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Everything posted by glennw

  1. The Dimension Defaults units will determine the formatting of the input.
  2. Scott, I worked it out! Go System Preferences>Keyboard>Shortcuts tab> Down at the bottom of the dbx, click All Controls. Still doesn't hilight the boxes, but better than not being able to do it at all! I wonder if at some stage Chief changed whatever it is to make these boxes behave differently - either by mistake or on purpose? I have sent it in to Brian and asked for his comments.
  3. Steve and Scott, If I start out with the focus in Latitude, I can Tab, and the focus goes to Longitude, Tab again and the focus goes straight down to Length Of Plan Symbol. The boxes are hilighted. The focus jumps straight over the Date and Time section. I am getting the same as Scott.
  4. If that wooden gutter returns down the side and is fixed level in cross section, It won't mitre in the corner. Assuming the gutter around the corner needs to lie flat, you will need a small horizontal piece of gutter before the raking gutter turns the corner. There was a thread on this a while back where I posted the technique. I think you woud need 3 molding polylines to do that. 1 3D MP for the gutter (down the roof and around the corner), 1 for the sloping frieze and one for the flat frieze. Do you have a pic of the shop mock-up from around the corner? Post the profile for the gutter and the frieze.
  5. Scott, I don't think you are missing anything. The ability to do what you want with the dynamic shadow changes was lost a couple (?) of versions ago. The Date and Time Fields no longer hold the focus and the arrow keys do not work to dynamically change the shadows. Could any Windows users comment please, to see if it just a mac problem. A big loss in my opinion. I can't remember if I sent in a bug report or not - I will check back and see.
  6. glennw

    Please Help

    Read up on Architectural Blocks
  7. Rob, It is possible to get the note number to display level with the top line of text, but it may not be worth the effort. Add some carriage returns under %simple_schedule_number% in the Object Information>Code box - the number will vary depending on how far you stretch the note schedule. You will need to add or delete the carriage returns as you stretch out the schedule - so maybe not worth the effort if you have a lot of notes.
  8. To get the higher roof to auto build over the bathroom, you need to increase the ceiling height to 121 1/9" in the main part of the bathroom, the 2 bits of shower and the bath area. You can then build a lowered ceiling. Can you explain a bit more about what you want for the roof over the front porch - I got a bit lost. These pics are auto built.
  9. Why not use a Make Room Molding Polyline - very quick and easy.
  10. Renee, All I can do without the plan is generalise. But I have said it many times before - a Terrain Retaining wall is a wall (a Foundation wall which gives you a footing) AND it also contains a Terrain Break. So using a Terrain Break along with a normal wall gives you a similar result but with more flexibility and without the problems associated with the retaining wall - like the multiple top of wall breaks caused by the retaining wall trying to follow the terrain slope. So...the approach I take is to get my terrain correct using the tools I mentioned (Elevation Regions, Elevation Lines and Terrain Breaks). Once the terrain is modelled correctly, I add walls where needed and edit their top and bottom profiles (including steps and slopes) to suit the terrain. In this pic, I deleted the Terrain Break and allowed Chief to build an almost vertical terrain by only using the upper and lower Elevation Regions.
  11. Their directions are a bit difficult to follow and only allows you to import one image at a time, but does have a lot more options with the import. Open the Library Browser, right click, select New, Plant Image...... Or you can import a whole folder of the plant images in one go by Build>Image>Create Image Library>navigate to either the Large or Small folders in your zip file and Chief will import them into the User Catalogue. But this only imports the simple image without all the optional settings of the above method.
  12. What zip file did you download? Windows or Mac.
  13. Rene, Please don't be too critical of the model I posted. I built the wall in a metric plan and then copied and pasted into either the original or your plan which are imperial - so the units got a bit screwey. The bleed of the terrain is just me being sloppy and not wanting to spend the time to fixing the terrain and elevation regions. That would be no problem to clean up. I didn't even use a terrain break - I left it up to the Elevation Regions to work it out between themselves and I didn't really edit them much - only enough to convey the idea. I was mainly interested in building the retaining wall using a molding polyline rather than sorting the terrain out. Didn't I say this? I agree, Terrain Break is a solid method to learn, a Terrain Retaining Wall is not. Just draw a Terrain Retaining wall perpendicular to the contours and have a look at the walls top - a mess that is almost impossible to use. There is no problem getting a vertical cut when using a Terrain Break - you just need to place Elevation Lines or Elevation Regions close to the Terrain Break which define the top and bottom levels. In the end it's whatever works best for you.
  14. I quickly added a darker colored capping block to this one - all are on the same molding polyline. With a couple of more minutes work, it would also be easy to get the 2/3 block coursing shown in the original pic.
  15. This method assumes that you don't want ANY part of the wall construction to show in the ML (not just the framing) - like drywall, brick veneer, USB, insulation, etc, which makes sense if you don't want any of the existing included.
  16. Place your existing walls on their own layer and uncheck the Mat column for that layer. They will then not calculate in the ML.
  17. I don't think you need to turn the windows off - you need to delete the duplicate windows on the SHEDULES, TEXT layer. Or maybe by "turn windows off", you mean delete - if so, yes.
  18. If it were me, i would forget about terrain retaining walls - they introduce too many problems and are not needed for a level top wall. A Terrain Retaining wall actually contains a Terrain Break. I would shape the terrain using only Terrain Breaks, Elevation Regions, and Elevation Lines. I would then use a Molding polyline with stacked and offset moldings for the retaining walls, something like this. You can assign different material offsets for each course to get the correct bond appearance.
  19. Perry, Is your method, the same as/better /worse than unchecking Soffits?
  20. Steve, You just beat me to it. I used a slightly different method. No need for a custom panel or symbol - I used a Solid panel in the dbx. The cap is the Top Rail. The spacing of the Newels/Post determines the top of wall smoothing. No problem doing curved walls that follow the terrain.
  21. Bob, You have duplicate windows occupying the same place. You have windows on both the Windows layer AND the ...SCHEDULES, TEXT layer.
  22. And while they are at it, we also need the ability to use and display rebated (a molding?) and other shaped jambs instead of the rectangular ones we are limited to at the present.
  23. The contractor and the bank may have both acted illegally in stopping payment on the check. I am in Australia where different rules may apply, but a quick, cursory search (this is the first of many sites) revealed this info which may help.
  24. I had to... Edit All Roof Planes>Structure Panel>Roof Layers>uncheck Soffits and then check Roof>Build Roof Framing. Make sure your Framing, Roof Rafters is turned on in the 3D view.
  25. As Adam said, make sure Bumping/Pushing is toggled on and if it still isn't working, increase the Maximum Bump Distance (up in the Option section of the same Snap Properties panel).