My Ray Tracing Turns Out Blurry?


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A render is just a standard camera view, if you then want a raytrace, you must hit the raytrace button once you have the render up. If you are doing a render make sure your resolution is the highest setting in your video card DBX then make the scene as large as you can on your screen then send the render to your layout.

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The more light sources that are turned "on" in a plan each additional unnecessary light source adds time (Ten times for each unnecessary light source per render per light) to obtain a decent end result. Turn on only those light sources that are necessary to light your render scene.

Once you reduce the light sources the quicker you will have a good looking image. If the lighting is set properly, you should get a good render view in about 5 to ten passes in ray tracing (on my PC that is about five minutes).

The overall quality of your PC is another factor relative to speed.

Chief Premier has several render camera types, some better than others. You should study and practice with each type until you begin to obtain some judgement as to how and how long it takes to suit yourself. Great Ray Traced images take time, to mainly learn how to adjust lighting and material properties to get good to great results.

Blurry is unacceptable for anyone.



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