Overhead Doors, Single & Double Width


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I've never been happy with the overhead doors available either in Chief's catalog or the mfrs catalogs. I always just wanted a nice handful of raised panel or recessed panel, in single width and double width that "matched," four and five panels high, plain and with a couple glass options. So I finally just sat down and made a mini-catalog of just that.


The attached file should contain the following door symbols:





"Double 4" contains four panels vertically, "Double 5" has five, for either 7'h or 8'h doors.


These are all "short panel" style doors. I thought about making long panel versions, but I don't really like long panel doors so I don't spec them. If I make more it will be with beadboard panels.


A couple sample images:




Created using X15.


Overhead Doors.calibz



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@solver brought it to my attention that having the individual panels would be useful for stacking taller doors in the Door Spec dialog, or for assembling taller doors as symbols.

I updated the catalog with folders containing the individual panels, and renamed the symbols and folders to make more sense (to me at least :P )





Overhead Doors Revised.calibz




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On 9/1/2023 at 7:16 AM, Chrisb222 said:

@solver brought it to my attention that having the individual panels would be useful for stacking taller doors in the Door Spec dialog, or for assembling taller doors as symbols.

I updated the catalog with folders containing the individual panels, and renamed the symbols and folders to make more sense (to me at least :P )





Overhead Doors Revised.calibz 1.36 MB · 23 downloads





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