Trouble With One Texture Showing Through Another On Wall Covering


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I used stucco walls with a wall covering of stone or brick and the stucco is showing through in renderings. Never had this problem before x6. I have been using chief since vs. 9. It looks like z fighting but I don't know how to fix it. I was also getting in on the roof until I made the roof material 1" thick.

I started with the walls as pony walls but they were not behaving the way I would expect either. The lower material would not show up sometimes or if I changed the material it would not change in the renders.

The renders are just to show my customer's clients what a house would look like with certain options so having the proper wall type is not important, just the look. The plans are never used to build from.

Please let me know if you have any ideas that might help.


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try setting the "clip plane" in camera defaults to 300" or there-abouts


also verify the house is close to 0,0,0 origin


if necessary, place a point at 0,0,0 then use edit area with point to point tool


these changes may help control the z-fighting


it has been requested  many, many times that Chief be "fixed"

so that the first wall drawn is placed at 0,0,0 - but ???



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So you are suggesting that its a good idea to place an Input point at 0,0 before you draw anything on a plan and start your bottom left hand Corner there ? 


As you say , you would think that CA would automatically start you there in that case........



This is two guys in a day with the same issue , any chance it's a Video Driver issue ?



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What's the big deal?

If you really want 0,0 exactly, place a point in your template plan.


Or just save your template plan to the zoom and location close to 0,0.

This will be close enough to 0,0, when you draw your first wall to not cause any problems.


The standard Chief template plans I checked were all close to 0,0.


If the plan is in fact a long way from 0,0, it is probably user error.


And what if I don't want my first wall at 0,0 - ah, I know, we could make it an option!



This is two guys in a day with the same issue , any chance it's a Video Driver issue ?


Who knows?

It's only a guessing game without posting a plan.

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What's the big deal?

If you really want 0,0 exactly, place a point in your template plan





Hmmm, maybe because for time after time for almost a decade

one of the common responses to z-fighting or issues with cameras being far far away etc


is "are you close to the origin, 0,0,0"


so if it's not a big deal to you if would be a nice help to many others

not to be frustrated and confused to the point where they need to post on the forum

and request HELP !!!!


everytime CA can eliminate a frustration point then everyone is happier


except maybe you ???



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Or just save your template plan to the zoom and location close to 0,0



That assumes the Newbie is aware that this needs to be done


so they post here in frustration


someone has to post to give this advice


lots of wasted time and effort for something CA could "fix"


Newbie traps can make a new user think "very bad thoughts" about the software



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I understand that


I'm not talking about Joe king but rather the overall principle

of seeing this type of post time and time again


when I started with 9.5 another Newbie trap was about island rooms

not being allowed - usually in relation to stairwells


we would all post back - create an invisible wall to cure the island


finally around ver X4 CA fixed Chief so that it auto-magically creates the invisible wall


now we don't see those types of postings anymore


even if a poster is not a newbie they may not follow this forum


there are thousands of chiefers who don't follow this forum

so until they experience an issue and learn the solution they are a newbie on that issue



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Lew's knowledge of Chief is somewhat obsolete.  It is very rare to see plans that are far away from the origin these days.  This used to be a bigger problem (many years ago) but that was mostly the result of people importing CAD data from other programs where the CAD was originally drawn far away from the origin.  As a result, we added an option in the Import Drawing Assistant to automatically move the imported data to Chief's origin.  You now have to do something pretty obviously wrong in order to get a plan where everything is very far from the origin.  There is absolutely no good reason to force you first drawn wall to start at the origin.  If you want your first wall to start at the origin, then you can place a CAD point at your origin and start drawing from there.


As for the original poster's z-fighting problem.  It is the result of a combination of factors including his video card and his model.  Because his plan has a terrain model, it is very likely that his data extents are large which is the main cause.  This is a common problem when people model the terrain surrounding the building.  This is why I recommend that you keep the terrain size to a minimum and don't try to model a very large site just so that it looks like the terrain goes on to the horizon. 


The easiest way to solve this problem is to move the near clipping plane farther from the camera.  You need to open up the Camera Specification dialog and adjust the "Clip Surfaces Within" value to a larger value.  Most of the time, at least in the case of a large terrain model, this will completely solve the problem or at least improve it greatly.


The other common reason for z-fighting is when you have any two surfaces that are occupying the same space or are very close to each other.  The only solution for two surfaces occupying the same space is to adjust the model so that they don't overlap.  The solution for two surfaces that are close to each other is to move them farther apart.  A common example is that you can see the sheathing layer of your roofs fighting with the roof shingles.  If you make your roof shingles thicker then this problem will often go away.


In the poster's picture, it looks like the wall's outer layers are z-fighting with the interior layers.  I am assuming that these walls were modeled using pony walls.  If you are using wall coverings or something else sitting on top of the wall, I highly recommend using pony walls instead.  An accurate model will go a long way to preventing z-fighting problems.  If changing the near clipping plane does not solve the z-fighting problem, then you can probably solve the problem by making the outer wall layer thicker. 


If all else fails, then you should contact Technical Support for additional help.

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Lew's knowledge of Chief is somewhat obsolete.  It is very rare to see plans that are far away from the origin these days




could be... but I'm not alone


time and time again I see posters suggesting to verify if the model is close to the origin 0,0


I, for one have been advocating that Chief allow the first wall to be set at 0,0


there have been many, many work-arounds on how to do this


so if Chief has been "fixed" then few that are aware of it



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the concept/definition of "workaround" has been debated many, many times on this forum


there have been many, many suggested "procedures" on how to ensure a plan or symbol

is being placed at the origin 0,0


yes, these are all "workaounds"


CA finally added a feature to the symbol import tool to allow a symbol to be placed at 0,0

that is a feature


prior to that there were many hassles and many workarounds


CA needs to do the same with the first wall placed


Dermot says Chief is already doing that

if so, that is news to me and I suspect many others


so if Chief is auto-magically placing the first wall at 0,0

then all those "workarounds" are no longer needed



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It was an issue with camera distance. Moving the camera in fixes it but chances the perspective. Lew's suggestion of changing the clipping works and allows me to be at the distance I want. The plan was already oriented on the 0-0 point.

Thanks for the help.

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Well nobodies post cleared it up for me  :)  


Dermot's post helps clarify why when I Import a Cad file at 000 by default it is  usually off the screen somewhere , need to learn to scroll way out 1st I guess ?


When I open ANY of the templates ,000 isn't even on the screen , so what am I doing wrong ?  wrong grid settings? snap settings?


cos I seem to have my share of Z fighting going on.....  will try increasing Camera distance to 400" and see if that helps too.



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When I open up the default profile in X6, the origin is always in the lower left corner of my screen.  I don't know why it would be different for you unless you changed the profile or it is somehow related to the screen size.


I'm also not sure why it matters to anyone.  I think the only thing that is important is that your plan is not very far away from the origin.  And by very far away, I'm talking miles not inches.  Weird things happen if you are way out in the middle of nowhere.


I agree with Glenn on this one.  What's the big deal?  None of this origin stuff has anything to do with the original poster's problem.

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on the old forum over the years there were many, many threads on how to add a two wall corner

set at 0,0 to the template


time and again replies to z-fighting and far off camera issues have been "set the origin"


perhaps this has become an non-issue ???


I'll wait till the next time a poster replies and states the origin being off caused an issue



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