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  1. Electromen's post in Custom Kitchen Island was marked as the answer   
    Should be fairly easy
    30" Base cabinet with a 48" Base next to it.
    30" Base back to Back with the other 30"
    Select the Cabinets and make one double door, no drawer, no toe kick.
    Add molding to the bottom of the base cabinets
    All cabinets should have no countertop 
    Add custom countertop
    Add cabinet legs
    Add cabinet molding under the open areas
    Add the stools
  2. Electromen's post in Custom Kitchen Island was marked as the answer   
    Should be fairly easy
    30" Base cabinet with a 48" Base next to it.
    30" Base back to Back with the other 30"
    Select the Cabinets and make one double door, no drawer, no toe kick.
    Add molding to the bottom of the base cabinets
    All cabinets should have no countertop 
    Add custom countertop
    Add cabinet legs
    Add cabinet molding under the open areas
    Add the stools
  3. Electromen's post in Converting Metric To Imperial Unit was marked as the answer   
    Edit > Default Settings > Dimensions > Dimensions >1:25 Dimensions >  Edit
    Change mm  to ft-in 
    Set the rest of the settings like fractions, uncheck thousandths etc.
    OK > Done
    You may also need to rest the 1:50 Dimensions
  4. Electromen's post in Corner Closet With Different Widths From Left And Right Sides was marked as the answer   
    Don't use a corner cabinet, use an angled cabinet.
    Decide if you want one long cabinet to the right or two cabinets as I've shown in my previous post #9
    Using two cabinets will allow you to adjust the toe space
    Revised plan attached
  5. Electromen's post in Whatever Happened To The Full Masonry Fireplace And Chimney? was marked as the answer   
    Thanks Perry,  May it was pre-Chief, which would have been 3D Home Architect.
    Oh well, I'll do it like you suggest.
  6. Electromen's post in ceiling joist and rafter framing was marked as the answer   
    I answered my own question, solved
  7. Electromen's post in How to build an arch with two columns? was marked as the answer   
    I figured out why the framing was showing on the arch.  The height of the arch must match the difference in height of the side openings.  In other words if the side doorways are 80" high and the center doorway is 96", then the arch must be 18", or 96-80.  If the arch is more than the difference in height, then framing shows.  Setting the arch at 24" shows 6" of framing.