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Everything posted by robdyck

  1. Chief is resizing these studs when the program probably should not be doing that. I'd also suggest reporting this behavior. The stud isn't reporting incorrectly, it actually is resized. I also made sure that this wall type had the default framing sizes and I made sure it was indeed exactly 1.5". And I made sure to rebuild this wall.
  2. I have a wall type that is 1/16" thick, No Material, and set to Air Gap. Outer line follows layer settings, inner line is the invisible line style. I DO NOT make this wall invisible because usually there is no need and I keep it on the Walls, Normal layer. If you make it invisible Chief will override the specified line style for the inner line. If you used this for slab type rooms, then it can be a bit simpler to adjust the length of the gable attic wall above. We'll try not to talk to much about attic walls right now:)
  3. robdyck


    From the album: Robert Dyck Building Design

    Custom Home in Desert Blume, Alberta. Designed by Robert Dyck Building Design
  4. Rob, have you tried adjusting your default camera settings? If you use the generated sky, and have the terrain extend to the horizon, those default views will look much nicer for you making it much nicer for working. I also really like turning the hand drawn lines on with every setting set as low as possible and 3d patttern lines turned off. Whoops, just realized you don't have X15.
  5. Those frieze boards are probably following the length of the auto-generated attic wall. You can try adjusting the length of the attic wall.
  6. I did try it but it didn't work when I tried it so obviously I had something selected that didn't match the other symbols I selected. It certainly does work if you have similar types of symbols!
  7. Nope. You could either edit them one at a time, or place them all in a plan, make your edits, then place them back in the library and delete the old ones.
  8. robdyck


    I sent this issue to TS this week. The response: I believe we may have a case of lost functionality here, and will be contacting our developer department to see if we can have it addressed. CAD LINE SNAP PROBLEM.wmv
  9. The solution to the original question (prior to the heavy duty off-topic discussion about pouring concrete??) is to check "Foundation Wall" in the 'General' Tab of the Wall Specification dialog. In the 'Foundation' Tab, I uncheck 'Footing' and drop in my own footings from my library because Chief doesn't build footings correctly for interior basement load bearing walls (the footing does not project at the ends of the walls).
  10. robdyck


    From the album: Cottage Exteriors

  11. robdyck

    Cottage Exteriors

    Modeled in Chief X15 - Rendered in Twinmotion
  12. robdyck


    From the album: Cottage Exteriors

  13. robdyck


    From the album: Cottage Exteriors

  14. robdyck


    From the album: Cottage Exteriors

  15. robdyck


    From the album: Cottage Exteriors

  16. robdyck


    From the album: Cottage Exteriors

  17. robdyck


    From the album: Cottage Exteriors

  18. robdyck

    Cottage Interiors

    Rendered in Chief X15 - no post production.
  19. robdyck

    MB 2.jpg

    From the album: Cottage Interiors

  20. robdyck

    MB 1.jpg

    From the album: Cottage Interiors

  21. robdyck

    LR 2.jpg

    From the album: Cottage Interiors

  22. robdyck

    LR 1.jpg

    From the album: Cottage Interiors

  23. robdyck

    LOFT 1.jpg

    From the album: Cottage Interiors