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Everything posted by ericepv

  1. I'm considering getting a 3D Connexion wireless mouse for my system (if it is compatible with Chief). Does anyone have experience with this or a similar tool?
  2. Thanks for the tips. After much experimentation, I found that assigning a reflective material class with high reflection value works best.
  3. I am working on a project that has a large quantity of silver metallic drape. I have been experimenting with different material typed and properties to get the most realistic reflective metallic look but so far I have not found a really good option. I tried using metallic or reflective material typed but I get alot of speckling and would need to add a lot of extra lighting which really slows down the Ray-Trace. I have attached the material sample. Anyone have any suggestions?
  4. Seems like I really stuck a nerve with this post. While I agree that you do not need a full plan file to copy a project, having an unlocked file gives access to the "nut & bolts" of how everything went together that a simple PDF plan view does not always show. Perhaps I'm making too much of a fuss out of this. I guess the answer to my original question is that there is no way to lock a plan file but it makes little difference either way. Thanks all for your input.
  5. I have occasionally gotten requests from clients for a reader program so they can tour a plan on thier own. While I am famillar with the Chief Reader download that is available, it would require me to provide a full copy of my Plan File which as a general rule I never do. I know that one cannot print, edit or save with this reader but the possibility remains that my file could end up in the hands of another Chief user (a competitor?) which is why I nver give out my Plan File. I asked Chief tech support if it is possible to create a read oniy version of the file and I was told that while this once was the case, that option is no longer available. Does anyone know of a workaround to this problem? (I am currently on X7)
  6. I need to create a sign panel with cut out copy so that the backlight background shows through. Has anyone been able to do this with Chief?
  7. OK, thimgs are starting to come together now. Thanks all for your suggestions.
  8. The attached photo shows the look I'm after. I've been experimenting with the Build Framing tool but I'm still trying to figure it out. I did uncheck "ceiling over this room" in the Room Specification dialog but it's still there. Perhaps I need to do everything manualy.
  9. I would like to create an urban office in an old repurposed building. I have the old brick walls, distressed wood floors and now I would like to get the big beams and exposed ceiling. What would be the best way to go about doing this?
  10. I just downloaded the latest update for X7 ( and that seems to have solved the problem. I did not know about the ceiling height issue that Glen mentioned so I used a floor material region in this arae as per Perry's suggestion. Thanks all for your input.
  11. I am having a problem with room dividers. There are a few in my plan (attached) which I am using to desiginate areas for different flooring. My problem is that when I draw in the room divider, it changes to an interior wall. When I open the object to change the wall type back to "Room Divider", it just changes back to "Interior 4". In the front entry (by the stairs) there is also a void in the ceiling above the stairway support wall which goes away when I delete the Room Divider. 74
  12. Thanks to everyone for your ideas. Bill, yours did what I needed.
  13. I did not see anything in the dialog regarding distance between the Newel Posts. Here's another try at the plan. 74
  14. Here's the latest plan. 74
  15. jcaffee - That video did the trick, it was easy but now I have a second newel post in the midle of the rail that showed up after I dragged out the length of the ramp to match my stair uonit. . Any idea of how to gid rid of it?
  16. Forgot to attach the plan file, here it is. 74
  17. I am trying to create a railing that sits on to of the support wall next to the stairway (see photos) rather than on the stair treads. I have tried using a half wall (as a railing) and also a full wal (as in the attached plan) but can't get the rail on top of the wall which follows the slope of the stairs. I also am getting an opening in the ceiling surface above the stair support wall.
  18. Does anyone know of a way to change the focal length on a walkthrough camera? I do not see a setting for this on the main panel.
  19. I've tried the link on my desktop and my laptop, same problem. You can e-mail me here: Tnx - Eric
  20. Oops, forgot the attachment.
  21. Still the same (see attached). I am using Firefox but I also tried with IE.
  22. Mark3D: I clicked on your link but just got a bunch of random symbols and text, can you try that again? Eric
  23. Rodney: I'm not sure if your version has this feature but if you can save the drawing as a PDF, then import it into your project you can use it as a template to place your trees. Go to File/Import and see if there is an option to import PDF. If so, bring in the PDF and set it at the rear of the layer (open the object and click on "place at rear") and then adjust bthe size until it is at proper scale (you'll need some existing dimensions on your drawing to do this). I may not have all of the terms correctly worded as I am writing this from memory but that's the basic idea. Also, it's best to lock the PDF so that it dosen't interfere with your selection of other items placed on top. Hope this helps, good luck to you.
  24. I just got a request from a good client of mine for a 3D render of a housing development in fall or winter, they want to show the planning board what the view will be like for the neighbors without all the leaves on the trees. I started looking for icons of bare trees and shrubs online and have found a few so far. I also thought about bringing in a snow covered ground image as a material for the terrain. If anyone has ever done a project like this I'd appreciate your suggestions.
  25. I'm having trouble with a Dutch Gable roof on my current project. I've viewed the video on building a Dutch Gable and have gotten most of the roof completed but it needs some fine tuning. I can't get the fascia right on the large gable in the center and I also cannot get a full return on the east (right) elevation gable as shown on the drawings. Also, some of the roof planes do not seem to meet correctly. My plan file and elevations are attached. Carlino Final 1.PDF 960 Lake Road-manual roof.plan