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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. I believe those settings are for gaming aficionados, I have never changed mine or felt a need to. Glad you got a solution! DJP
  2. Never bothered to count. If you are "overwhelmed" then it is time to upgrade your hardware or off load unnecessary objects. Each person should decide those things for themselves. DJP
  3. Hit the "F6" key (orders a "Fill Screen". If that does not work, you may have accidentally placed a part of a wall (not hard to do) far away from your building and when you fill the screen (F6) it includes that tiny length of accidental wall, leaving your building off screen. It is fundamental good advice to carefully study the Reference Manual and watch the introductory video tutorials to get better orientated. DJP
  4. Method and habits may become confused. I learned from Dan Baumann and I ascribe to his philosophy from the standpoint of planning out your design before you actually start to create it. By that I mean sketch out the floor levels using 2CAD and dimensions so I already have a good understanding of floor levels, floor platform thicknesses etc. Then I set ALL applicable defaults (it saves time and clicks later on). Then you start actually creating the 3D model. Often times as the design takes shape, certain fixed ideas I or the client had fall away and evolve. There is no system that would fit all users and clients. The key is taking the time to fully understand what you are doing and how to best use your tools and then enjoy the process. Let the nit-pickers waste their time worrying. There are some constructs that are more difficult than others (requiring thinking out of the box), a great example of this is the work of Yusuf in Ethiopia. He has figured out ways to create effects that others missed using Chief. DJP
  5. You can unlock the Truss layer and then edit trusses that Chief Architect makes or you can create your own using poly-line solids and poly-line solid holes any shape you like, just takes a little longer. Since I am not a State LIcensed Structural Engineer, I would not do this without a consulting Engineer. DJP
  6. For me the symbol process is simple and fast, so I do not see the bother, such things are a matter of opinion anyways. Do what you like, I like symbols for large projects which makes the planning and layout easy and simple. Symbols are a nickle a billion that can be made and thrown away quickly. DJP
  7. The way I have adopted for large commercial projects on modulated terrain is to have a plan file for each building. Convert each building to a symbol and then place the symbols into a single plan with terrain. This makes the locating process a lot easier since you are raising and lowering symbols instead of multi part building constructs. The buildings converted to symbols can be gutted inside to create fewer 3D faces in the group plan. The single plan files are used to communicate each building in detail and the group plan is just for the site plan and site plan renderings. DJP
  8. I have noticed the same behavior. As far as I know there is no default setting for mulled windows, only general window defaults. DJP
  9. Does it only manifest using a specific camera type (does it also happen in vector view for instance?). What are you render camera settings? Try changing the settings and see if that helps at all. DJP
  10. When I want to do this sort of thing I use a particular font which is an outline font "Swiss721 BlkOul BT Black" (see image), works for me anyway. DJP
  11. I would do a plan file and schedule per building (per floor if necessary) for the purpose of schedules and only one plan that contains all buildings like for a site plan. This way you can easily separate per floor and per building however you like. DJP
  12. I use Chief Architect in my business (remodeling and custom home design), I use the free version of Sketch Up as an adjunct ( I mainly use it to make symbols and Architectural appliques for special projects), my best Sketch Up resource is the 3D Warehouse where you can pick from thousands of free symbols to use in my Chief Plans.I have seen some very nice constructs made in Sketch Up but I am set in my ways and do not feel the need to master a second application. DJP
  13. I believe K Bird created this library file, works for me. DJP Stainless Steel.calibz
  14. My X2 runs fine in Windows 7 and 10, it should run fine in Windows 8 as well. DJP
  15. No, on my Desktop system I experienced better performance. You an easily revert whenever you like. I upgraded my 8 year old laptop to Windows 10 and did not like its performance and so reverted, the process was quick and easy. DJP
  16. Earlier today I edited my profile.plan on my desktop and then turned off X6 & 7 and updated them on my laptop, all smooth as glass. Sorry you are having trouble. DJP
  17. For such a portrayal, you need to use a manual roof plane to represent the coffering of the ceiling. The pitch and height etc can be precisely set manually, the the rest is easy; DJP
  18. You need to clearly state what Home Designer Version you have now please so It can be opened and saved, marked for editing in Home Designer software by the right version of Chief that corresponds with what you have now please. DJP
  19. Regular "fence" can be made to look like the fence shown in your first image. The second image would have to be custom modeled in Sketch Up and then imported as a symbol or panel. The retaining wall tool would not natively produce fence-like structures anyway. DJP
  20. There is a marked difference between "trying" and completely understanding and then doing what the article says, always. The easiest way to do what you want is to use two "Elevation Regions", one in the front yard that matches the garage door height and then another "Elevation Region" at the back door and yard that matches the grade level of the walk-out basement floor. The only way to not get a modulated terrain is to use only one value for change. the terrain plane is predicated to work with "two differing" elevation datums or objects, not just one. Read the article carefully again and carefully follow each step and when you do, you will get the expected outcome. DJP
  21. Here is my contact information, I know of no one who specializes in teaching-tutoring Home Designer products except me. DJP
  22. I just finished upgrading to Windows 10 Pro and Chief X7 - X2 run just fine on it. I did manually have to download the newest NVIDIA driver, didn't take long, I like it! DJP