In the roof tools there is a roof gable line tool if you only want a part of a wall to be a gable it should be explained in the help read the help on stairs if you can't access the videos
You could use street view to check if the property does have a slope I think it would only work if the property is sloping up from the front
Sorry you are using apple maps i missed that
Your doing good but they just need a screen shot of the dialog box from after you tell it to print it has a lot of setting and you may have a setting wrong
that is incorrect when Broderbund had it it was made by chief I use to have it but after that some one took it over , I think version 4 and below was chief
You can tell chief to generate framing for selected walls and roofs it a new feature of x6 just select the wall and in its tool bar you will see generate framing and only the selected object will be framed