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Everything posted by MarkMc

  1. OK I watched the entire video and it is not the one I was referring to that uses the join two lines tool. I had trouble with it until I watched the vid I was referring to.
  2. I get the same as Scott on Win10 using X10
  3. Went to it, guess I should have checked more, didn't look like the one I meant. Sorry
  4. I thought that the OP wanted to remove a node? I thought it was Michael that did a video on that some time ago? I also use the disconnect selected edge a lot.
  5. Yep, what he said, and work from someones specs. (pretty sure there is not a 39" fridge on the market) I make surrounds the way I need to order them. IF a complete surround as shown the with an opening at the back that matches the front. Then there is the depth... FWIW most drawings that cross my desk from somewhere else show surrounds that are too shallow to work properly. All freestanding fridges require a minimum of a 1"gap at the back. So a counter depth fridge needs at least a 25" deep surround. The other issue is how the counter meets the surround. I set the surround (or panel) deep enough that the counter does NOT stick out past it. That is even more important with all the French door fridges now being put in since the doors swing wider. If the counter sticks out many of them can hit the edge denting the door. There's a bit more if you need to get it into a schedule to match an order but I doubt that here. BTW For built in fridges, to get the accuracy Michael mentions, I hack the appliance symbol so that I have just the part that sticks out. Convert it to 2 new symbols- an appliance so can float it, and a cabinet door if I wan't to make it part of the cabinet. The cabinet door symbol needs to be set so it won't resize and have the origin offset .
  6. Grab the triangle that's to the right of your red line and drag towards the back
  7. Yes, your problem is that you have the DPI set at 5 Million. You would need a bank of quantum computers to run at that resolution. Try something like 300, max of 600 if you are patient. If I wanted something really nice and didn't want to spend days rendering I would use 300 dpi and double the size to 4096 by 2048. (could have had that answer 2 hours ago-always post the plan, always) Graham- the kitchen adobe has an excellent thread on Ray trace he posted earlier late last year. Think its called "lets ray trace" You would do well to find it and read it. Also I see you asking about Octane. You might want to experiment a little with the new Physically Based Rendering (PBR) in X10. It still has some quirks but once I got the hang of it I get better results faster (like instantly) than I get from my Ray Traces, granted I'm struggle with RTs.
  8. I suggested more than that. I might be able to help if you can manage the rest, if you can't manage that I can't do anything. Going to office now to finish work for my client instead.
  9. post screen shot of each page of ray trace settings, post the error message you were getting (as best you remember it) , post the plan with saved camera, post the plan (close it first), post computer specs -make model, CPU, GPU< desktop or laptop (it's new and fast tells us nothing)
  10. When it comes time you might want to expand your options. I've had two Precision machines-nice machines, well built, great support if bought through Dell business., but only available with Quadro cards which cost more than a comparable GTX. The gaming cards will work better for Chief and a lot of the 3D software. The portion of the Quadro card that you are paying more for is not used by those programs. There are gaming machines with more power, more ports, more customization, and some lesser known and boutique brands/suppliers where you can get comparable extended American support. I no longer pay for the extended support and have not needed it on either of the 2 Sager machines. I needed the next day service twice for the first Precision (M65) and once for the second (M4500) which my wife still uses to this day to run the books.
  11. There have been several threads here on the subject with a couple of methods. I use a blocked cad detail on a layer, and always keep a separate clean plan just in case. There's an article in the knowledge base on it.
  12. This is from the license agreement for X9- find it in your Program Files under license. (h)Licensing and Authentication: This Software uses security technology and automatic error reporting to authenticate your software installation and protect your license from unauthorized use. You agree to allow the Software to send this security information to the Chief Architect security servers for authentication and reporting. You may not disable any such security, licensing, or control features of the Software; From what I can tell the program has been checking in all along even if you have a hardware key.
  13. I believe that the AMD equivalent is called Catalyst. As to the upgrade, well it is Beta-not what you want to hear and maybe some things should be better but the purpose of Beta is to help get bugs out before final release. FWIW I've had it in production for months now. A few issues arose around rendering on my little toy machine with the Intel card in the current version (public release). From what I can tell they were created when they tried to fix some quality issues we had found in original testing. And yes contact support.
  14. Your card has 2GB memory- should be just ok, not ideal. As to the control panel, that is not big deal. Here is image of what it looks like with NVIDIA, maybe someone with an AMD can help there. Your system has both a dedicated card and an Intel card I believe. You want Chief to be using your Radeon card, especially given the age of the system. Attached are images I get on my Sager- no problems at all. BUT I also attached a list of texture files that I don't have that it is looking for in Standard View (solution to that when sharing a plan is -File, Backup ENTIRE plan, save as Zip...) It is possible that the bump maps are creating an issue? don't know. But the glow you are getting on the trellis indicates to me that it is video card related.
  15. Your video card- the part that really counts should be one of the following on that machine -AMD FirePro M8900 Mobility Pro with 2GB GDDR5, NVIDIA Quadro 3000M with 2GB, NVIDIA Quadro 4000M with 2GB, NVIDIA Quadro 5010M with 4GB GDDR5. (Though I see that there is a 7000 series that only has an Intel card.) Look in control panel, device manager, display adapter. Make sure that Chief is set to use whichever of those you have and not the onboard Intel graphics. (look in system tray for video card control panel-3D settings if NVIDIA- don't know for AMD) That might help. Things that can help- As I mentioned try turning off bloom, turn off "ray casted shadows" (shadow ok just not RCS) do not use sun follows camera with generated sky- for that matter I don't use either one of those. I hope/expect that there will be some improvements with final release more to PBR than others (I don't expect perfect by then though) Still be a good idea to post the plan. FWIW I ran Precision Laptops for a number of years but ditched them about a year or two after I started using Chief. Last one was m4500, now my wife's home machine. CA like gaming cards, most are using NViDIA, better than Quadros (which come at premium price). Been happy ever since.
  16. What are computer specs? They are not in your signature. Are you sure that is standard view and not Physically Based? I have no problem with Standard view on the Sager with a dedicated video card. PBR is a little tricky at this point but I manage with them, maybe better than some. Should improve at final release (we are in Beta). On my Spectre with just an Intel card PBR is not working at all. Standard views on there get pixels and other weirdness. Turning OFF bloom solves the problems with standard view there. Might post the plan? and specs?
  17. I used View, Zoom within the help where circled on screenshot. I also change the size of the contents navigator-edit preferences, application. Screenshot here is full screen on the 13" Spectre. Text wraps, on this machine I shrank the navigator a little since not all illustrations shrink all the way to fit. Less of an issue when I first checked on the 17" Sager, at the office I have help open on a second of 3 screens
  18. That doesn't happen to me using the Help functions zoom. The text wraps.
  19. So I checked the documentation on QT Assistant- thanks Eric Option in View to Zoom in changes the size of the information window it appears that once zoomed in the size holds when closed and reopened, also holds after closing Chief and reopening. Edit/ Preferences only changes the size of the font in the bookmark/contents panel.
  20. I checked into this myself since I hit F1 so often. Chief help is not a CFM file so some of those solutions don't work. Can change the entire system to 125% but that isn't so good. I downloaded Advanced System Font Changer. Haven't given it a go yet though, bit much going on for that (in the course of things I did find a way to load the Group Policy Editor onto my Spectre which has Win Home-hope that works, will save me the cost of an upgrade
  21. Sorry, I have that license on support until April it's already been upgraded to X10 beta and will get the upgrade on final release (February 14th or so) . Since it's been upgraded I no longer can sell it as X9 AFAIK. In any case there's no reason for me to drop the price at this time.
  22. Could of things I found FWIW I use a download of the PDF and haven't noticed an issue with readability
  23. I can't say for sure but I think that the threads in question might have been reported by other users to the moderators, I know someone asked "where are the moderators when you need them". FWIW the poster started 4 or so threads with lengthy rants and at one point posted to my personal profile NOT a PM just to my profile. I didn't appreciate that. If you want to question something I posted why not in the public forum where it was posted to begin with. Sneaky crap.
  24. You don't even have to set it up as a hotspot. I can deactivate and activate right on my phone. If for some reason I was somewhere that the phone did not have a signal -a clients house, get access on their connection, middle of nowhere with no access-find the nearest McDonalds, Panera, Starbucks, rest area... Of course all of that is assuming you forgot to change the activation before you left. Forgot to bring your dongle with you though? SOL.
  25. One other thing I started doing in 9. I keep one plan template with the OOB anno sets. To keep the anno set list more manageable I split them up, one for new construction, one for remodel. Every now and then I've needed some adjustments. When I do that I export the sets and can import them into the template with the OOB set. Just less confusing for me.