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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I suggest taking your last plan and deleting everything and go from there. In fact there maybe some special layer sets you would want to use again for your latest project.
  2. Since you brought this up..... create a line.... can you give it a label? NO. Now hit the 3 key and give it a break.... you now have a poly line and you can give it a lable..... now.... hit button to SIMPLIFY POLYLINE, you now have a line (not a poly line), and you still have a label. Ain't that a pistol?
  3. I use Michaels method. I am sure Joes works as well. I CANNOT IMAGINE NOT USING AN AUTO AREA TABULATION;METHOD.
  4. I did not find CA performed any better than how it performed on an iMac. You might want to save the money.
  5. But, if the land slopes, and the back terrain is higher than first level and the front of terrain is below the first level, you. will miss some of the terrain when using the cross section slider. I suppose the best for me might be to switch to putting the terrain on level zero. BTW...... I just love love love the latest ability to use multiple ref sets.... great addition to the program......... I kind of wish I could use different ref sets with 3D.
  6. Yeah, if you leave a street or sidewalk behind, it will disappear when you carry out Glenn's cut and paste operation.
  7. yep, thanks for that Glenn. Another option is the cross section slider. Do a floor over view of level 1 and then using slider get rid of walls at level 1........ that might be the best option for me. I probably do not use the cross section slider as much as I should. BTW, wouldn't you need to select the roads also and then cut and paste that down to level below?
  8. This is a great question. If you were using CA Pro I think I have a solution. With CA you can use ref sets, many many many ref sets to accomplish what you want. But what if you put the terrain on level one and you do a floor overview of level zero? You cannot see the terrain. So build the terrain on level zero and then you can see the terrain with a floor overview from any floor. I have not incorporated that into my template plan yet.... but..... I just tried using a ref set in 3d so I could see my terrain in level zero if my terrain was built on level 1.... it was a no go.... I may need to put my terrains on level zero from here on out if I want to see the terrain in level zero floor overview..... but there are some drawbacks to then.... i.e. editing sidewalks etc. This post is simply some musings on my part.
  9. I do both. In template plan and in library as a back-up.
  10. Thanks Glenn, I will look into this. The arrow settings might be defaulting back to the default setting.... hmmmmm
  11. The 1/8" roof plan is on left, the 1/4" floor plan is on right, if I click on the 1/8" roof plan, text gets big, if I activate 1/4" floor plan, the text gets small. In layout it looks correct........ if I open and close the 1/4" plan last. In layout it looks incorrect........ if I open and close the 1/8" plan last. IOW, the last view closed is the one that effects the size of text.
  12. How to control note schedule text size...
  13. See pic. I thought I was going nuts. I am constantly truing off the "ATTACH TAIL/HEAD..." but it is not sticking. When I open up at a later date or I try to group select and turn off the "ATTACH ..." the box is attached. Anyone else see this?
  14. If I do an UPDATE ALL VIEWS in layout, when done, I have to quit CA and restart.... but I think this was happening before I updated.
  15. As Eric said, learn to understand the ref sets. They are now more powerful than ever. You have to learn how to use them. BTW, they do not have to be RED, the can be blue, gray, dashed, heavy etc. I did videos on ref sets years ago, they were done in the beginning of the ref set era and are now outdated but you might still get a bit of an understanding if you were to watch them. I think if you did a search of the MRLS and VIDEOS BY DSH, they might pop up. Just remember, they were done years ago before using ref sets were the norm.
  16. Let me be clearer, the macro tab is light, when I deselect evaluate, the macro tab becomes dark and I can then select a macro. I can edit the macro itself but not the option to insert a macro (that thing in top right corner. It might be a. MAC thing or I never noticed.
  17. See pic, I did not realize this but the EVALUATE box must be unchecked if I want to edit the macro. Is this true? This is the first time I have noticed I needed to do this...
  18. I have a feeling if I have: 1- 3' front door that swings into the hous and 8 swinging French glass doors that swing out over a step down greater than 1-1/2" the plans reviewer will call me out on it..... wait..... they have ..... I am going to need to educate them .......
  19. I think the plan check comment is a max. 1" step down (difference between f.f. and landing). ..... I think the 1-1/2" is from top of threshold which might be 1/2" higher than f.f. . ...... What is the difference between 3.1 and 3.2? If I have 10 exterior doors, are some required and some not required? Now I am getting in the weeds. Sometimes I feel I need a law degree to interpret the code book.
  20. Max. 1" step down if the door swings out and it must be a landing.