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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. I would use separate .plan files for each design iteration. Send each to layout, you're on the right track
  2. Chief is vector based and is lossless/infinite/scaleable, when you go to print to PDF the vector graphics must be rasterized. Printing to PDF is not lossless. You have too many vectors in your pattern fill. Maybe try a solid fill instead.
  3. It seems as if you have whatever windows you may have drawn in plan are possibly on another layer and the elevation view layerset doesn't have that layer enabled. Please post a .plan file
  4. VHampton, you can always use the polyline subtraction tool in your active toolbar so you aren't stacking. No lip that way...just an FYI
  5. You can manually place decking, this is a very quick fix, please post your .plan file here so we can take a look. Also, you should fill out your signature so we know what system and version of the software you are using
  6. You would need to make it a png and delete the white background in an external editor. It would not be tileable. Can you paste it here?
  7. It has been changed to the save/edit active view tools which are the new tools for editing active plan as well:
  8. @JECORMIER You're not using automatic labels. You could either switch to automatic or select marque similar all windows and doors and add %schedule_number% to the Specify Label sub-section of the symbol
  9. Would you mind posting your .plan file?
  10. Would've saved you a ton of time using the Distributing tools in chief under Build/Distributed Objects/ ...just an FYI My glass has a grey normals map, a trick discovered by Jintu I think, and is a general material with a medium roughness and transparency. I've modified a great deal of Chiefs out of the box lights, one by one in a set scene to make sure they play nice with each other for typical scenarios. As such, I don't often need to touch anything, set it and forget it. My template plan has all of the settings I want for PBR in a saved camera. The second I need to spend more than 10 minutes setting up a PBR is the moment I decide I will render it elsewhere.
  11. Turn off all CAD layers, text and schedules and watch your .plan start to fly again. On larger, detail-rich projects, considering using keynotes and leave your schedules(including a note schedule) in a cad detail.
  12. Let me start off by suggesting you fill out your signature so we all have a better idea of who you are when people search this thread or come to it in the archives etc. There are quite a few topics on this subject which boils down to a few basic key points and then gets more complicated from there. Ca is optimized to use your hardware in its current iteration and their is a lot more to it than just using available resources, namely that it doesn't need those resources, particularly RAM. You would have to possess some very technical knowledge about programming and computers to get into the nitty gritty of it. What I would tell you is that Chief is running as it should, and most often it is the users habits that make CA slow...most often. CA uses different resources dependent on what you are doing, but some general improvements can be made to the speed of your plan by better layer control, less CAD elements, small texture resolution, fewer assets like PDF's or images dropped into plan or layout. I would take electromen's advice and sit down and draw out what you think makes the program slow and in what instances or upload an example .plan file. There are a lot of experts around here. If you want, drop a link to your file at my website and I will look at it at some point this week:
  13. No and I hear ya, good to be succinct. I just wanted both tools to have a make hole(which solver solved) and both be added to style palletes etc.
  14. Custom Backsplash tool doesn't have a Create Hole option in the active toolbar correct? I think we should merge all of the functions of the wall material region tool and custom backsplash together
  15. Definitely a different climate whenever someone has a post such as this. Speaking for myself, I've seen a lot of plagiarism as of late. These tools are so accessible now, easy to mock up someone's design work and run away with it. Not saying that the OP is doing such a thing, but it has become very common. Just last month I wrote an email to an architect about his work being stolen and used on these boards. It certainly raises some eyebrows as well as some questions when a person is trying to recreate a design, as opposed to an as-built. That all aside, and assuming the best for the OP, this software is full capable of recreating that home, and can lead to a great career start if so desired. Many of us users regularly build complicated structures in a days work. I say dive in and purchase if it helps better manage your project...and there are tons of professionals that offer tutoring or case-by-case services.
  16. Not a big deal at all, just informing you of available services as you made mention of there not being a local resource. I for one offer recorded training sessions where you can see the fix as I push your project forward. Many such users as myself. As Mark mentioned, please upload your .plan file and we can take a look. It helps to save a camera with some notes to better illustrate your issue with the roofs. Thanks!
  17. Yes +1 There are plenty of professionals here that can render out your project or finish your build/collaborate online via screensharing sessions etc. I'd be happy to list a few but better if you put it in the seeking services section if you're so inclined. This is how we all make a living, as Eric said, thank you.
  18. Yup, much better results just using material regions IMO or my new fav, backsplash, as it can be added to style palettes. Easy to make a board and batten style palette and drop it on a backsplash to make your batten. Normals maps simply don't work well with two adjacent/inversed 90 degree angles. There is no way for it to illustrate that in 2d with some associated UV mapping. Better off creating the geomotry or it just looks like a rolled texture like the one mentioned by it's too difficult to make a bunch of different batten styles through textures
  19. Yes, but through macro generation using mouse location and mouse click. I've requested this in past. Also requested the ability to have more than 200 custom library symbols. When I'm not video recording, I use very small icons and I can program precise mouse clicks to hit those items. More than 200 library items would be awesome as I can have as many pages of hotkeys on my touchpad as I want. Makes it easy to work from a huge presentation screen standing 15 feet away without fighting mouse movements etc. Also, a reminder, you have access to all of chief icon in the data folder if you want to reprint for accuracy
  20. Bounding box being plan north, useful to know for anyone finding this, easy to make a 90 degree corner perpendicular to a reference in this way.
  21. I don't think I saw it mentioned, but beside the double click method mentioned by Michael earlier, you can shift select your polyline and then use the make parallel/parallel tool
  22. I am typically very satisfied with my PBR's, and I do absolutely no work on them aside from painting materials like anyone else would...difference being that my materials are custom and all have AO maps. I don't add lights The only lighting I modify is the sun. My scenes are usually done 2 minutes after I paint finishes. This is of great value to me, good enough for my clients, if they want better, they pay for an external render:
  23. I'll throw my name in the hat. I offer recorded design/drafting services, get the work done and then study it afterward. more info at
  24. A lofty design. See more like this at