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Everything posted by rlackore

  1. Lew, Conceptually I understand CA's stance (and I think as a whole the CA user community does a pretty darn good job of conforming to the "official" means of communication); but if a moderator or CA employee (especially Dermot) is going to chime in on a post - here or in the Suggestions Forum - then I think it's reasonable for them to acknowledge the issue in an "official" capacity. I appreciate Dermot's explanation of how the framing labels work, but if we ignored a client just because they wrote a note on a napkin instead of sending a certified letter, we wouldn't be in business very long.
  2. Dermot - so let me get this straight: are you just going to forget/ignore everything in this post, just because it's in the "wrong" forum? Now that's customer service! I think I'd feel differently if our Suggestion forum posts got regular responses from someone on the CA team - as it stands now we get an occasional response from Doug, but that's about it.
  3. Which leads me to think that it's not just the font, but the internal workings of how CA handles text. Regardless, it's a PITA.
  4. The option to restrict/un-restrict should really be in the Camera dbx, not the Defaults; but that's the case for lots of settings. If I had the energy I'd post this in the Suggestions forum, but I get the feeling that posting there is like throwing darts in the dark.
  5. Long term solution is to uncheck: DEFAULTS>CAMERA>3D VIEWS>RESTRICT FLOOR CAMERA TO ROOM If this box is checked, then the camera won't display anything outside of the room the camera is in.
  6. Quick solution is to use a Full Camera instead of a Floor Camera.
  7. Do we know if it's a font issue, or the way the program version handles the font and text in general? If it's a font issue, the easy solution would be to copy the existing Chief Blueprint font, then reinstall it after upgrading - but then you lose out on any additions/changes/improvements with the new version of the font.
  8. When I have porches like this I use a separate symbol (or built-up molding polyline) for the posts/newels, then run individual railings between them to ensure the balusters are evenly spaced. A workaround, but I don't how to accomplish what you want using a railing only.
  9. We had this problem with all our text in X5 files when we went to X6 - it was a major pain to change everything in our templates. If we have to do this again when we upgrade to X7 I won't be very pleased.
  10. Your plan is zero bytes - be sure to save and close the plan before zipping.
  11. 1", but I don't normally use grid snaps. Even with grid snaps at 1/4" I still had to "no locate" the wall stub - otherwise the walls auto-heal.
  12. Okay, never mind. I made the 6" wall stub a No Locate, and then it behaves. The door is easy, just check "Ignore Casing for Opening Resize" in Defaults>Plan, center, then make 36" wide.
  13. David, I would like to see how you accomplish the wall part. The door I had no problem placing - but the walls seem impossible - specifically the 3-1/4" stub (a longer stub works, but not 3-1/4").
  14. You cannot perform that type of operation in Chief.
  15. Maybe each window runs as a separate process? How many windows do you have open?
  16. You can assign pure white as the color and this will give you a gray color in Standard view; the down-side is that you then get white in vector view. I'm not sure there is a good solution to your problem.
  17. Most home automation software allows you to overlay an image of the floor plan and to graphically assign controlled devices to a virtual location relative to the image. The client can do a simple Google search for home automation software to find examples: HomeSeer, Legrand, Crestron, Control4, etc. Understanding how the software interfaces with controllers, devices, and technologies isn't as simple.
  18. Is there a setting that will render the light source in a raytrace? I'm tired of having to change the "light bulb" material from non-emissive to emissive depending on whether I'm doing a "lights on" render or "lights off" render.
  19. Caveat: the Raytrace images posted in this discussion are crappy because my comp is old and slow and I'm impatient. As an exercise to try to understand lighting in Chief I created a room and plopped in a light fixture from the Chief bonus catalog: Pendant Lighting>Glass Jar Pendant 01. I copied it twice and threw in some base cabinets for context. Here is the floor camera Standard view: Then I threw a Raytrace: Uniform Intensity=0; Direct Sunlight=0; Use Photon Mapping=Yes. I get a completely black scene with three light bulbs that show up only because their material is Emissive: The Light Data for the lights is: Point Light, 1200 Lumens (75W). All three lights are turned on in the scene, yet I get no illumination from any of them. If I dial up a bit of Uniform Intensity or use Ambient Occlusion, it's still clear that no illumination is coming from the fixtures: So I moved the Light Source on the middle fixture down below the physical geometry of the model: Now I get illumination from the middle fixture: Why is this? The fixture tube (shade, whatever you want to call it) is defined as Transparent Crown Glass. Why won't the light source shine through? So I moved the middle fixture's light source back to it's original position and changed the material of the tubes to a fully transparent General material: Then threw another Raytrace: ...and I'm right back to where I started - three 75 watt Emissive light bulbs hanging in the air. Plan is attached if anyone cares to take a stab at figuring it out. Lights.plan
  20. You can do all this with X6 using boolean operations.
  21. Yes - I was confused if the OP was really talking about a render vs a raytrace (I hate how Chief uses these two terms). As you mentioned, probably a material definition issue.
  22. Yes, just set it up in the Room dbx. Be certain you have the Rooms layer turned on. Terrain can also have a fill - set it up in the Terrain Perimeter dbx.
  23. Rooms, decks, terrain... all you have to do is assign a fill pattern.