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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Johnny, Can you show us a pic of the original mulled windows and what happens when you copy/reflect. It works OK for me in the example I tried, but it would be good to see what isn't working for you.
  2. Steve, I assume you are talking about the shadow in plan view. If you open the Sun Angle Specification dbx you will notice that the Solar Altitude is -10.4°. This means that at 9am at that location, it is before sunrise - and guess shadows before sunrise. You need to change some of your time/date/location settings so that it is during sunlight hours before Chief will generate the shadow. It looks like the sun doesn't rise until between 10am and 10:15 am at that time and location. Don't forget to click "Make Shadow"
  3. I believe it is the "Ignore Top Floor" setting causing the problem. Either delete the second floor or reduce it's ceiling height - you can make it zero if you want. Auto rebuild roofs.
  4. OK, I figured out how to go straight to my unread threads and messages. You need to set up your Categories from the ribbon bar (Show Me, Content Types, Read Status, Ownership, Following, Time Period and Sorting). Once you have done that, you can Save As New Stream and then make that new stream your default (by using the buttons next to the stream name where you can Edit Stream Title, Remove This Stream and Set AS Your Default Stream).
  5. What about Go To First Unread Post in a thread. I can't find the similar function in this new software.
  6. Larry, Thanks. I found the Delete button as the only choice under the Option button at the bottom of the post.
  7. Dan, In the old forum there was a function like "Go To First Unread" in a thread. I can't find anything similar in the new forum. There is an "Unread Content", but that applies to the whole forum, not just a particular thread. Is there anything that will take me to the first unread message in a particular thread? OK, I think I found that one under Read Status ("Unread item links take me to the first unread comment") on the ribbon bar or whatever its called. Now, how do I delete one of my own posts?
  8. Johnny, Are you using Reverse Plan to do the flip? Try this. Open up all your elevations and sections, and then do the Reverse Plan. Things should flip with a lot more order. You can even do the Reverse Plan from an elevation view. Edit: It appears that you don't even need to keep the elevations open. As long as you have opened and closed an elevation in that session, the text and dimensions behave. Chief seems to remember if an elevation has been opened it that session.
  9. Rob, The problem is definitely the very short segments that make up the polyline. The short segments just don't allow for the dash interval to display - so you get solid line segments - and/or the Endcap length could be set to a high value which doesn't allow room for the dashes to draw and you are seeing solid lines because the endcaps are joining together from each end. Without redrawing all the contours with longer segments, you could try going to Preferences...CAD...Line Properties...Endcap Printed Length...set this to a low number.
  10. In the build roof dbx, uncheck Same Roof Height At Exterior Walls and check Same Height Eaves. Does that help? There is no reason that you shouldn't be able to leave auto roofs on for a simple plan like that.
  11. Open your deck railing dbx and go to the Roof panel. Pitch Options...check Upper Pitch and enter the parameters. Make sure the other roof settings are correct in the other external wall dbx's. Auto build the roofs
  12. We can still drag the width of a footing - not the length. I am not sure that we could ever drag the length? Here is a bit more from the beginning.
  13. Curt, You really have yourself tied up in a knot here. First off the Number Style dbx only applies to the display of angles and number styles in the dbx's - it has no effect on how these things display in the drawing. You say you used a Cad Box to draw the rectangle - the cad box does not allow you to Show Angle and Show Length like a closed polyline (which I assume is what you really used. The format of the Show Angle and Show Length is controlled by General Cad default. Note that you can display the Reverse Angle if you want to. The Input Line tool doesn't allow you to select Relative to Start Point because you don't have a start point yet! Either draw your first line with the tool, which will place a point at the end of the line to start a new line from, or place a Place Point to act as the start point for the Input Line. Ah, you posted again as I was typing. The dimension settings have nothing to do with the things you are trying to display.
  14. Does this mean that Scott gets his points deducted and awarded to me? ...yeah!
  15. Ah...sounds like you aren't using a foundation plan - or you wouldn't be having the door problem. I would recommend you use a foundation plan - although I know others will disagree.
  16. Here is another way. It looks like you either need the invisible wall as per Scott's method, or the broken wall using my method. Both ways use a different technique. Scotts uses the normal footing under an invisible wall. Mine uses the footing width for a small wall length. Choose your poison.
  17. Scott, How did you "put it back in". I also note that the roof baselines are way off from where they should be - but I don't think that is causing the problem. The same gutter behaviour is happening on the other flat roof over Bedroom 1 - only it is the gutter on the top of scree side of the bedroom because the 2 roof have been built in the same direction - ie, low side of roof on bottom of screen.
  18. The vertical line on the end gable is caused by the interior wall on level 3. You don't have any external walls to define the areas in the roof space on level 3. Draw the external walls to enclose the spaces.
  19. Alan, I can duplicate the disappearing gutter. I believe it is because you have a zero pitch roof and the roof is supplying the gutter. The gutter won't auto build on the "high" side or the roof - even though the roof is flat. Chief won't auto build a gutter on 4 sides of a roof - there is always a "high" side. Whenever you open and close the roof dbx , the gutter auto rebuilds - except for the "high" side of the roof. You need to use a manual molding line for the gutter and in the roof dbx...Options...Supply...uncheck Gutter.
  20. You can change the zero datum height by using the Grade Level Marker setting. Easier to do a vid than to explain:
  21. See if this makes a difference. Preferences...Appearance...Display..."Color Off Is:" Check Greyscale. Don't forget to update the view in layout.
  22. Alan, To make this change using the Storey Pole tool is as easy as opening the dimension defaults dbx being used and change the Grade Level Marker value to -9.5'. All the levels will automatically recalculate and update to relate to the new floor level 0 (Grade Level Marker value. You delete unwanted markers exactly the same way you would delete an extension line in any dimension string. Just grab the marker at the end of the extension and drag it off the object - simple as. You can also add marker heights by dragging the new extension marker off the dimension line and snapping it to an object like a floor or roof level - exactly the same way you would add an extension line to a normal dimension. As far as I can tell, the Auto Storey Pole tool will do everything you want. Stop looking for reasons not to use, but instead make it work the way you want. Post a plan and a description of exactly what you want and I will see if I can set it all up for you.
  23. Re the Restrict Floor Camera To Room setting. Are you sure it's broken, or you just don't understand how the setting works? I don't think that it is meant to lock a cameral in a room. What it does is not display objects outside the room the camera was drawn in, when you move the camera outside that room. In the attached pic, a Floor Camera was drawn inside the room and then backed out of that room. Notice that the cabinets, roofs, terrain, etc., drawn outside the room do not display in the camera view. The only things that will display in the camera view are items drawn inside the room, even though the camera was initially drawn inside the room and then backed out of the room. Note that this setting only applies to the Floor Camera. Are you confusing this setting with the Camera Bumps Off Walls setting?
  24. Alan, You may be able to get most of the functionality you want by using the Auto Storey Pole dimension. It will allow all sorts of formats and will even do the offset you are talking about. Something like this?:
  25. OK, I couldn't duplicate this behaviour, so I played around and found that if you go to the floor plan and select a room label, open it's dbx and use "Use Custom Text Style" check "Rotate With Plan", the room labels will rotate in layout when you rotate the layout box. They will retain their relative location in the room and retain their formatting and justification. I have my room label text set up to Use Custom Text Style as the default - I vaguely remember using this method from way back to avoid the text rotation problem. Easiest way is to change the Room Label Defaults to Use Custom Text Style.