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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Graham, I messed with it a bit. Try opening the camera dvx and check SHOW SHADOWS. I have a 3d vector with shadows, I have a back clip cross section with no shadows (I did not turn SHOW SHADOWS on), and I have a BCCS camera with shadows on (however very dark, I did not spend time tweaking it.
  2. Thank you Glenn, you confirmed what I was thinking. The diagrams you provided confused me more. I would of thought the left hand outswing would of been a right hand outswing and the right hand out swing would of been a left hand outswing ........ and put you left leg in and shake it all about and put your right arm in and swing it all all about. I can't figure it out, I am so glad everybody else can figure it out. I will avoid naming the swing direction and show a picture. i am not even going to try to figure out the nomenclature if I have a door going from a family room to a living room, or a door from a bedroom to an attached nursery, Alan Lehman is my idol, a picture is worth........
  3. Yes, and once you open the 2nd instance, you can have 2 layouts open. Can anybody do this on a MAC?
  4. I misspoke. Yes I want to open 2 instances of CA. On a MAC I cannot. I have opened 2 instances of CA when I was working on my PC back in the Ice Age, but now in the information age, using a MAC, I cannot open 2 instances of CA.
  5. To open 2 layouts at one time, I believe we hold down control key, correct? I am on a mac, it does not seem to work, can anybody open two layouts on a mac, thanks
  6. I think the point of this thread is to be able to describe how a door swings. In this post there have been some professionals who have described how a door swing should be described. I am not sure if the professionals agree on the proper nomenclature. I am still confused as to how a door swings. If I did understand, I wonder if anybody else would understand it how I understand it. The point is, it seems like whoever is ordering the door should look at the plans and take responsibility for the direction of door swing. This is one of the reasons I give a unique door label to each door. I let the door orderers figure out what door to order by referring to the plans. IOW, I believe in the the Alan Lehman Method, a picture is worth a thousand words. My 2 cents.
  7. To further elaborate, you can have both the size of window and the schedule number in plan if you want. I like both.
  8. I get your point Randy, you cannot do what you want...... a mull frame that is the depth of window frame and NOT the thickness of the wall.
  9. Do you need the structural mull? I guess you do, you probably know better than I.
  10. Randy, I think Bill nailed it, set the min distance to zero, you have it set at 1".... hopefully you can live without that 1" separation. Give it a try.
  11. I recognized this 10 years ago, it just took me awhile to realize that it was not my deficiency, but CA's deficiency. That being said, I do recognize it is very difficult to cover all situations, but there are a lot of very typical conditions that should be a lot easier to model.
  12. Not necessarily Grasshoppa. Even though the population is 23,000,000, there are only 379 people living in California that can afford to buy a house in California, hence, not 23 million homes.
  13. That house must be in SOCAL, is that so?
  14. Yes, 2 floors, each 10' tall, the second floor is open to below.
  15. Boy oh boy, I am on the same page as Larry. I avoid the plant schedule for key notes and I avoid the story pole, good the tools are there, but for me there are simpler more efficient methods to get what I want. Since I am on a roll, I wish CA would take the time to learn what we power users go through to create a model that is a little "out of the box". I wish they had the interest in seeing the hassle I go through to create something that is very very typical in the remodeling world. Yes I have reported the issues, unfortunately I think it goes into the great abyss and nothing becomes of it..... a waste of my time reporting the issue.
  16. I would put my money on Glenn Woodward, no offense to anybody else, but Glenn has proved his proficiency over and over and over on this web site....... and over again......
  17. Not a bad idea Michael. It is so funny, I Am now expecting CA to read my thoughts. If CA can't read my thoughts, there is a glitch in the program. Hey Dermot, fix this please. Thank you.
  18. Does this help? I am not sure, maybe double check with headquarters.
  19. Sorry about that, BTW, I was shooting bogie golf today before I had to leave for a commitment. I think I might stop at the driving range tomorrow morning to hit a bucket of balls before I enjoy breakfast at the beach.
  20. Is this to replace the CLIENT VIEWER? Why would somebody use the 3D interactive viewer vs the CLIENT VIEWER?
  21. Keep in mind, never post the plan so somebody can help you out.
  22. good vid Michael. I do not use point markers enough, I will soon start. I think you are using the point markers as "construction lines", wouldn't it be great if we could get rid of all point markers with a hot key?
  23. are there 18 other folks that will give him a point? Thanks Alaska.