Arched Wing Wall--Can This Be Accomplished?


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I'm just curious. Shown in the attachment is a arched wing wall on a Victorian porch I'm designing. In the model I made this out of a series of p-solids. Does anyone know how or if this could be made from a regular CA wall? I've played around with the idea, but I'm not getting anywhere. It would be nice to have the framing. I need to show framing details, because of all the things that is going on in the way this porch is constructed. I'm sending the file encase anyone wants to tackle the idea.


Berlin 07252014.zipFetching info...

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Yes, in plan view it looks like a normal full length wall (no indication of the cantilever).


It is a 2 layered wall with the main (inside) layer assigned "Opening, No Material". 

I also modified this material definition to a Gap Type material so that it doesn't display in vector view.

You can use any material if you define it as a Gap Type material.

The outer layer has the shingle material.

In elevation, I then drew a Material Region (Opening, No Material) with Cut Finish Layers of Parent Material, and shaped it to the arch. 

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Not sure your interested -- But:


You can use a framed wall to handle the framing.

Just copy and place the material region on both sides of the wall-- don't need the "opening no material" -- just delele all material layers in the material region-- will show only as a line(s).


For the framing -- frame as normal, make a copy of one of the material regions and convert to polyline -- cut and locate the polyline in the wall detail to use as a template and adjust/delete/edit framing as needed - would be nice if we had a curved MDF tool.

Gives you a framing detail + list to material list.

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My idea of applying thin surface members of 1/4 -1/2" normally out of scored MDF or drywall to be applied to curved arches and ceilings that would also list correctly to the material list. Can do the same with concentric polyline solids but a pain to create and size-- I want to automate in order to give better details- which I don't do -- just now copy the vendors DWG as a detail.  I think it would have better use in trying to depict various curved ceilings. Maybe just a framing member that can be curved with the"change line/arc" tool.

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Do you mean a shape like this?

This is not a polyline solid and it reports to the ML as square meters (or square whatever) - not cubic like a polyline solid.


Oh, hold on, I think the area for the ML list may only be the plan area, not surface area - I will keep playing.

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Too simple - that works.

I was trying a window and it didn't work.

I just assumed that a door wouldn't work either.

Good one.


Sometimes it hard to see the wood for the trees.


It frames with a square head - but no big deal.

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