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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. Welcome to our forums, to substantiate my response I will state that I am a power user of this software. Also, please take the time to fill out your signature so that we can better assist you moving forward. Elevation views do have their limitations and take a bit of getting used to when transitioning from other software. Make sure you have your cross section layer on as it will provide some snapping. Ultimately you may consider shifting your design workflow to plan and 3d views. There are 1000's of posts in these forums in regards to this subject. I am in the majority who would tell you to please not manipulate wall heights. Walls are driven by room/floor specifications. Think of chief walls as part of a platform frame assembly. When I am training drafters in Chief I tell them they can't touch wall edit handles until they learn how to manipulate wall heights without them. Manually edited wall heights really do cause more problems than they solve in most cases. Chief easily attains 100% accuracy. Vector based on a coordinate grid down to 1/256th I believe(devs can correct me on that). Make sure to learn the TAB input method. Again, just not the way CA functions. without writing a book on the subject, I could tell you that I could easily double the design and/or drafting speed of a Revit drafter on an 100% accurate residence. That just to say that Chief is extremely efficient when you learn its ways. This video has no sound, just showing height adjustments: 200722-55.mp4
  2. Please post your .plan file otherwise we are just guessing. It looks like a shadow, shadows need light sources, if you turn off all lights, does it go away?
  3. BTW, Being a experienced sketchup user I could tell you that even with extrude path plugins Chief is far more dynamic and arguably faster at drawing downspouts: VIDEO has no sound: 200721-45.mp4
  4. Please post your .plan file so we can take a look
  5. Not really sure why no one is sticking to the edit area suggestion. the tool works perfect for me every time
  6. That option is specific to number of panels, not sizes, you may be confusing it with the component options for windows. For example, change your door type to bi-fold and you can create a custom multi panel door.
  7. Bingo. And to answer the question, yes there are other ways, but none so simple.
  8. Making this more complicated than it should be. Use the backsplash or material region tool or create a pattern from material.
  9. That's why he has a half million +'s under his name
  10. No argument there, I've seen it both ways.. @stevenyhof Make sure when you set your trusses you designate your end truss and reduced gable in truss DBX General\Option if you are framing lookouts/outriggers
  11. 200717-24.mp4 No sound, I simply change the two unconditioned rooms to default height and change your gable end wall to balloon framed
  12. You don't build a rake wall at your gable ends?
  13. Assuming you won't be platform framing your attic room, I would set your exterior walls to balloon frame on floor 2.
  14. Simple solution, set your unconditioned(interstitial) rooms to default ceiling height. Wouldn't have been able to figure that out without the .plan cape code test.plan
  15. Therein lies my respectful disagreement, I only have one default(anno) set, views are saved with SPV's which save reference displays, which are immensely more powerful than default/layer sets alone. Watch as I draw up a very quick walkout using a template plan with reference displays already set. 200717-05.mp4
  16. @stevenyhof quick and easy to post a .plan and get much better answers...You'll find that many of our resident experts have very formidable screen casting/recording setups and can make very robust videos that cover solutions and best approaches...but we need your .plan file. Make a habit of uploading your .plan for every thread and you will be rewarded, I promise. Simply select and drag your .plan from your Finder/Explorer window into your browser and it will auto load if below 25mb.
  17. I would suggest posting your .plan file I would also suggest inserting a floor for your basement, as it would make a lot of sense in this scenario.
  18. Saved Plan Views work far better than default(anno) sets. Switching works as it should with the added benefit of saved zoom, saved floor and saved references. Are you referring to a dimension modifier or simply a dimension set with 2x arrow/text sizes? Yes you can have two different plan views with their own dimension defaults, 1 with a saved zoom.
  19. @CAmichael240114 Why wouldn't you setup different plan templates for diff scales etc. to simplify your workflow, instead of so many layer sets?...asking for a friend
  20. Your presence in the forums would certainly prove otherwise Spelling it out, I was illustrating a stepped foundation with default wall heights.. You can very quickly make a stepped foundation in chief without manually dragging fact you can have dynamic control over stepped location if one were to free their mind of floor level associations. You can have an infinite combination of floor levels with options of "floor under this room" designations, balloon framing, and splitting room heights to create all sorts of platforms