plan fix.  It looks right from the living room side...but, the stair side has a hole in the wall.  


    This only occurs when you pull the stair into the doorway.  @kwhitt...what version is this plan drawn in?  Is it X12? 


    When I place a new stair in the plan...and break it so I can wrap it around the wall (a new feature in X12) the stair does not behave like it should.



  3. 1 hour ago, kwhitt said:


    Thanks Steve.  If I remove the invisible wall, how do I differentiate the ceiling heights?  The kitchen area is 9' and the great room is 10'.  You are correct, there is a single header member that surround the cut-out for the stairs.


    You are correct about the room separation...I kind of forgot about that because when I deleted the invisible wall in your plan the 9' ceiling did not change.  Although when you click in the room there is a warning that things can't be changed because floors are at various heights.


    I'd just use a doorway.  Draw the wall alongside the stair all the way to the rear wall of the great room.  Then add a jamb/casing...and set the height to just above the finished ceiling.  It isn't perfect...but, at least it'll give you the header.



    • Upvote 1
  4. 3 hours ago, lavorhaynie said:

    I have a plan with a monolithic slab foundation. It has a large porch with the floor dropped 4" from the main floor. The porch uses a monolithic footer, supposedly stepped down (4") from the main foundation. 

    How do I get the step-down to model properly. Currently the porch foundation maintains the main floor elevation as seen in the attached picture. Also, in plan view the porch foundation wall does not have the same visual characteristics as the house foundation wall, as can be seen in the attached picture.

    I also attached the plan (X11).

    Any suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated.

    This is a preexisting A-frame with the two wings to be added.


    I'm not a slab expert...but, I think if you change the stem wall top elevation (in the porch room) you will fix the issue.  See attached pic.  



    Also, the porch room has a floor...why did you extend the slab into that room?  I don't you need to do that.  


  5. Upon further review...just delete the invisible wall you have between the corner and the wall along the stair.  You don't even need a doorway. camera view...turn on "invisible walls".


    This will fix things for the most part.  Still cannot figure out why the crown in the living area does not seem to work properly.  Just use a molding polyline for the crown. 



  6. 1 hour ago, kwhitt said:

    Thanks Steve.  That's getting me much closer.  I still have a small part missing.  Any ideas?  Thanks again, Kevin



    Not sure I'm fixing exactly what how you want the plan to look...but see the comments on my pic below.


    I replaced the invisible wall you used to create the opening...I used a "doorway".  No jamb/casing.  Raised it up just taller than the 9' ceiling.  The floor just hanging in mid-air seemed weird to, the doorway creates a "header"...which I'd think you would want.  Maybe this drawing is of an "AS-Built" condition...if so, I'd have to give this some thought.  I think either the invisible wall or the stair railing wall was causing the 4" gap in the drywall on the floor assembly...but, I'm not really sure.



  7. 55 minutes ago, DzinEye said:

    Thanks, yes I totally understood the idea in so far as the ability to change colors without changing everything of the same color goes.   To be sure I completely follow though... you only have to have one specially named color assignment for each object part, you don't have to go through that process for every color you want to use right?  So even if say I have colors named White_ext window sash and White_window ext casing and I change both to Grass Green, they'll still be able to be changed independently?


    You can change both to green grass...but not at the same time since they are each unique materials.  However, once you change both to Grass Green...both now have the same material...and if you change one, you change the other.  


    I started doing this because in a standard Chief Template...they name almost every material "Color - Brite".  Everything is this color...the interior trim, the cabinets, the stair balusters, window trim, window sash, interior doors, casing.  Also exterior materials are named the the fascia, exterior trim etc.  So...I'd be looking at the exterior of a house...and think, I'd like the trim to be brown (or some other color).  I'd grab the paint can and select the color...and spray the trim.  Well...if you have "P" selected in the scoping tool (bottom left corner of screen) now paint every item inside the house with the same brown paint.  You may not realize this until a bit later...and wonder how it happened.  


    This happened to me one too many times so I started assigning unique materials to all these items...I just copied the color - white...and renamed it to something specific like "Color - White: Cabinets".  Keeps me from painting things I don't want painted.  


    Hope this long winded answer helps.  :)

  8. 12 hours ago, DzinEye said:

    Good info Steve, Thanks.
    I'm wondering... does the new Style Palettes change anything to the approach you explained here in your video?


    I don't believe so...but the Style Pallet tool is new so I'm just now digging into it.


    That said, the main idea behind choosing different colors/materials for different objects is that if you have "plan" as the scope for applying a color/material to what you think is a don't actually change every item in your plan that is "tied" to that exact same material.  I've done this a million times myself before I decided to change my template defaults.  


    Hope that helps. 

  9. 6 hours ago, kwhitt said:

    I've got a 9' ceiling next to a 10' ceiling.  The wall surface where they meet won't fill in with drywall - 1st image attached.  The second image is an actual photo of the space, however, from the other direction.  I've used a room divider as a break between these different ceiling heights.  Would someone please show me how this is done?  Plan is also attached.  Thanks, Kevin





    In camera your layerset...turn on "Invisible Walls".  

    • Upvote 1
  10. I've been messing around with the new Style Pallet tool in X12 and thought I'd make a video showing just some of the ways this tool could be utilized....I'm just scratching the surface really.  It is one of the best things Chief has added to the software in a long time.  Feel free to comment as I'm sure others may be utilizing this tool in different ways than what I demonstrate in this video. 


    Style Pallets...amazing!


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  11. 11 hours ago, Michael_Gia said:

    Just want to say everyone should subscribe to Steve’s YouTube channel. 
    The presentation and length hits the sweet spot for YouTube following for anyone learning.

    Even more advanced users can benefit because he always throws in a tip or two that you might not have known about or have forgotten about. 
    He makes for a great ambassador for promoting the program to people who are only trying out the program or are lurkers who are presently using other software.  More subscribers and more likes will give him more visibility. 
    I love a lot of the other videos from guys on this forum but they’re often not for newbies and they don’t have the flow, form and polish of Steve’s videos. 
    Keep up the good work Steve!


    Holy Cow!  

    @Michael_Gia thank you so very much for the kind words.  Thanks for giving my YouTube page a plug and speaking so nicely of the videos I've made.  I have made a concerted effort to make videos that are "understandable" and have tried to give them a professional look.  I'm always trying to improve.  I also try to include an occasional humorous Chief can provide frustration even for the best of us.


    Thanks again.  I'm humbled by your kind words. 

    • Upvote 2
  12. 3 hours ago, MichaelaS said:


    Thank you for the great video! When I get to the point of applying my saved block "window & door topper" to the window it does not appear in my user catalog. Any advice? 




    1 - draw your molding

    2 - Select all the moldings

    3- Add to Library.  It should appear in your catalog as "molding".  Rename it if you want.
              (Use the Add to Library or...the Stacked Molding menu button. Either will work)

    4 - Open the Window dialog.  Go to lintel tab.  Choose the lintel you just made.  Select extend and wrap as needed.


    That's really all there is to it.

  13. 17 minutes ago, HumbleChief said:

    Sorry, had to chuckle. Chief rarely revisits a 'feature' once it's released and would be surprised if this feature is any different. I think the best advice is to understand how it works, foibles and all, and work within those constraints. Or wait until next year for another feature that works but not always, and not in all cases. Just part of life within Chiefworld....

    It took a while....but they did improve the point to point tool.  It can happen.  

    But, I’m not holding my breath...;)

  14. 21 minutes ago, Christina_Girerd said:

    As I am creating some basic Style Palettes, I notice they end up at the main level of the User Catalog.  When we create a new Style Palette, it would be efficient to have an option in in the Style Palette Spec dbx to specify which folder the new creation ends up in so we don't have to go sort it out in the Library Browser later. 


    +1.  Maybe next year?

    You might want to post this in suggestions.  

  15. 18 minutes ago, robdyck said:

    The visual indicators are great, but I find that the point B has more trouble finding my intended destination when I hover over 2 points in order to get the connected end result. It doesn't hold those axis lines as well. It's like it's really windy inside Chief. Anyone else notice this?



    So far for's not behaved as you describe.  Maybe because I'm on a Mac?  

  16. But...has the "revamped" tool really making anything more difficult in Chief...or, is it just different and we all have to get used to it?


    Maybe the next tool from Chief will be something that reads our minds and builds the roof we want automatically?  Oh...that would be some kind of tool! ;)

  17. 1 hour ago, Alaskan_Son said:


    Just got back into the office and tested this out.  First off, it will change the door depending on what exactly you paint and in what mode you paint it.  For example, if you paint the door itself, it will change regardless of the mode; if you paint the room in anything except Object mode, it will change; if you paint anything on that floor in Floor mode, it will change; and if you paint anything in the plan in Plan mode, it will change.  


    The glass wall behavior is a weird one.  Seems like there should possibly be a way to set specific things NOT to be affected by Style Palettes though.  Not sure what the best solution might be though because I don't particularly want to see an extra checkbox in every dialog box.  I supposed it could be set at the material level, but then what about things that are unrelated to materials that you don't want to change...a single existing cabinet or door for example. 


    Thanks for looking into this.  Yes...the tool needs a bit of "tweaking".  Still...overall, it's a great new feature.

  18. 16 hours ago, blueriver said:

    Can I change all my outside trim color at once without changing the inside trim also?  And vise versa.  When I choose floor or plan mode it also changes the inside trim color. 


    I made a video about this some time it is.  Hope it helps.  



  19. 48 minutes ago, capitaldesigns said:

    Thank you for your help. I am still having a problem. I tried doing your suggestion by coping the deck railing and pasting it to the first floor.

    I then gave it the room definition of Porch. That didn't work well. I also dried defining it as a slab. Again that did not work well. I did change

    the room definition from deck to balcony.


    With the deck changed to balcony I was able to add the stucco to he underside of the deck by going to Room Specification, Structure, Floor Structure.

    Then use the Insert Below button to add the stucco. 


    I was able to lower the floor as you suggested.


    The problem I am now having is the finish at the end of the balcony is missing. I tried turning on all layers that were not already on, still doesn't show.


    Does anyone know why the finish at the end of the balcony is missing ?


    Thank You,


    yes...look at the wall definition in my post.  Change the definition of your railing wall to match.  

    also...create a room below the “balcony”...just make sure you have room definition.  This room can be undefined.  Just change the the ceiling material to stucco. The ceiling is the underside of the balcony above. 

  20. 2 hours ago, capitaldesigns said:

    I was able to add the stucco on the underside of the deck.

    I had already changed the floor joist size from 2x8 to 2x10.

    In the section view it still shows the floor joists as being 2x8.

    Also in that same Plank/Joists tab I had changed the 2x decking

    to 5/8" P.W. It still shows 2x decking in all views.


    I'd do a number of things.  


    1 - Change the deck room to a "BALCONY".  Like @DRAWZILLA said gives you a lot of control over the design of the floor system. 


    2- I'd put a room under the "deck/balcony".  I'd copy the deck railing walls...and then move down a floor and "paste and hold position".  Uncheck "railing" in the wall specification dialog.  Also...make sure you get room definition. this room dialog and specify a stucco the pics I posted I make the ceiling 1.5" Beige Stucco.


    3 - Regarding the Balcony floor system...the structure should be the 9.25" joists and the plywood decking.  And make the floor finish however...I just used a brown fiber

    material and made it 1/8" thick.  


    4 - I changed the railing wall type also.  I made a copy of the stucco-4 wall, called it "stucco-4 @ deck railing".  The only change was I removed the wall sheathing and the interior drywall.  See the picture below.


    5 - Also, open the balcony room dialog (2nd floor) and adjust the floor elevation so that the bottom of the 2x10 joists sit on top of the wall.  I think you will need to drop the floor elevation about 2.25" or may have to play with this to get it exact.  



  21. @Alaskan_Son

  more little issue with the style pallet tool.  


    If you have a room with "glass walls" (such as a shower)...and you create a room style pallet that changes the color of the room walls...then, this material color will be applied to the glass in the shower.  You will have to manually change the material back to tempered glass.  The glass in a shower is a "WALL"...and as such all walls get changed.  This isn't great...but I can live with it.  Hopefully they improve this tool over time...

    It does not change glass in a door in the, if you have place a glass divided light door say in a Study/Den...using a room style pallet won't change the door glass.