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I'm upgrading from XP so I can update Chief (from 9.54), and wondering if Windows 7 is sufficient?


Is 8.1 Better?


Are there Chief glitches with one version of Windows vs. the other?


Any suggestions, or links to a similar thread welcome...I poked around, but didn't see this topic.


Thanks in Advance,


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Suggest waiting for Windows 10. The launch is expected around July month end. There are a lot of changes in this compared to Windows 8.1, would save the frustration of learning one only to do it all over again in a few more months. I use and really like Windows 8.1 but there are a few quirky bits that are not very intuitive, Windows 10 will hopefully resolve this. Also, Microsoft will likely be very aggressive to get this out there, even if your current windows version does not qualify as a free upgrade I'm certain the cost if any will be very attractive.



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I was hesitant to suggest this as there are going to be a lot of changes in the Start Screen/Menu and this is were most users are having difficulty adapting from previous versions of Windows, especially on non-touch based systems. Of course one could always set it to boot to the desktop and configure it to avoid the Metro based start screen as much as possible, things would then be pretty close to Windows 7.



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Excellent Advice Perry. Microsoft has not had a very good track record starting with Vista. It can definitely take a while, they are still fixing Windows 8 and that was launched 2 years ago. Now they are trying to fix it with Windows 10, Bye Bye Windows 8. Love windows but the bugs and constant changing starts to wear one down. Almost every time I boot my system there is a new update to install.



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Although I have a few gripes I'm 200% for Windows. With 8.1, OneDrive and 365 Office subscription all of my devices (desktop, laptop, tablet & phone) are always in sync and provide a consistent UI across each. When Windows 10 is publicly released I will upgrading that day.


I think Microsoft sees the future here. Just hope they can pull it off.



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