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Everything posted by glennw

  1. I leave Auto Refresh Dimensions toggled on in my template plan so that as so as I draw an enclosed space or edit the floor plan, the auto exterior dimensions are generated and updated (not overwritten) automatically. No need to even select Auto Exterior Dimensions - it just happens.
  2. I am mostly with Perry. Always draw mono slabs on level 0 and preferably auto. If you do them on level 1, you don't get a foundation layout and you can't edit the slab easily. Scott will probably post about the "virtual" level 1 mono slab which is really the mono slab you're having when you're not having a mono slab.
  3. Larry, You have 2 slabs - one at zero and one at minus 4" - have a look in a cross section. Why is your foundation mono slab at -4"? Yet your main floor is at zero? You have both Floor Supplied by the Foundation Room Below AND Monolithic Slab Foundation checked for the main floor level - hence the 2 slabs - and the conflict.
  4. Scott, As I said, I don't think you can assign Delete to a hotkey.
  5. I am pretty sure you cant assign Delete to a hotkey. Assigning a command to a single hotkey is not really a good idea if you want to build up your hotkey usage. Once you assign a command to say, the E key, it precludes you from using any other multi key commands that start with E.
  6. It doesn't really matter who invented all those games as us Aussies usually beat you in them all anyway!
  7. I would use the basketball court from the library. It's in the Outdoor Recreation...Game Fields...bonus library It uses a road with road markings but you should be able to covert those to other types of objects like solids or slabs if you need to.
  8. You should be careful when calling a room a garage if it is not really a garage. Garages are treated differently in the way the floor and foundations build and how they display in 3D.
  9. Try increasing your Snap Distance at Preferences...Edit...Snap Properties...Options...Snap Distance. Second answer: Could be several places, depending on your setup. Current Dimension Default which may use "Use Layer for Text Style", "Use Text Style" , or "Use Custom Text Style".
  10. Chopsaw, I am a bit confused with your question - can you explain in more detail.
  11. The settings in that dbx (Dialog Number/Angle Style) only applies to how measurements display in dbx's - not the dimensions themselves. In your case, you need to change the defaults for the "SITE Dimension Defaults".
  12. You can use the Make Parallel tool on the dimension.
  13. This one looks better and seems to tick most of the boxes. I built the full height gyp lining from a 1/2" gyp wall. Chopsaw, you need to delete the Chamfer from the foundation wall. But this also deletes the chamfer from the bottom slab as well - just edit the Auto Detail for the slab and move on. Split Level Choped GLENNED.plan
  14. Charles, I can get this far, but I am having trouble getting the gyp board on the slab edge automatically.
  15. What wall are you referring to? Have you tried Roof Cuts Wall at Bottom?
  16. Joe_Carrick, on 18 Oct 2016 - 04:32 AM, said: Well, yes and no. If you change the layout box layer set, it will not directly change the layerset in plan view, UNTIL you double click the layout box to open the plan view. In that case the plan view will reflect the changed layout box layerset.
  17. One post will usually do it. Same answer as the other post Try Define Material dbx...Texture panel...Scale...Stretch to Fit.
  18. Try Define Material dbx...Texture panel...Scale...Stretch to Fit.
  19. One way to have easy and quick access to custom toolbars is to right click on a Toolbar...Toolbars, and select the custom toolbar you want to display (or hide). This is a good method for toolbars you only use infrequently and don't want cluttering up the display on a permanent basis.
  20. The other important thing to remember about framing is that you will not see framing unless you use a "framing Material" for that wall layer - usually the main layer. I will be available later in the day (Australian time - 4 hours from now) to do a .5 hour Skype session if you would like. Skype name is glenn-woodward
  21. Why do you need a retaining wall at the front of the house anyway. If you are filling inside AND outside the front wall of the house, fill the site and use a slab with concrete piers through the fill.
  22. Chopsaw, I don't think you can use transparency with the standard Select Color dbx. There is a way to copy an existing transparent fill from one object to other objects - but I don't think that you can do it with the Select Color dbx and/or the eyedropper, or colors stored in the library. Select the object that contains the fill color and transparency that you want to copy to another object. Select the Match Properties tool. Check Fill Color and Fill Type. OK. Select Apply Properties. Click on any objects that you want to apply that fill color and transparency to. This will copy both the fill color AND the fill transparency to the new objects. The only shortcoming with this method is that you need to have an existing object with the color and transparency that you want to duplicate to other objects.