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Everything posted by SNestor

  1. Thanks...same to you. Hope your weekend was great!
  2. Yep...sometimes I get "tunnel vision". Thanks for taking the time to watch Eric!
  3. Based on a post by @kwhitt in another area of Chief Talk I made this video. Enjoy...
  4. I made a video specific to your question...however, I didn't tackle your diagonal wall under the stair as I think this is one of the big problems with your stair not working perfectly. Is that really how it's constructed? So...this video just shows how I'd place a sloping solid wall between the two stair sections. Hope it helps you somewhat...
  5. Yep...any molding will make that. Here's one...Mexican Lintel.calibz I've attached an example....see pics.
  6. What Levis said! Yes...paste and hold position. Change the view or floor reference.
  7. Here is another set of videos Chief has on the subject;
  8. You need to create an "AS-Built" plan...and a separate plan for the "remodel". There are a lot of new features that can help...starting in X11. You should watch the videos Chief put together... Here is an overview video from Chief:
  9. Thanks I got it. Yea...doesn't quite work the way you'd think it should. Your suggestion as a work around does work...and it's not that cumbersome either. I can live with it..
  10. Maybe I'm not understanding the problem exactly...but, the room divider/tray ceiling seems to work for me in X12.
  11. Looks like you have changed your "floor defaults"...and that has your ceiling screwed up. You might also just use the "reset defaults" and see how that works. You might have to re-draw the trusses...
  12. OK...made a video. Hope it helps... The wall layer intersection tool isn't that you will see in the video.
  13. First: Post the plan...this saves us all a lot of time. 2nd: And...this is just a guess because we don't have the plan but I'd say those are "attic walls"...and you don't have the layer turned on. Turn on the attic wall layer...
  14. OK...yea, I'm reading the tutorial doc and I get it now. Thanks for the info Michael.
  15. What is the difference between a NOTE TYPE...and a NOTE DEFAULT. Could you elaborate... Thanks
  16. Do you know about the "Edit Intersection" tool? I think this is all you need to fix these "intersections". Also...double click the wall icon, open "general wall"...and change the resize about surface. I find this helps quite a bit when trying to get intersections like these to work the way you want them.
  17. The main roof of the house is lower than the ceiling in the bay window "room". You also should raise the bay window roof so that the fascia is at the same height as your "main" roof...then lower the pitch of this roof to may 4/12. You should also lower the bay window room ceiling height. I lowered it to 81" in my example below...looks good to me. Hope that helps.
  18. Scott... Using X12. Two half walls. Both are Interior-4. One has an added "paint layer". The one with the paint layer does not wrap the end of the half wall.
  19. Eric - another fantastic solution. Thank you!
  20. Unfortunately the brick designer tool from Acme only works on PC's running "Windows". I'm on a MAC...such tech discrimination... The good news is that if you are member of Dan Baumann's Chief Experts Academy you can download all the brick textures. Unfortunately...there isn't any "course brick" as Chief calls them...just brick textures for standard running bond.
  21. Excellent as always Micheal. If time isn't a factor (and you have mad skills like @Alaskan_Son) you can probable sledge hammer Chief into submission and get most things to eventually "work".
  22. “Normally”....meaning the floor/ceiling height was the same on both sides of the stair. I’m not at my computer to check...but I doubt the software would have this issue.
  23. But - normally that section would not cause a problem. I think the two different floor/ceilings are really causing the problem. Yes...just use a solid and move along with the design. But - maybe Chief Engineering can fix this so it doesn’t happen.
  24. you are referring to the stair rail wall?