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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I am interested in learning how to do landscape plans in Chief. Does anybody have something they can share? Either PDF's or files. I would consider doing a workshop on landscape plans if anybody was interested. I have a few ideas that I would like to run by anybody that has some expertise with landscape plans. One of the topics I would be interested in would be discussing creating unique symbols for the different plants and trees.
  2. Chop, I recommend you accept Glenn's offer to help you out. It's free. And if you guys want to do a GTM, of course I will host.
  3. Workshop summary: First I want to thank all who attended. If I learn one thing out of a workshop, I consider the time well spent. I did a lot of the narrating in the beginning, and if I am talking, I am probably not learning.... but.... This is what I learned. 1. The Glenn Woodward Retaining wall/footing/cap method. This is akin to my request for the Super Pony Wall, but a bit more limiting. 2. Reinforced my believe that CA builds terrains with a few peccadilloes. This was confirmed when together we saw some "spikes" in the terrain for no logical reason and the only way to eliminate the "spikes" was to remove a select topo elevation line which should not of been necessary. 3. Chopsaw challenged me to import an ACAD TERRAIN file, and I was able to do this very quickly. The file I had included what I would call "smart" topo lines, meaning the imported topo lines had an elevation associated with them. How they did this, I do not understand, but it was very cool. To Chopsaw, I would share that particular file, but it is not mine to share, so I would rather not. During the workshop, I wanted to run across some more CA terrain peccadilloes, but we ran out of time. The workshop was 2.5 hours long. I do not record these workshops nor do I want to spend the extra time required to process these workshops nor do I think anybody wants to listen to 2.5 hours of our banter. So if you are interested in the topic, you might want to find time in your schedule to attend if possible. We usually have some pretty heavy hitters who always have something to share. If any of you other attendees learned something, please let me know. Thank You.
  4. The beauty of the mac is how the apps are integrated in iCloud, something I just learned this weekend. Specifically the word app, the spreadsheet, the iPhoto, notes, keynote/powerpoint and etc. The iCloud may be an alternative to drop box. I also like how my calendar and contacts and browser are all synced to my other devices, the iPhone, the iPad and the IWife. Also, if I am not mistaken, the word, spreadsheet and powerpoint are free with the mac, including updated operating systems. All free. But here is the real value for me with the mac. If I have any questions or issues with the mac, I can call their hotline and they will help me solve the problem at NO CHARGE. I can also take free workshops at the apple store whenever I want. So the mac may be more expensive upfront, but if you include customer service and the free apps, I find the extra cost well worth it. However before CA was ported to the mac, I used a PC and it worked just fine. Both platforms work well.
  5. I think SRC gave you some info most Mac users would disagree with. I think you will be fine.
  6. Try it now, I think it was broken .
  7. 3 answers, Eric probably has the quickest and simplest solution.
  8. Okay, did you change it in the CEILING edit box?
  9. Incorrect, I am the splitting image of the handsome actor.... Mr. James Woods....
  10. Chop, were you able to put the window you created into a plan? Because of the shape (reflected vertically), I think you have an opening in the wall once that window is placed in wall. If you were able to do it, would you mind posting the plan>? Thanks
  11. 40 years and never had a contract, knock on wood.
  12. Hey guys, I just sent out invites, if you did not get one, let me know. We start promptly on the hour.
  13. Okay guys, I just checked my GOTOMEETING, it is still working. I will send out email invites 15 minutes before show time. Answer the email and follow prompts, easy peasy. We will start promptly on the hour. If you have headphones with a mute button, please use them, no worries if you do not have them, I can always mute you (back ground noise is sometimes an issue). The meeting may last 2 hours, it will not go past 3 hours. You can always bail out at any time. The first 20 minutes I will develop a terrain with walk out basement, site retaining walls and any other dastardly conditions we can dream up. I can then turn it over to anybody else who might want to share. I am hoping that during the demonstration an example of CA's peccadilloes will show up, and together we will find a solution.
  14. very true..... I do not think a 3d molding would work either..... I do not know what the ideal solution would be... the bucking wall works the best in section.... but it does have many downsides...
  15. Absolutely, that is the way to go. A truss base and a girder truss.
  16. Did you guys notice the color picker has changed. In the beginning the color palette was native to the PC , and then CA tried to use the MAC color palette, it was not successful so they switched back to the PC color palette...... and now they are back to the MAC color palette. I am not sure if I like the MAC version as much. It seems more difficult to use. Any comments? The picture of the MAC color palette is attached.
  17. Glenn and I are putting on a terrain workshop: Friday July 1 4:00 pm pst time which would be Saturday July 2nd 9:00 am OZ time. If you are interested, email me at dscotthall@mac.com and I will include you in the invites. This could be a real good workshop for those that do not understand terrains. I think I understand them quite well with the exception of a few peccadilloes. We will create some terrain scenarios and if we are lucky(or maybe not lucky), we will uncover some of the peccadilloes and we will see if we have some solutions for them. Attendees: dsh, The Great Glenn Woodward, Antoine (if he can get his a$$ out of bed), David Kawasaki, "P" Slab Man, Gavin Dennis (or is it Dennis Gavin?), JB "The Mad Baehmer", John Scussel, Alan Lehman, JPC, Rich Winsor, Graeme, Chopsaw,
  18. This is what I refer to as a bucked wall. do a search for the bucking wall thread and you might get some additional insight. Perry came up with the best solution for my case. Jerry, did you draw a small plan with an example of your solution?
  19. Not a good solution if a correct plan view is warranted.
  20. show us a picture of the window that is giving you problems.
  21. I have a sneaky feeling you have more problems than the stairs....
  22. I think the drop box is the best thing since the almighty created woman. I do not think I have ever had any problems with it. What I do know is I can check out ANY FILES on my iPhone, my iPad, or my iMac any time and anywhere. I have clients that use it and they love it. I have clients that I share files with and we love it. I do not think I have ever had a problem with the lag. Drop box is essentially the iCloud or "the cloud". The computer hard drive is not a place to store files in my opinion. I think all files should be stored on the cloud.
  23. Thanks Larry, I will check on that, I am assuming I know have extended version.