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Everything posted by Kenoeightspot

  1. Alan, Place a "Doorway" then place the dim. it works for me.
  2. I use reference sets. Facing the toilet the dim. tool will find the center left or right. The other direction the dim. tool will not find the rough in point, you will have to dim. that by hand, typ.12.5" from framing or whatever the manufacturer specifies. Let your plumber be responsible for that dimension.
  3. Place a toilet fixture in blank plan and make cad detail from view. remove most of the lines. Change lines to gray dashed. select and block then add to your lib. for your future use. On foundation level turn on reference set. Place toilet cad block from lib. and center over the toilet in the reference set. Turn off reference set and add dim. OR Just use the reference set
  4. The 3'-2" dimension appears to be a "point marker" dimension. try again with end to end dimension.
  5. Here is the plan, I added a roof with ceiling next to your roof flat roof sloping ceiling.plan
  6. Create a flat roof plane the add a sloped ceiling then place your skylight.
  7. Muntins Video
  8. Zoom into your section, there is something going on with a second floor maybe. post the plan if you can not find the issues.
  9. Do you mean Dumpster enclosure?.
  10. Here is the Utility sink from CA. Lib. that I modified with out the legs. Add to your lib. UTILITY SINK WALL MOUNTED.plan
  11. When I gave an example of a two part elevator door I was working on a Commercial job that had that style of door. There are at least three styles of doors. 1. One large door - "pocket " door will work. 2. Two door that slide to one side - "Slider" door style will work. 3. Two doors that split - "Pocket" door style w/ (2) doors marked.
  12. One option is to change door style to slider, change to slab type. Modify plan with cad lines. If door is supplied by manufacturer then uncheck include in schedule.
  13. Check "Ignore Casing". Casings can be different sizes on opposite sides. The casing can show correct in plan but the head casing will also be smaller.
  14. Try Uncheck "Railing" wall. Or post your plan
  15. Open up your wall type and review what material is used. Change to "Glass" material. or just use shower wall. You also may have painted your wall by mistake.
  16. There are foundation vents in the Lib. Left vent is fixed window with screen material instead of glass. The right vent is CA. and is adjustable.
  17. Turn off the lintel and all is good. Not sure why the lintel causes issues.