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Posts posted by SNestor

  1. On 3/10/2020 at 10:20 AM, decorators3 said:

    plan attached  I think i fixed some of the issues but  not all.  roofs can be very intricate....oh oh  says file too big 


    Strip the plan...or, make a copy of the plan and remove everything you can from it.  All we need is walls and the roof.  You can remove cabinets, doors etc.  Might help...


    You still may have to "zip" the file to get it to the size required. 

  2. Just now, Joe_Carrick said:

    IMO this is just a minor limitation of the "Style Pallets".  It doesn't prevent you from selecting other doors and changing their type.


    It would be nice if it was a bit more comprehensive, but the "Style Pallets" is not a total replacement for "Defaults".  Sometimes we just have to do some actual work rather than expecting Chief to do everything for us.  ;)


    I'm with you 100%'s an absolutely amazing tool.  Very small limitation...especially for the first release of this new feature. I hope they continue to "improve" this tool in future releases...but, I'm happy with it either way.  

  3. On 3/9/2020 at 11:39 AM, DRAWZILLA said:


    Perry...thanks for that!  I took your symbol...which looked to me like you may have grabbed off of 3D Warehouse and made some edits to it.  I changed the text color to RED and changed the box material to a Chief galvanized metal.  Also changed the grill material to a stock Chief material with a black color.  


    Here it is:  Chimney Sidewall Vent Cap.calibz


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  4. 1 hour ago, Alaskan_Son said:


    Your guess is correct.


    Yea...but, you can only add one "interior door" object to a style pallet. can only effect a change to one door type.  Not good...unless I'm totally missing something.  


    FYI..."style" is an available property in the "interior door" object...but, it only changes the style on the "type" of door you select in the "object property" field.  Such as "hinge", "pocket", "sliding"...etc. 



  5. 12 minutes ago, Jambruins said:

    How do I notch the roof?  I'm assuming I need to insert snap points to the roof plane but I can't figure out how to insert them.

    You can break any roof plane by using the #3 key.  A roof plane is nothing more than a "smart" polyline.  


    See pics attached:




  6. Eri

    16 minutes ago, solver said:

    Chop and Steve -- I posted the same suggestion yesterday but removed it because it does not seem to work.


    Original symbol on top, copied it and added stretch planes. Notice how the features like the center mortise stretch.




    Eric...see attached.  One is stretched...the other is not.  The center hole looks fine.  However...I did notice that the 2D Cad block does, maybe that is what got you thinking it does not work?


    2020-03-10_11-10-43.thumb.png.3fcc0a4f341b1ac6cd0098aa7e69d30e.png 2020-03-10_11-13-08.thumb.png.b355f1172df4126d2588486e14470317.png


  7. 3 hours ago, decorators3 said:

    how do I post my plan


    Save the plan.  Close the plan file....maybe save it to your "desktop". a new post drag the file into the "attach" area of the post.  


  8. So..I've been doing some experimenting with style pallets and it appears if you add the "interior door" component to a style pallet to make global changes...i.e.; changing the door style from a 6-panel to a appears all the hinged doors will change to the new style...but pocket doors and sliding doors do not change.  


    Is this correct or is there some issue I'm missing?  I've tried adjusting the settings in many different ways...without any luck.





  9. 2 hours ago, lavorhaynie said:

    Is there a way to apply a style palette to windows within a mulled unit?
    I have simple window twins and triples which I would like to change using the style palette tool but cannot.


    I don't think a style pallet will change a "mulled" window unit.  I've just done a few experiments...and could not get a mulled unit to change. 

  10. I

    1 hour ago, JeremyBrownlee said:

    Thanks everyone for the responses. I guess the picture I chose doesn't show what I am actually trying to do. The original drawing was done in 2D CAD but the client would like a 3D for advertising purposes. I have attached a PDF file and jpeg showing the plan view and the front and side elevation, hopefully this clears up exactly what I am asking.

    Soffits don't seem to work as they only follow the roof pitch. 

    DG1949 made a point about a Frieze profile, I may have to give that a try.




    As Glenn mentioned...I believe you will have to try to use either a roof plane or a ceiling plane to create the sloping soffit.  I'm thinking you may also have to manipulate the "baseline" it appears the pitch is constantly changing.  Probably not the easiest thing to accomplish in Chief.  


  11. 3 hours ago, RobUSMC said:

    What is the best way to change the opening (sliding) direction of a pocket door?  I've tried to grab the edge of the door and flip it like a hinged door but not working.  I've selected the "Change Door Swing" tool but that does not work either. 


    To me it's the door swing direction tool in the bottom tool bar...which I have a hotkey assigned to.  Fast...


  12. Most power users don't need to've been there and done that.  However, I'd be interested in comments regarding the way I created the molding surrounding this door opening...wonder if my method is way to complex and if there is a much more efficient method that I am completely missing.


    To create this video I use a combination of walls, pony walls, polyline solids, custom moldings and symbols.  So....there is a lot to learn in this video.  




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  13. 1 hour ago, Alaskan_Son said:


    For efficiency of course. Why not just give us a single text default too eh? :)

 's more efficient I suppose.  Just something I noticed today as I was clicking away and thought I'd gather other "expert" opinions.  Certainly not the most overwhelming concern...



  14. Why does Chief give us a tool for "exterior wall"...and another for "interior wall"?  We can select any wall type for either tool...we could use "brick-4" for an interior wall...or an exterior wall.  

    Maybe it has something to do with assigning specific layers?  


    Just wondering....seems a bit redundant.