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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. Make a Text-only layer, turn on all text for plan. Select all, open, then press ok to close all text. should fix it for your screen. Your other team members will need the same process on their end, every time.
  2. I would never use the CAD detail folder in layout. I would put your schedules in the CAD folder under plans. Schedules you place in CAD details are live schedules. They will auto update which, conversely, will auto update in layout.
  3. It will update, as you add additional architectural elements to your schedule, the schedule will continue to update as it should. Keep in mind you should expand the containing box in your layout in case the schedule does increase in size as chief will not automate that task for you in layout. Now that you've managed that, I would suggest splitting your vent schedule from your window schedule
  4. Aside from us goofing around, it may be news to you that you can change selection modes in your preferences or by adding the 3 selection modes to your toolbars. Selection modes coupled with the Marquee Select Similar tool makes it so that I never need to zoom in to select what I want to. Not to mention deselection tricks, @Alaskan_Son favorite thing to talk about
  5. *shocked that Michael doesn't have a 3d mouse. Now I know what to get him for xmas- ****This video WILL cause seizures**** 200626 13-46-21.mp4
  6. @DeltaHome Let's just make this process way easier for you, as getting into layersets, if unfamiliar, can be very confusing at first. Open your project browser-this button: Navigate to your plan file. There will be a CAD folder under your plan file. Right click the CAD folder, click on "create new CAD detail" and name it according to the schedule you are going to place. With your new detail open, place whatever schedule you need. Send this view to layout. Repeat this process for every other schedule you need. Leave schedules on the schedule layer. No need for messing with layersets with this method.
  7. @HumbleChief I often use room types, though lately not as much since I've been using the style palette tool and room types don't function properly with that tool. What specifically is the consideration for not using the deck room designation? I have Porch/Deck/Balcony setup with my own standards in my default template.
  8. I could've done this entirely in Photoshop, but I have seats in the Substance suite of applications and created the hex tile using one of it's hex tile generators, then imported into PS and painted my tile pattern. The generator sets roughness, height variation, grout size thickness depth and roughness. I could add pebble artifacts if I wanted to, I could pitch the tiles if I want to. I usually charge $20 for something like this unless I just feel like doing it or if I have enough interest in the tile myself
  9. @dskogg Make sure to tag me if you'd like my input, otherwise I just happen upon mention by chance. I'm almost always going to approach these types of things through materials. I can do it much faster that way and control texture and grout thickness roughness, opacity etc.
  10. Interesting, @solver Method as described. That's how I remember it functioning, was strange for it to not properly cut while I was live training. Will go try an OOTB plan now
  11. Was just trying to illustrate a method to another user and discovered that when selecting the exterior room, converting to molding, that the molding will auto cut to an exterior door but will not to a window. Anyone else?
  12. No it is not, I would never go back to chief's raytrace, it is inferior to my other rendering software's in every way for any type of print media. I'm pretty sure it is still based on the POVray 2.0 engine, devs correct me if I'm wrong. Simply not a desirable tracing engine to work from when so many better software's exist in the market.
  13. I think you'd be surprised, A few $100 can get you this rendering in much better quality. You've probably spent that much in machine down time and messing with settings. I do as-is scene renderings such as the ones posted here from $100-$200 all the time, I don't promote them as I'd rather show off more extensive scenes in my portfolio, but everyone ends up happy. Twinmotion is worth learning in my opinion as fantastic exterior scenes can be done in 20 minutes time with 20 -30 hours of experience.
  14. POST 34 Dynamic Door Panels on my YouTube channel and a teaser video: 200620-CA PANEL TEASER.mp4 CLICK ME TO GO BACK TO THE INDEX!!!
  15. If you have a steady workload, why not hire a professional to do your renderings and save your $$$. A scene like this could be very inexpensive. This was just a quick draft with limited samples(passes):
  16. Create a symbol for your skylight would be a simple solution
  17. I've been so busy I never got the opportunity t o really thank you. That conversation sent me down a Rabbitt hole and now I'm completely addicted to Substance Alchemist, and your tile builder and wood builder work quite well with Alchemist. Great job!
  18. Sent you an email, may need to check spam, from
  19. I would use a room divider to define the vaulted area, then select no ceiling in the designated vaulted area's room structure dbx. No need for a reference plan as electrical in the loft if their is one would show up on the wrong floor which would be wrong. @Kbird1 and @DzinEye Sorry Mick and Mark, don't agree with the recommendation. Edit: See Eric's solution below
  20. What Michael said. Why is there a second floor and why is electrical placed on that floor? Seems that your method may be flawed
  21. I think I had solved for the fireplace mantle by relocating everything back to 0,0. Can't remember. definitely some funny things going on with that plan though.
  22. Emissive issue still exists, can see it in the trim. Too many problems with this particular plan to list. Something in defaults I would guess. Sometimes bringing the model to 0,0 will fix it but that only fixes the window trim. All through the house is an emissivity issue. Even in the 3d preview window the walls are black. You can delete wall by wall in this plan and the issue will bounce around to a new location. Consider starting from a new template if this issue carries into new plans. Could be a really difficult time to locate the culrpit. Turn off all lights and sun and the issue still exists. Which would typically point to a material issue.
  23. Space mouse with the pencil. Quick keys on space mouse. The touchscreen is just awesome for clicking through toolbar actions. takes some adjustments to chiefs preferences. I will have to do a video of just drafting a house. there are times when using this thing that I truly feel as if no setup could possibly be faster. other times where it does not meet that challenge but still wildly impressive for what it is. I made those advanced materials using this laptop in substance alchemist, which is a heavy program in its own right. I bought the business grade one with the Quadro 3000. was $4200 with the stylus to my door. I plan on buying this guy to accompany it :