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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. My X2 runs fine in Windows 7 and 10, it should run fine in Windows 8 as well. DJP
  2. No, on my Desktop system I experienced better performance. You an easily revert whenever you like. I upgraded my 8 year old laptop to Windows 10 and did not like its performance and so reverted, the process was quick and easy. DJP
  3. Earlier today I edited my profile.plan on my desktop and then turned off X6 & 7 and updated them on my laptop, all smooth as glass. Sorry you are having trouble. DJP
  4. For such a portrayal, you need to use a manual roof plane to represent the coffering of the ceiling. The pitch and height etc can be precisely set manually, the the rest is easy; DJP
  5. You need to clearly state what Home Designer Version you have now please so It can be opened and saved, marked for editing in Home Designer software by the right version of Chief that corresponds with what you have now please. DJP
  6. Regular "fence" can be made to look like the fence shown in your first image. The second image would have to be custom modeled in Sketch Up and then imported as a symbol or panel. The retaining wall tool would not natively produce fence-like structures anyway. DJP
  7. There is a marked difference between "trying" and completely understanding and then doing what the article says, always. The easiest way to do what you want is to use two "Elevation Regions", one in the front yard that matches the garage door height and then another "Elevation Region" at the back door and yard that matches the grade level of the walk-out basement floor. The only way to not get a modulated terrain is to use only one value for change. the terrain plane is predicated to work with "two differing" elevation datums or objects, not just one. Read the article carefully again and carefully follow each step and when you do, you will get the expected outcome. DJP
  8. Here is my contact information, I know of no one who specializes in teaching-tutoring Home Designer products except me. DJP
  9. I just finished upgrading to Windows 10 Pro and Chief X7 - X2 run just fine on it. I did manually have to download the newest NVIDIA driver, didn't take long, I like it! DJP
  10. The word you are looking for is "sense" and I have a healthy sense of humor, I am as guilty as the next person of being insensitive at times but I try for better and urge others to do so as well.Try standing in another's shoes first before holding someone up to ridicule is all I am asking. Try to help first and joke last. DJP
  11. Once you zip it, you should also send a copy and explanation to Tech Support for analysis. They will let you know what they found and it may help us all. Part of your license fee buys you Tech Support and they are quite good. DJP
  12. This sort of thing is perhaps fun at the expense of someone merely asking for help. Making fun of others is cheap humor, helping others is more positive and prosurvival. DJP
  13. Here is my take on the imponderables of wall behavior in Premier: https://youtu.be/yqykKHOi3Zk DJP
  14. The number one cause of extended ray trace time is unnecessary light sources that do not directly contribute to the scene being rendered. In ray tracing ALL light sources that are turned "on" in a plan file will be parsed by the render engine, each unnecessary light source adds a factor of 10 times to the overall time it takes to fully render a scene. Turn off all lights that do not illuminate the scene of address; doing so will then cut render time to its possible minimum. DJP
  15. A temporary solution for roofs at least is to set the sheathing to the same material as the roof surface. That action then eliminates the "Z" fighting for the roof, call it a work-round if you like, it does work. DJP
  16. After creating the second (or more) stair sections, you zoom in and carefully align and locate one stair section to the next. Zooming in so you can see well is the key with stairs on any kind. When the stair sections are properly located, one to another, they will "snap" together (close does NOT count). Only preciseness will serve with stairs. DJP
  17. There have been many past threads posted here about "Z Fighting", please do a "Search" for that term where this question has been answered well and thoroughly in the past, multiple times. DJP
  18. Take a look at "Shapes - Pedestals" in the LIbrary Browser. If those are not suitable, consider downloading and learning Trimble Sketch Up and make your own, Sketch Up is free software and very useful for making custom symbols and shapes. Symbols made in Sketch Up can then be imported into Chief Premier. DJP
  19. Roz, your attached is so tiny, it is worthless in terms of communicating your exact problem, I am sorry to say. Since I cannot see your image, I can offer nothing of any use to you until I and others can see what is what. DJP
  20. I downloaded your plan and then did a You Tube video of my looking around and editing: http://youtu.be/oNKD2WK1QBk DJP
  21. Often I will shift to the "All off Set" and then turn on just "Moldings" so I can edit them or delete them. DJP
  22. Here is my take on a solution via You Tube: http://youtu.be/cNZ65RKvn_Q DJP
  23. Open the dialog box of the deck (I assume you named the room "Deck"), then on the Structure Tab - Floor Structure - Floor Finish set to "zero" inches and just below is "planks-joists" where you can alter the surface material of the deck planks. DJP