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Everything posted by rlackore

  1. I don't think uppercase has ever been written in stone - it's just the easiest way to teach consistent lettering technique. I have a copy of the 1932 edition of Architectural Graphic Standards. Drawing notations are hand lettered in sentence case (though select words are capitalized). Drawing titles and headings are title case. Ching uses sentence case in most of his published references. My boss, who may be described as an "artsy fartsy" architect, loves all lower case.
  2. Rats. Scott, you're mostly right. However, I've discovered that you can view two different plan anno/layersets at the same time if you cylce through the windows in the correct order. Right now I've got the same plan opened twice, and in one window I'm VIEWING my 1/4" Finish Plan Anno/Layerset, and in my other window I'm WORKING IN my 1/4" Demo Plan Anno/Layerset. Both windows indicate the Demo Plan Anno/Layerset, and as soon as I click on the window with the Finish Plan, it reverts to the Demo Plan, but at least it allows me to use one window as a reference for the other. Limited in usefulness, I admit, but interesting.
  3. OMG! Why didn't I ever try this? I've always wished to be able to "duplicate" a tabbed window (like in a web browser) so I can work on two floors of the same plan at the same time. Okay, I just tried this, and it's awesome! I can even have a different anno/layerset active for my two different plans! Shame on you for keeping this a secret, Doug. This is an unbelievable productivity boost! I can't stop using exclamation marks!
  4. File>Import>Import 3d Symbol Select the .skp file and click Open Category: Millwork (use advanced options if you want/need) Open the Railing Specification dbx for the railing you want to change. Rail Style>Specify Railing>Panels Newels/Balusters>NewelsPosts>Width=0"; Height=whatever you want, Offset=0", Spacing=80" Panels>Type>click the Library button and select the panel symbol in your user catalog There are some options you can play around with to get exactly what you want, such as raising the bottom rail, etc.
  5. It's got something to do with the floor being a monolithicslab supplied by the room below. Uncheck those and the problem goes away.
  6. Like this? Just rotate the pattern to the angular equivalent of the roof pitch, and do the same for the texture file (though in my experience the texture file might have to be rotated in the opposite direction, not sure why).
  7. If I understand what you're going for, In your garage definition, lower the stem wall top © to -2 1/4"; set the stem wall (I) to 2'. This gives you equal stem wall heights and a sill plate at the garage. Don't know why the sill plate won't build at the house, though.
  8. Scott, I think this is less a DropBox issue, and more a file/folder management issue. You're right, there is no perfect solution.
  9. I'm still not sure if the OP wants a "curved" roof or a conical roof. Either way, the previous post I linked can help.
  10. Create a dropbox folder for your client. Create a smany subfolders as you want. Send the client a link to the parent folder and they can access everything in the parent folder, including subfolders.
  11. There is a difference between "linking" and "sharing" in Dropbox. Links allow the recipient to view and download the content, but not alter or delete it. Were you able to delete or alter the content in the folder link I sent you?
  12. Curved how? If you want to put a flare on the eave, this post may help you: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/1599-conical-roof-with-radius-at-eave-results-in-chief-stalling/
  13. No, you just send a link to the folder. The client can view/download whatever you put in the folder. I'll send you a message with a link so you can test the functionality.
  14. Have you considered simply sending links, instead of sharing the folder?
  15. Our office runs six seats of X6. All project files reside on a box running Windows Server 2008 r2. We also keep shared resources (texture files, backdrops, etc) on the server. I know that CA doesn't recommend this, but honestly, how can an office function otherwise? We haven't noticed any problems that are different from most of the users on this forum who are storing plan and layout files locally.
  16. I use Sketchup2014 Make for Windows. It will export as: 3ds, dwg, dxf, dae, fbx, ifc, kmz, obj, vrml, xsi.
  17. Perry, I think the OP is referring to using stacked fractions (an option in AutoCAD), so 1/2" is displayed as ½".
  18. Have you tried manually adding a new roof plane?
  19. What exactly are you expecting in elevation view? Here's the same concept as I posted earlier, but with a corner cabinet as the filler, which will correct any problems with the toe kick. I'm no cabinet maker, but the BOM should be pretty darn close.
  20. You'll probably have to custom build it - but have you checked the Manufacturer libraries?
  21. Text Line with Arrow can be attached to text objects, CAD objects, and architectural objects. If you move the object, the attached end of the Line with Arrow will follow the object, and the opposite end of the Line with Arrow will remain anchored. It's greatest utility, IMO, is when used with a callout, so you can move the callout around and the arrowhead will stay in place. I'm sure there are other uses, though.
  22. I suggest sticking with one program. If you need/want CA for what it is, then learn to use its CAD tools. CA can't rival AutoCAD or other dedicated CAD programs, but it doesn't make sense to invest the money (and time) into a separate CAD program if you'll be producing your document set with CA. That's my two cents.