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Posts posted by SNestor

  1. 20 minutes ago, Michael_Gia said:

    Thanks for the video.  It kind of highlights how Chief has become an unwieldy mess of anno sets, defaults, layer sets, and finally Saved Plan Views. 

    I like the direction Chief is going in with Saved Plan Views but they’re not there yet. I will make more of an effort when they overhaul the whole system and maybe make SVP’s the ONLY way to set up a view. In other words, when you save a plan view everything about it is unique to that view. No sharing of layer sets or anno sets bereeen views. Each is unique and independent of any other view.  Kind of like setting up unique anno sets for each view. I know a few guys who already do this. So why hasn’t Chief figured that out yet?  It’s a mess. 


    First off...I'm no expert on plan views.  


    However, I believe Chief's intent was to get away from Annotation Sets.  You can actually add all your defaults right in the Plan View Dialogue.  There is a box for the "current annotation set"...but, you don't actually have to use an anno set to create a saved plan view.  In reality...Plan Views are the big brother to Annotation Sets.  They do everything an Anno Set does...but other things also.  You can't have two plan views open at the same time using two different Anno Sets...this is the first big advantage. can create plan views that use different "ref sets"...(which are nothing more than "layer sets") you can see different things below or above...and still be using the same annotations.  There are other advantages which someone like Larry could explain I'm sure....



  2. 18 minutes ago, JJohnson said:



    Eric,  at 00:45 seconds into the first linked video, the instructor shows that "when you open a new plan with the out of the box default template, there are several saved plan views already integrated into the plan".  I cannot find the template she is referring to.  Where might that be ?


    thanks,  J 


    The "Residential Template.Plan" file contains some SAVED PLAN VIEWS.  It should be in the Chief X11 Data templates.  



  3. 2 hours ago, Dermot said:

    And if anyone has any ideas about how we can make saved plan views work even better, then please feel free to submit your feature requests here:




    Chief needs to produce additional videos that explain clearly (and slowly) the power and time saved when using Saved Plan Views as opposed to Annotation Sets.  You need to convince the Chief user base to "go into the light" to speak. :rolleyes:


    Unfortunately, it appears from the many comments on this forum that SPV's are nothing more than glorified Anno Sets.  I realize this view is inaccurate...but, I sense this is the prevailing view of many users.  

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    Only reason I can even think of is a person not learning to use the tools correctly and just getting frustrated...for example, making themselves set up a unique Plan View up for every single floor--something that is entirely unnecessary. 

    I think this is where Chief failed in the implementation of this tool.  It’s a great tool that many do not understand how or why to use.  Chief owes us some in-depth videos on this tool.  

    And - Glenn is correct.  I use plan views to navigate around the plan and to have multiple views open all at once.  This is one of the big improvements over just using Anno/layersets.  

  5. It would have been smart for Chief to make a series of videos on Plan Views. Videos that go from basic to power user...and why you’d want to move toward using them.  But - Chief has done a poor job explaining Plan Views IMHO.  

    Seems to me most users give them a try but don’t notice much benefit to using them - so they give up.  

    If you’ve spent years learning and creating anno sets/layersets...hard to justify starting over with a new learning curve.  

    • Upvote 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Evolution said:

    Steve, that's curious though? You have the problem when you edit the walls in library, and I'm pretty sure I did the same exact same you did, but when I edited the wall in the library, didn't have the same results? Can't wait to find out what Chief TS comes back with. 

    Bob - watch the videos Eric did.  Seems to have something to do with the default pony wall.  I can’t seem to find the common me it doesn’t matter if I create a custom pony wall or use the OOB pony wall Chief includes with their standard templates.  

  7. 1 hour ago, solver said:

    I imagine you noticed the missing defaults.



    Eric - yes, this is what happens to the library object when edited in the library.  If you watched the movie I made I showed this.  

    My question is...why does making a change to a material wipe out all of these predefined materials and corrupt the object.  

  8. Attached is a plan file that shows the original pony wall...and a wall that shows what happens after saving the original to the library, then opening that wall in the library to edit it...changed the siding material.  You will see the result.  Wacky...


    If I don't change any material in the library...the wall works issues.  It only gets corrupted if I edit the object in the library.  


    Any idea why this happens?  


    Plan file:  Pony Wall Example Plan.plan




  9. 3 hours ago, Evolution said:

    Steve, you know I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, I followed your video (I'm pretty sure) modeled the pony wall same as you saved it to my library drew the plan, looked good. Selected the wall in my library, right clicked opened object changed the cap to bright white, drew 4 new walls they look just fine????? It is a curiosity for sure!

    Pony wall.png

    Bob - Thanks for giving this a look and feedback.  I haven’t a clue what is causing this.  I’ve reported to tech support and they seem stumped.  

  10. 32 minutes ago, solver said:

    It's the wall, not the plan or template. My pony walls don't show the problem.

    Eric - thanks for testing this out.  For me it’s not “the” wall...this happens to any pony wall I create and then edit in the library.  Just wondering it Chief or something I’m doing wrong.  

  11. 20 minutes ago, solver said:

    Maybe attach a plan with your modified pony wall that we could then add to the library.

    I can’t attach a plan - not at my computer.  However- trust me it has nothing to do with a plan or template.  Just watch the video...and attempt to duplicate it on your system and report back.  Thanks!

  12. I'm not really sure how to describe this issue so I have attached a video which better explains it.  

    Here is video link:  



    I'm wondering if any of you out in Chief world can recreate what I am experiencing with Chief Pony Walls.  


    - Create a pony wall

    - save the wall to the library

    - in the library, right click on the saved wall - open it and change one of the materials.

    - Now...draw the pony wall in plan.  It should appear defective...see pic attached. 




    Watch the video to see exactly what I do and what happens.  Maybe I have a video card issue?  Wondering if someone could try to recreate and report back.  


    Thanks and Merry Christmas to all!



  13. I don't think so...


    What you are seeing is a picture...which is associated with the block material.  You could do it by placing a very thin P-Solid on top of the wall...then, find a picture on the web of the top course of concrete block...edit it with a photo editing software so that it repeats correctly when you paint it on a surface.  


    Or...just live with the limitations and move on down the road. :)

  14. On 12/16/2019 at 9:22 AM, Hammer7 said:

    Good morning,


    I'm trying to repair a dormer.  I just switched from Home Designer to Chief and I'm working on learning many new available features and trying to learn all I can as quickly as I can.  There are some lines in this sample screenshot that were created at some point and I do not know what they are or how to select and manipulate them.  Any help that anyone has in there identifications and adjustment is appreciated.  Thank you



    I've done a few videos on Dormers that you may want to watch...they aren't specific to your dormer but you might learn something. Just FYI.  

    Looks like Eric has once again been very helpful...thank you Eric!