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Everything posted by rlackore

  1. Works fine for me: I'm on X6. Maybe something got broken in X7.
  2. You may be referring to temporary dimensions. You can turn them on/off using the menu VIEW>TEMPORARY DIMENSIONS.
  3. Works. I was able to download and open in X6.
  4. From the Chief Reference Manual (I'm still on X6): Rooms, Standard Area is measured from the center of interior walls to either the outside surface of exterior walls or exterior wall framing, depending on the Living Area to setting in the General Plan Defaults dialog. So, with the scenario originally posted by the OP, it makes perfect sense that the Living room displays a smaller Standard Area than the Garage, because the interior dimensions are different: The math confirms this: 20' 0" x 19' 10" = 396.66 sqft, and 20' 0" x 20' 2" = 403.33 sqft. Chief does the rounding for you.
  5. I don't believe it's possible using Chief windows. However, if you would post a picture of exactly what you're trying to do (eg direct set window, commercial glass partition, etc) we could probably propose some work-arounds.
  6. I think the OP realizes this - the issue is, as illustrated in the first post, why the Garage displays a Standard Area that is less than it should, eg 400+393<800.
  7. This is as much a design issue as a technical issue, if I'm interpreting your OP correctly. I would also consider cove lighting within the trays for ambience and some well-positioned floor lamps.
  8. This might actually be the better option when you factor in the view out the windows - I'm sure you don't want to see the pyramid floating outside; though I guess you could use some rectangular solids and boolean operations to shave the pyramid down to size.
  9. Since you don't care about the accuracy of the model, create a pyramid, flip it upside down, then position it until it looks correct:
  10. Can't speak for X7, but in X6 the Layer Eyedropper/Painter only changes the layer - not any of the manually assigned attributes like color, line weight, or line style.
  11. Okay Perry, you must know what a Tail End Roof is, care to share?
  12. What is a Tail End Roof? Your attached picture is not clear.
  13. There are multiple methods to create what you've described, but it would waste our time, and yours, to explain them all. It would help us if you would be more specific: upload a sketch or the plan file.
  14. Maybe this will work, or at least give you a start: Spec.zip
  15. Texture SIZE can be discovered by opening the texture image that is referenced in the Material Specification dbx; the OOTB textures are in a zip file - if you're on Windows it resides in C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X6\Referenced Files\, which is a file normally hidden within Windows File Explorer. Texture RESOLUTION can be discovered the same way - again, with Chief OOTB textures it is generally 72dpi.
  16. Most of the OOTB tile-able materials use 256x256 texture files, some use 512x512.
  17. I agree, after experimenting it appears that it's an issue with curved walls that have only a main layer. As soon as I assign a second layer - to the interior OR the exterior of the single main layer, I get the correct pattern on the interior face.
  18. Page 689 in the Reference Manual will give you a glimpse into the minds of the Chief programmers, and may help you dial in the building pad elevation.
  19. I'll send this off to tech support. Thanks to everyone for looking at the issue.
  20. Misty, I wasn't trying to be a smart alec - just brief. I don't know if the X7 Reference Manual is available yet, as the software is still in Beta, and I'm running X6; but the X6 manual gives you a pretty good indication of the software's capabilities and how it does things. As Kevin mentioned, square footage calcs are set up in the defaults, but these calcs may, or may not, give you exactly what you want, which is why I mentioned the Reference Manual. As far as the libraries are concerned, I'd expect that you can import them into the trial software, but I don't think you'll be able to download the Bonus and Manufacturer libraries until you've purchased the software. Regarding the plan you meant to attach: when you're including an attachment in your post, be sure to click the Add to Post button - the Attach This File button doesn't actually stick the file into the post:
  21. No, I have the texture - it's custom, the path you queried is a network path. It's included in the zip file of the plan.
  22. I tried your method - it worked except that I had to have a non-zero layer on the inside. The new wall also did the +Z direction jump.
  23. You can't change the default floor elevations - the fist floor will always be at 0'-0". Once the Terrain Perimeter is built, adjust the Pad Elevation in the Terrain Specification dbx to raise/lower the Terrain Perimeter to where you want it.
  24. No plan is attached. The X6 reference manual is available here: http://cloud.chiefarchitect.com/1/pdf/documentation/chief-architect-x6-reference-manual.pdf