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Posts posted by SNestor

  1. 6 hours ago, parkwest said:

    I wonder how much scrap lumber would be reduced if houses were designed on 2 foot snap intervals or even possibly 4 foot?


    Lumber is about the least expensive item in a, I don't concern myself with such things as building on a 24"/48" grid.  


    However, building on 16" increments to accommodate lumber/plywood sizes just makes sense - to a certain degree...but, not at the expense of good design.  

  2. 52 minutes ago, joey_martin said:

    @Doug_N I'm glad I work where I do then...none of those items would apply to the great state of Indiana!


    I'm right there with you Joey!  Indiana is still free from an over-burdensome building code.  Let's hope it stays that way...

  3. 17 hours ago, dshall said:

    I got to hand it to you Steve,  you do a great video less9n.  Good stuff!


    Thanks Scott...that's a big pat on the back coming from you.  Tell us again how many Chief Videos have you made?

  4. I personally don’t like the snap grid lines to be “on” and almost never use them.   For plan development I like to set the grid snap to either 12” or sometimes I’ll set it to 4”.  You don’t need to see the grid to use a fixed snap dimension - and the grid lines just make the drawing that more complex.  


    Rough in the exterior walls to even dimensions - then autu dimension - then go around clockwise and adjust the wall offset dimensions as needed.  Fast and simple.  


  5. I’ve got a YouTube channel with a lot of good lesson/how to videos.  Might give you some idea.  Click the link in my signature’ll take you to my channel.  

    Chief is an incredible piece of software and the Company listens to its users and adds great improvements to the software every year.  You will be happy if you purchase Chief.  

  6. I’ve used Apple Pay quite a bit. I even have an Apple Credit Card...mainly because the offered a big discount if you purchased things directly from Apple and used their card.  So - got my wife an Apple Watch for Christmas and saved some bucks.  I have to say I love Apple Pay and their Card.  

    I would now like to start using Apple and easy to either send or receive cash.  

  7. 1 minute ago, MichaelJerome said:

    WOW - much quicker route than what I did with much better results. I did get there but I really wish I would have seen this last night or this morning. At least I know what the correct way is for any other time. Thank you soooo much Steve!!


    Glad it was helpful...


    Just FYI...I probably learned this from some expert here on the Forum. Some really smart people on this Forum...genius level smart. 

    • Upvote 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Hammer7 said:

    Why am I not able to select "Copy"  I want to copy a window as I have done a thousand times before.  Now my copy selection is not available in any menu....why and how do I restore it...



    Click the object (window)...then look for the "copy" button in bottom toolbar.  see pics below....



  9. 1 hour ago, MichaelJerome said:

    Thanks - I had to rebuild all the walls manually to the correct height but not change the wall to no room definitions then I built the second floor above that room only and changed the ceiling height as well as a few other tasks. 


    Sounds like you got it all figured out...but, I made a video.  Maybe it'll help you or someone else.  



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  10. On 3/16/2020 at 3:19 PM, SMSanders76 said:


    I am having trouble with getting my third floor deck supports to extend and connect with my first floor deck. There is no decking on the second floor (the second floor is essentially a half floor almost, I had to create it to be able to put a loft above a room on the first floor). I am pretty new to Chief, and have been able to figure a lot out on my own however, I am apprehensive about turning off the "automatic decking" (which the pop-up message told me I would have to do whenever I tried just extending one of the posts).

    To add-- I am an interior design student, this is for one of my final projects so, as much as I would like for the decking to be up to code, it isn't imperative, I mainly need the posts to extend all the way down so that I can place furniture accordingly, and also so that my elevations aren't wonky looking.



    I've include a picture of the structure below. 

    back elevation.PNG



    I had to "experiment" to figure this out...but, you can do it automatically...although, there could be some consequences I haven't discovered.  


    Open the ground floor deck room...and change the ceiling height to "zero"...or, if you have dropped the might have to give the ceiling a negative height...which the software does not like.  Keep auto deck framing turned on...and the posts will build down as you would want...automatically.  


    See pictures attached:

    2020-03-18_22-23-50.thumb.png.c518c457db66d1b3f8945a7e0997d628.png 2020-03-18_22-23-35.thumb.png.b814cff70ef06df48297c4bcd09bacdb.png

  11. 6 hours ago, DzinEye said:


    Yep, it works great until you need to adjust the stairs.  I had a project with 3 floors and had to detail all the skirt board trim per Steve's vid plus had panels made from molding polylines following the stair slope above that, and had to adjust the stairs 3X during the project...  you can imagine my joy


    Yea...YIKES. I feel your pain...


    C'mon Chief Engineers...get to work fixing the stair tool.  

  12. 3 hours ago, Benny_G said:

    Hi Steve,


    Thanks a lot for the great video. It was very helpful and I was even able to delete the posts except for two of them.


    Best regards,



    Thanks!  I'm happy it helped you out...

  13. I'm not working at the software at the, take what I say with a grain of salt.  


    But - can't you just create new materials for each of our fascia?  Open the material...copy it, change the grain it as something and then use it as needed.  Yea...this method is a PIA.  I get it...but, just something you could do.


    Ok..I agree...Chief should just fix this issue.

  14. 5 hours ago, robdyck said:

    I don't know...I think we need another cabinet manufacturer library instead. I've only got a choice of about 97 different shaker style cabinet doors.

    But yes, I'll add to the suggestions.

  more cabinet library's PLEASE.  

  15. 7 hours ago, DzinEye said:

    I think 'Skirt board' is the correct term for those.  How to clip...  I have wondered as well.   I haven't played with X12 enough, but I thought I saw something new to address that.


    I don't believe Chief will "clip" the skirt or a Stringer.  In the video below I show how to use a 3D molding polyline to create a good looking...and realistic looking skirtboard.  It's near the end of the video...feel free to skip along.  It's an older video...sorry for the "green" look I chose for my Chief color.  Yikes...although, on this being St. Patricks Day...maybe it's appropriate?



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  16. On 3/15/2020 at 4:47 PM, Benny_G said:



    Dear Chopsaw and DJP,

    Thanks for your answers. This is the front view of the balcony. Moreover as a next step I intend to add vertical columns ranging from the ground floor till the height of the 1st floor ceiling. They should be connected with a horizontal concrete piece to the face of the building.



    Kind regards,



    Your post inspired this video.  


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  17. Thanks Robert.  


    From the "sales video" I assumed that this new incredible tool was created just to make this common stair design possible with just a couple clicks.  Guess not.  

    As I've said many times...the stair tool (the weakest tool in Chief) needs a major overhaul.  But hey, I'm not holding my breath. 

  18. Yea...I know about using a landing...but, watching the Chief "sales" video...I thought Chief was giving us a tool that actually solved this issue.  But...not quite.


    I gather it's like everything that's related to the stair tool generally.  It kind of works...sort of, somewhat...B) 


  19. Wondering if I'm doing something wrong...


    Is it possible to create a "complete break" in a stair in the middle of a tread and wrap a full tread partially around a wall in "real life"...or, as I've been experiencing, does the tool only separate the stair into complete sections maintaining full treads for an upper and lower section.  




    The tool (for me at least) doesn't seem to work as per the video Chief put out about it.  It would be nice if when releasing these new tools they would release complete videos on how tools like this work, what the process is...etc.  :wacko:

    • Like 1
  20. 6 hours ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    Alan, I think your quickest solution might be to group select your doors, add a casing to provide the offset, generate the Room Molding Polyline for the rail, and then group select the doors and change the casing back.

  like a charm!  Thanks again Michael!

    • Like 1
  21. Just now, decorators3 said:

    ...thank you...

    trying to see if my roof is done properly

    mc inty .zip


    The file doesn't work.  You need to close the plan in Chief before zipping the file.  If you have the file open...and you go into file explorer and zip the won't work.  Close the file in Chief first.

  22. 17 minutes ago, MarkSM said:

    where did my Build--->fireplace tool go?


    It's been will have to add it to your tool bar.


    Right click any toolbar, select "customize toolbars".  Select plan view...Search for Fireplace.  Drag the icon onto one of your toolbars.  Then you will have it when you need it.


    See pic attached:


  23. On 3/10/2020 at 10:20 AM, decorators3 said:

    plan attached  I think i fixed some of the issues but  not all.  roofs can be very intricate....oh oh  says file too big 


    Strip the plan...or, make a copy of the plan and remove everything you can from it.  All we need is walls and the roof.  You can remove cabinets, doors etc.  Might help...


    You still may have to "zip" the file to get it to the size required.