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Everything posted by glennw

  1. I think what Perry is referring to are the settings in the 3D Molding Polyline Specification dbx...Moldings panel...Selected Profile Offset section. Try changing the Extrude Inside Polyline setting and see if that does the trick. Or play with the Offset values if the above doesn't work.
  2. You should be able to decrease the camera's Incremental Move Distance and/or the Incremental Rotate Angle settings to slow down the rotation. In Render Preferences, you could also try using Legacy Shadows, turning up Software Edge Smoothing, etc.
  3. Unless you post the plan, I guess we will never know what was really wrong.
  4. Looks like you have used I-joists for your floor framing. Use Lumber instead.
  5. Wall Specification dbx...Roof panel...check Lower Wall Type if Split by Butting Roof
  6. It depends whether you built the roof manually or automatic. If it was automatic, select the roof planes, open their dbx and on the General Panel...Measurements, check Mark As Edited. If you then go and rebuild the roofs automatically, you need to check Retain Edited Automatic Roof Planes. For manually drawn roof planes, and if you want to auto generate new roof planes, check Retain Manually Drawn Roof Planes on the Roof panel of the Build Roof dbx. Or, the other option, depending on your circumstances is to use the Roof Group option which you can find in the Room Specification dbx, on the General panel.
  7. d dot, Yep, but the original post said:
  8. In the Distributed Path dbx, you can specify the Angle as Random which helps hide their "sameness" when they were all oriented the same way.
  9. Is it drawn on a different level? That's my one and only guess. Post the plan.
  10. A Terrain Wall isn't really a wall. It is a tall and narrow Terrain Path that Chief calls a "wall", but it has none of the characteristics of a wall.
  11. d dot, What do you mean Of course it's the perfect answer! The driveway doesn't make any difference - height is measured off terrain. A variation is to give the Terrain Feature a Height of 30' and a thickness of, say 1/2" and you will just get a floating thin plane that mirrors the terrain at 30' high.
  12. No, not a hardware issue. All your lines are parallel, but they are not at 90deg and 0deg. they are at 0.022778°. I don't know how you did that though. To check, draw a horizontal line, make it parallel to the site plan, check it's angle.
  13. Use a 30' high Terrain Feature and give it a transparent material.
  14. Could you be confusing square feet with square meters?
  15. Thanks Joe, I know it works for wall definitions, but I wasn't sure about symbols.
  16. I don't have access to Chief at the moment, so I can't check, but if you change the layer for a symbol and then save it to the library, does it maintain the layer assignment?
  17. I think the best way to do a retaining wall is not to use a Retaining Wall. Use a Terrain Break to get your change in levels (you don't need a retaining wall to do that) and then use a standard wall to just face the retained bank. You get this sort of effect: You can see the bank on the left hand side which is made by just the Terrain Break. There is a standard wall on the right, drawn in after using the Terrain Break. The standard wall is much easier to edit than a generated Retaining Wall, which usually ends up a mess with a many, many beaks in the top and bottom that are just too hard to edit.
  18. Lisa, I really don't do videos - I am not set up for it so I leave them to the experts. Maybe d dot could do one? You should be able to work it out from the plan.
  19. Mick, I also thought that it may be that they have Behavior Indicators, but Angle Snaps has a Behavior Indicator and that preference is saved between sessions.
  20. This came up in another thread, but I thought I would start a new thread for the topic. Preferences are meant to save between sessions, but why don't Preferences...Edit...Behaviors...Rotate/Resize About Preferences...Edit...Behaviors...Rotate/Resize Edit Type Preferences...CAD...Options...Edit Object Parts save like all the other Preferences (I have not checked them all). Is it a bug or am I missing something?
  21. Busssaw204, It depends what you mean by convert the plan. If all you want to do is display the dimensions as imperial or metric, do what Greg says. But that is not really changing the format of the whole drawing environment (dbx's etc.) - to do that you need to start with the correct Imperial or Metric template.
  22. Phyllis, It isn't in the manual and the support don't know about it because it is just something I worked out today to try and come up with a solution to this old, old problem. Like most of these "workarounds", there are always some things that don't work 100%. Do you want to see handrails in plan, or Newels and Balusters, which you can already do. In my example, you can just turn them on to display in the stair dbx. PS. By the way, I didn't worry too much about making the stairs reach floor or tidying things up to much in my plan. I just wanted to get the process down to see if it would all work, so please don't post that the stairs don't reach the next floor or this little thing is wrong or that the toilet door is above the stairs, or is the method that is important, not the detail.
  23. How about this for a partial open railing stair - as Fun2Learn is describing. It's a bit of futzing around - but it does work pretty well. It uses 2 stair flights on separate layers. This allows different settings for each stair - things like line type railings, width, transparency, etc, etc. No need for a landing either. You can control the stair heights manuall to get the upper section at the correct height. It utilises 2 layer sets one for the lower floor and one for the upper floor. The line types are set By Layer so that when you change floor, you need to change the Layer Set to get it all to look correct - not too hard. This setup allows the stairs to look correct on both floors and 3D. It allows you to see under the upper stairs (like seeing the toilet under). I'll attach the plan and some pics. Just remember to use the FLOOR PLAN Set for the lower floor and FLOOR PLAN Set 2 when you are on the upper floor.
  24. d dot, I think you overestimate my knowledge of Chief. I didn't have a clue how to resize an image. But it only took about 45 seconds to find out how to do it and post the answer - and now I know.