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Everything posted by steve_stuart

  1. Steve, your X, Y, Z plan placement should all be at 0 (first image) and your X, Y, Z symbol origin should also be at 0 (third image). You can access the symbol origin with the "chair" symbol you see when you select the item (second image)
  2. I was able to turn these dimensions on and off when I checked a few of your layer sets. When I open the plan on your electrical set there are no dimensions showing until I check Dimensions, Manual so everything seems to be working as it should, not sure what might be going on.
  3. This has happened to me and I think it was when I have inadvertently copied and pasted the wall in hold position. There may be an extra wall section where this fill is showing up.
  4. @DermotThis is a helpful little tidbit, thanks.
  5. Someone was just asking about this the other day, check out this thread
  6. @Kbird1 Hi Mick, do you mind telling me how to link the entire post to another thread? Thanks
  7. If you do a search here ("living area") you will get a ton of info on this. Here is a screenshot showing a small part of one, might help you out.
  8. This looks like the cabinet on the far right is a different height than the others.
  9. check your clip distance in your camera defaults
  10. You can use a roof plane instead of a ceiling plane and insert the skylight. You will need to adjust the baseline height of the roof plane down to get the ceiling inside where you want it.
  11. Yes, this is what I am getting, not a problem with how this particular "Entire Plan" gets sent over, however, if the entire plan was actually as large as the bounding box it wouldn't fit on the sheet. If you try the As-Built plan and send it over with "Entire Plan" and then select you will see that bounding box is just outside the floor plan (see below). I would expect the bounding box on the Proposed plan to be just outside the text boxes and floor plan, which is what I typically get. When I "fill screen" in the plan view it is tight to the boxes and floor plan, and I can't find anything else in the plan that would drive the bounding box out to the extent shown.
  12. Thanks Ryan, changed it to 11x17 but still getting the larger plan view sent over. Guess I'll just put this one to bed and deal with it by sending differently or cropping after sending.
  13. Excellent, just what I was looking for, thanks! Where is that setting located?
  14. Joey, thanks for the input, did you find these text boxes? I have the All On layer set on and everything is displaying but I don't see any text boxes outside of what is showing in the image below Thanks Ryan, I use this fairly often as well but sometimes want to send over the entire plan knowing the scale will fit. It isn't a big deal and there are definitely ways to make it work, I have just never seen this behavior before and was wondering if I had changed a setting somewhere that was causing it. Thanks for the feedback everyone.
  15. This is the result I typically get and would expect. As mentioned, not really a "problem", definitely a nuisance.
  16. Yes, layout looks correct, I guess "problem" is too strong a descriptor. Just very strange behavior I haven't experienced before, would prefer to know what is causing it in case it actually does become a problem.
  17. Thanks for checking Graeme, I was afraid of that. I'll keep looking, very weird.
  18. I am having a problem sending a saved plan view over to my layout, but it seems to be only this SVP. When i send it over at 1/4 scale I get the "too large" warning even though the entire plan fits the layout page. I have attached the As-Built and the Proposed plan that has the offending "Foundation Plan View"; the As-Built works fine but the Foundation SPV gives me the warning. I also attached the layout file in case that is the problem. I have tried the all on set and fill screen and there is nothing out in the ether, and if I send the All On view over it works fine just as the As-Built does. Can someone take a look at the plans and see what might be causing this? This seems like a confusing explanation, let me know if you need more info. Jamerson As-Built 10.27.20.plan Jamerson Proposed 10.27.20.plan Jamerson 11x17 Drawings 10.27.20.layout
  19. I would also love an answer to this question and not have to use a work around. I typically draw the connection to a nearby outlet or switch and then move it to the rope light. I assume it is because the rope light isn't really an electrical object?
  20. You are very welcome, I have received an abundance of knowledge from other users, very happy to pass some on.