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Everything posted by MarkMc

  1. Several of us were making this work in X9. If using X9 you can also either... Import as a door, change the origin and place in the back of the cabinet. OR Import, place in blank plan, place the cabinet door you need in front of it. From 3D view, convert to symbol, cabinet door, change origin to just behind the door, set depth stretch plane outside the symbol. Then use as a drawer front. OR Look for post by Alaskan_Son sometime last year if you want to have the door swing open AND the basket pull out OR Upgrade as Dermot suggests (best option)
  2. Rev-A-Shelf website has a zip file with 3D dog files, I believe their entire catalog. You can import from that. You'll want to look up the model number first, I keep their PDF catalog handy.
  3. Just to add to what others have said. I use ONLY molding lines always. If you are doing much with cabinets/kitchens then you use an assortment of molding stacks. Not hundreds but more than one or two right? Evey time you make a stack using a molding line (NOT molding polyline) and create. Copy it somewhere, select one length, then "disconnect selected edge. Copy that and paste it into a warehouse plan. I keep six foot lengths of each stack in rows based on ceiling height to keep things tidy I have some dashed cad lines drawn vertically for each row set 6 ft apart. To the side of each molding line I place a description ( I lean toward naming them by client) I also take a back clip section of the molding stack, shoot a cad detail from view and copy that into the warehouse plan next to the name. Won't take long until you have all the molding stacks you are likely to use but they are still easier to adjust than stacking them on cabinets. The biggest advantages of this method are- 1 NO quirky behavior; 2 you can now adjust the side overhangs to something other than the front overhang which is what happens IRL; 3 you don't have to redraw them. Just open the warehouse plan, copy and paste. Down off the soap box now.
  4. Like Perry said- Chief likes nVidia. If I were buying a system today I'd look at this- 8th gen desktop CPU, any of the 10XX GPUs
  6. Thanks Graham- my concern is if it will work with the processor. I have not been able to get any information on that so far but figure I'll be safe enough with an image and crossed fingers
  7. none of the numbers match anything I can find on my machine, all the PIDs I find are 4 digit. With a 620HD search on the site you link I find "almost" the driver that Graham lists. I can't find the one I have either both may have been HP only. I'll look into it further but not going to force it without a fresh disc image.
  8. Also in preferences Render-hardware edge smoothing- set to high, you have a strong enough video card for it.
  9. I have -10/17/2017. Neither Intel or HP will let me get anything earlier. I found 10/24/16. elsewhere but it doesn't say it's compatible with my CPUi7-8550U. I can force the install (maybe) but not sure how that works with the GPU. If I'm gonna try that I'll make a disc image first so won't be until Mon or Tues. Mick, thanks. I generally don't allow updates of drivers or anything else until I've read the notes and decided I really need it (specially on laptops) Just found a way to install GPEDIT on the Spectre and plan to try that tomorrow. Will save me from upgrading to Win Pro since that's the only reason I ever get it. Let you know if that works.
  10. Thanks for checking Graham. I just had a little time to get at it again. This was nothing like Grandview-4 walls, 5 cabinets and a fridge. Just tried a new one after updating catalogs again. 4 walls, 32 windows, two doors, 5 cabinets, tried with fridge and range from core catalog and without. Set every default having anything to do with views down . I get an occasional SEH error complainging about the video card in standard view. I managed to switch to PBR once- pixeled out. Move and it goes black. Card is well above min. sys requirements listed on Chiefs site (has Open GL 4.5). When I spoke with tech he pretty as much as said "dedicated GPU" (so take the Inetl card off the site !!) Wonder what's the difference between mine and yours? maybe single core performance- but the CPU barely spikes for a second and this has 4 actual, 8 effective. Guess for now I'll just stick with standard on this and look into selling this off in a couple of weeks- need the tablet for to use static images at a few business meetings first. In the meantime I'll lug the beast and power brick for consumers. Thanks for checking.
  11. Guess that will have to do. I was looking to add it to a toolbar config I use but can't find it in the customize toolbars.
  12. At least I can't find it. Object painter is there, just can't limit what it does- anybody? already sent it in.
  13. I just updated again and core material textures appear to be back though I have not checked everything yet- at least a good bit are back.
  14. Bought it end of November. Talked with Graham before I got it since he has the prior model. I'll run Grandview in X9. Worked better with earlier beta releases. I got it for a couple of reasons which still apply but this part is not good.
  15. Yeah, it's the UHD 620-latest card latest mfg driver. Like I said it runs X9 adequately enough for what I'd use it for. Wouldn't want to spend the day on it "0 but a short show and tell it's fine. I wonder if it's partly the missing materials. I'll check it sometime over the weekend with something where I know it has all the textures.
  16. Works now with update Will post at the end, still some issues. Anyone running X10 with an Intel card only? Are you having any success? My little toy secondary Spectre runs X9 adequately but getting repeated crashes in X10 even without multiple tabs or using PBR. PBR has pixelization ( if I can even manage to get there). I'd been hoping for improvement in the final for PBR but getting the SEH errors instead. Mentioned it to Support - they suggested update drivers- machine is update by MS and HP as of Wednesday. I'd forced an update on the Intel drivers at one point in testing which made it all worse. Thanks for the fix Chief
  17. I just got off the phone with support - they are aware. Fellow I spoke to had an email to the effect that they are working on it as fast as they can but no date for fix, no work around.
  18. Things to try- First would be a brand new camera. At first I thought I'd found that turning off both back drop and improve lighting, then switching to standard, then back to PBR, then turn on lighting, finally turn on backdrop (voodoo right) was the answer. But since then I have not been able to get the blowout with any new cameras even in full floor with no ceiling or roof. All were X10 plans which may or may not matter. YMMV Still getting a very little pixelization on the Spectre with the wimpy video card if everything is on but need to test that further.
  19. I had one where I couldn't stop it in the public beta. I saw someone mention the back drop. I found that the combination of a backdrop and "Improve lighting quality" in the rendering technique settings were the issue. If I turned either off it went away. The same file is fine in the latest update BUT I updated my catalogs and they may have updated backdrops. If all esle fails save the camera and settings and post the plan.
  20. Works here. Did you update your calalogs? only thing I can think of.
  21. Standard outlets work since X9
  22. Here are 3 - one evo w drawer I started for a rather difficult catalog- it is not finished but works for many things, then "3inch" is needed for that to work, the last one GerryT gave me and shows promise but needs work. While I did a lot of work on these Gerry in particular helped, Michael spent a bit of time going over general Ruby stuff with me and Joe Carrick (Yoda) also played along. So I don't really consider these mine. Besides the two for labels need some work yet. I just have not had the time to finish them off. To get them fixed I strongly suggest working with Michael (or Joe who also was at one point working on something) -BUT either may want to start from scratch. FWIW After my take on using these (and I have placed a decent number of orders based on the "evo w drawer" and it's predecessors) is that trying to make a macro to do an entire catalog is not worth the effort.One that does "most" should suffice. I keep about 2 dozen cabinets in my library that I use often and that require and excessive amount of fiddling to make work in a macro. Most of those are also cabinets that would require a bit configuring to the faces and may also involve listing modifications (which I do in the OIP fields) Then I just design with normal cabinets and use replace from to put those in so that I have a schedule I can use to generate an order. I have a spot in my calendar to finish off a video about placing an online order from a CA schedule which will get posted (some day :0 but currently I'm working on altering my website to reflect my shift to doing freelance drafting work. So that vid may get bumped out till next week from the looks of it but for an assortment of reasons I have to finish that before the month is out. Cab
  23. change the newel spacing to 24", can have the facet angle as high as 7.5.
  24. Easy ...well everything I know of is a kludge IF the bath and laundry are adjacent AND you don't mind making them one room then it's kind of easy BUT if you Since I most likely would not want to do that AND since there are more likely fewer cabinets there than in the kitchen? Can block each cabinet in laundry and bath but now you have to fix the label that shows in the schedule AND the dimensions don't read according to the cabinet but are polar based on the block so that has to get fixed (easier with the new extra OIP fileds) Other kludges I've had to use are - convert one schedule to text then do the second one, or use multiple plans and , since I use callouts for cabinet labels overlay the labels from one plan to another OR place my own callouts. once, knowing I had an issue going in, I made one group of cabinets from Base and Wall cabinets and the other Tall Cabinets with custom counters. Would be nice if it were possible to specify multiple rooms for a schedule.
  25. I've gotten it off and on. Sometimes, if all is good, switching to vector and back, or standard and back, and/or rebuild 3D makes it go away. I only ever get the white blast when "Improve light quality" under global illumination is checked. Unfortunately that setting helps with color bleed from the backdrop. I have not yet run down the cause but I have a hunch that at least some of the time it is from an incomplete roof or one where there is a slight gap at the plane joints. Can't say for sure yet though. Job that I'm working on now is doing it. It's a "drafting only job" for an interior designer; fixing an X6 plan into X9. The plan had barely any roof on it at all and the correct roof is a bear and I have no specs, just google maps. Took a quick run at the roof but it's not needed for the job and any PBRs I do are bonus so turned "Improve light quality off. Got a few decent images that way.