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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. The original quality of the PDF file is a large factor. A grainy PDF, I agree is useless but the fault resides in the original document. I have used PDF and image imports for years with great success and time saved but only with high quality original documents. DJP
  2. There are a couple of methods that one can use on Roof Planes: 1. you select the roof plan you want to alter-move and then select the "Transform-Replicate Dialog tool" where you can precisely move-copy or rotate the selected object 2. Using the Roof Plane dialog you can manipulate the values in the various input boxes to move or change a roof plane's height etc. Next time you try to attach a plan file or image be sure and finish the job by clicking on "Attach this File" command DJP
  3. You can turn on and off 'Temporary Dimensions" (there should be an icon for that in the right hand toolbar) or you can turn them on or off under "View - Temporary Dimensions". DJP
  4. No one would be happy with such performance. I looked up your video card and it is a good one which makes your complaints all the more vexing. Try updating your software video card drivers and see if that helps. You should also make a formal complaint to Tech Support for sure. I do hope you get it solved. DJP
  5. Here is a You Tube video of me doing what I think you are asking about, forgive me if I missed the point of your question: DJP
  6. Daniel, the hardest way to learn Chief Architect is while you are under pressure to complete a project. It is easier on you to first learn how to use the software and its many tools and settings on simple test plans and then apply your new earned skills to an actual project. In order to offer specific help, I need to better understand in detail, what you are doing-trying to do. DJP
  7. The "Edit Layout" tool is for adding and subtracting lines produced by the 3D model. LInes drawn manually using 2D CAD tools are not editable using the "Edit Layout" tool. The Edit Layout Tool is only available while working on an open Layout file. Sometimes when sending a view to layout certain unwanted lines can be added or needed lines go missing during the "Send to Layout" process. The Edit Layout tool is for cleaning up those unwanted or missing lines. If one updates an elevation view the "Edit Layout" editing done priorly will be lost and have to be redone, so such work is best done right before printing only. DJP
  8. I run Chief Architect and AutoCAD from time to time, I also use Adobe Acrobat Pro, Corel Paint Shop Pro and other applications simultaneously. I have never noticed any unexpected problems for the last several years, I believe that the problem is probably based on a specific PC or Mac hardware as opposed to software based. Doug Park is correct in that to actually diagnose a problem, one needs specific information such as is commonly required for Tech Support help. DJP
  9. I opened your file in X7 and I did not experience what you did. it stays put in all camera views. DJP
  10. Chief Interiors costs about 2K$ and Home Designer Pro 2016 costs $495. If I were an interior designer I would pay the extra money for Interiors for photo realism alone. It is your money and your decision, you get what you pay for in terms of money and your willingness to learn, study and practice. DJP
  11. Every object has a Dialog box where its dimensions can be altered or edited. DJP
  12. Here is a You Tube video of me fixing your shed roof walls: https://youtu.be/TCONowlxA9k DJP
  13. Good texture files are large. The larger the texture file the better. Scaling is not the most important factor. How the texture is cropped determines how it looks when applied to a surface. The texture has to be large enough and skillfully cropped so that when it repeats, it is less noticeable. DJP This You Tube video may be helpful to you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy2cwSV0Iys
  14. When you create a new line style it then appears in your Library Browser in the "User Catalog" area where it can be renamed or deleted. DJP
  15. You can get close to zero overhang manually by adjusting the eave roof edges but true zero overhand is problematic in terms of 3D modeling (roof planes must cut off wall tops by overhanging them at least a little as 1/16" of an inch really. You are always more likely to get useful answers posting a copy of your plan than otherwise. You also have to describe your problem so that anyone can quickly understand in detail what you are having difficulty with (your post above does not clearly communicate exactly what is going on that needs a solution), DJP
  16. I use the Time Tracker for all my billings. I prefer to manually turn it on and off (not a big fan of automaticity). I have found it utterly accurate. DJP
  17. I get occasional crashes before and after the upgrade to Windows 10, not zero but nothing out of the ordinary for a person who daily and constantly uses Chief. DJP
  18. I think you should call Chief Architect Sales. Most of us are single license users. There are some users here that use multiple seats (license instances), the thing you want to do is to have only one user (license) operating on a single file per unit of time (two or more users cannot open and alter a file simultaneously, if that is what you are wondering). You can have a network server for files and access that file from different PC's but only one at a time (not two or more at a time). This is my opinion and you should verify this with Chief Architect Sales. DJP
  19. I downloaded your file. When I looked over the box window I could see nothing obviously "wrong" inside or out. Please more succinctly define "look correct" or what is wrong or missing please. DJP
  20. I would estimate based totally upon ignorance that I have mastered about 80% (the other 20% I just do not use often enough to claim "Mastership" of). If you really want to learn this stuff then make an effort to teach others, that is when I really found out I didn't know as much as I at first thought. DJP
  21. Preferences control how the program acts whenever you open it. Default Settings controls only the plan you are editing-creating. Your "Profile.plan" is what is copied each time you order "New Plan", so if you want to change or edit the Default Settings of the "Profile.plan" (metric users would use "ProfileM.plan" these are to be found in C:/My Documents/Chief Architect X7/Templates"). So like a lot of things in LIfe you have to know how and where the things are that you want to control and then do so. DJP
  22. Learn where and how to set all default settings, Dimension Defaults can be controlled in its Defaults Dialogs. Learning and mastering Default Settings takes awhile because there are so many such settings. Take the time to really study and practice controlling those settings and you will then be much more efficient thereby. DJP
  23. The fundamental-fundamentals are found in the definitions and nomenclature that the software uses, then learn where and what all Default Settings are for and what they do and do not do (there are many of these and how you use them or not will determine how efficient you become). Roof and Terrain tools require lots of careful practice to master along with your general study. Do not guess but rather learn how it works and then follow the intended procedures and conventions. I have seen plans created by new users that became corrupted and useless due to too much wrong guessing. Be competent and enjoy! DJP
  24. Part of learning this software is learning what each tool is for and what it does and does not do. The floor camera will not (is not programmed to) show anything other that what is on the "Floor" that camera is created on. The "Full Camera" will include all possible objects from the viewpoint of the camera, the floor camera will not. Objects will appear or not based on whether or not they are checked "on" or "Off" in your camera view "Display Objects" dialog also, so it can seem a little mysterious as to why objects may be visible in plan views but then not in camera views (that is due to them being on or off in Display Options as well). Watch the introductory videos and read the Reference Manual carefully, stopping to practice what you read about as you go and you will eventually get comfortable, there is much to learn! DJP
  25. Contact Vince Kunisek please: http://www.vincekunasekdesign.com/index-stockplans.html DJP