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Everything posted by Kenoeightspot

  1. Yes, one hour protected if less than 5' feet in Seattle.
  2. Try using a "Wall Material Region". It will show in the material list.
  3. I switched from Vectorworks to Chief Architect four years ago and love.
  4. The room divider is invisible, but the line does show.
  5. This is how My plans show on level (1) Basement and on level (0)
  6. In the first Image I made the terrain very steep at the edge of the driveway falling into the culvert. Add a polyline solid circle(plug) and set it in the pipe about 18" to hide the terrain. In the second image I made the terrain vertical at the edges of the driveway. I made a terrain ditch, the driveway followed the ditch so I added a p solid driveway (bridge) over the sloped driveway then added another p solid below the driveway p solid to act as the steep terrain sides, and in elevation shaped a hole in the p solid to let the hollow pipe show thru.
  7. Gene, Dtl. 1 - I Pour the stem wall first then compact the soil against the conc. wall before pouring the slab. ICF. or conventional pour then compact. Use the rebar stubs to attach the slab to the foundation. Dtl. 2 - Are you going to continue the upper sheathing down over the ICF form so you have something to nail the siding to.
  8. Place a plug the same color just inside the pipe. Or Polyline solids. Third image is overview of hollow pipe
  9. Place Basement on First Floor if you build a separate foundation plan (reads better). Add pony walls as needed around the building(I use three different types at this level. In elevation cut your foundation walls to lower the footings at the walkout side at meet the frost depth. Most of my residential project have walkouts.
  10. You might start with a building section and plan where the walls and roof connect to the bent frame. Building your building shell, create a cross section and use that shape to create the "Bent Frame" shape. copy that shape outside of the building model. Model the bent frame from polyline solids , Block, add to lib. then move back to the Building shell, in plan move to your desired locations.
  11. You are in the wrong forum and asking in the wrong section. Ask in the "Questions" section and in" Home Designer". Try using the "Transform/Replicate "tool, measure the image and figure out the Ratio of ex. to new then enter in the "Resize" area. Or Use "Point to Point Resize" tool, you will have to resize twice, vert. and horiz. Not sure if Home Designer has these tools.
  12. Just start with "Line with arrow" then add second arrow head.
  13. If you want double studs with one top & bottom plate. Manual adjustments, not automatic.
  14. Copy the plan then delete items like stairs, terrain etc. everything around the trouble walls. put back in the double wall and tell us your solution. Don't forget to close CA. then "zip" the file before trying to attach.
  15. Chief And Old Forum Double studs are done manually. In plan