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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Speaking of libraries gone wild. Does anybody else have an issue with the BACKDROP BONUS LIBRARY? I am also missing many textures, anybody else have this issue?
  2. You would need to look at camera in plan view, you can see the end of the focal length in plan view, you can drag that tip back and forth, so all you need to do is draw a line the length of the required focal length and snap the camera tip to that cad line......
  3. Thanks Glenn, That works. But still it is a two step process instead of the one step process if we could change the default fill. I rarely use this tool but I think it will be handy defining ONE-HOUR WALLS.
  4. It would be much faster if I could change the wall hatch pattern default.
  5. mmmm. I could not add a fill to the library. I selected the fill but there was no ADD TO LIBRARY icon. I could copy a fill that was already in plan and fill eye. drop onto a wall that had an unwanted hatch pattern, that is not too bad. The idea of using the COPY FILL/HATCH PATTERN was good, thanks for that. easy enough now.
  6. mmmm. I could not add a fill to the library. I selected the fill but there was no ADD TO LIBRARY icon.
  7. Hi All, Wall Hatching.... can we change the default fill... Yet?
  8. I have a 2017 Mac. Before I bought it, I went down to the apple store. I took a current big plan that was slow on my earlier IMAC.. I had to buy both a new IMAC and a new PRO. I tested them both in the store using the same plan. I found no speed difference between the two machines using the CA file I was testing. I returned the PRO and bought the 2017 IMAC.
  9. First let me say there are very few folks that have anywhere as much knowledge has when it come to CA. I have been using the SAM for 15 years. In fact I have been using the same template that was set up 15 years ago. I keep meaning to start over but I have not. The setting are always carried forward, it is very easy and quick to change any default settings, something that you would need to do with the template anyway. There maybe some unwanted elements carried for, I delete them. File bloat, not sure, if so, not sure if that has slowed me up. Bugs, I am not sure, I haven't found any. The big advantage and Michael touched on it. (" make a note of any setting you might want to change in your template file to make future projects easier."), I do not need to do that. With the latest ref sets abilities, I have been again changing the way I do things. My SAM template is always evolving without needing to go back to the template. Different strokes, Michaels method is probably more fail safe. The SAM has worked for me. I am not sure if anybody else uses the SAM. Whatever method, do not set up multiple templates, one will suffice.
  10. Hey Joe in NOCAL, I think he is talking to you.
  11. I am not sure who you are talking to. If you are addressing somebody inparticular, please address them by name. There are now 23 folks trying to figure out if you are talking to them, me included.
  12. If you ask me, this is the bonus method... - Open up the Plan View Specification dialog by clicking on the Edit Active View button or open it from the main menu under Tools>Active View. I set up a hot key for it... works great! it's 3 tools in one LOVE IT!
  13. Thanks David, but you put in a positive number, shouldn't it be negative? Now for the 2 million dollar questionS ...... 1. see pic, Grade Level @ 5' was not auto, I had to do that myself and I had to add the words "GRADE LEVEL". Can this be done auto? 2. See pic. I don't want the "GRADE LEVEL 0" to not even show up (imagine if it was 60' lower). can I do the dimensions be auto and it NOT show the "GRADE LEVEL 0"
  14. Please remind me how to show true sea level elevation. I seem to have forgotten where this is controlled. thanks
  15. The foundation is not auto built. I built it manually.... I think it is ALMOST as fast to build manual as auto build..... But what was auto was AUTO DETAILING, and the walls are there in 3d which is nice. There was no manipulating the height of the walls , they were auto heights.
  16. or (punt the football)
  17. Hey Robert, I know a lot of guys build these foundations auto, I just don't understand how they do it..... or maybe they only do simple foundations. This is a good example of a project that I doubt can be built auto without some later auto tweaking. How does one decide on which side to put the protruding lower pony wall? And then there is the missing lower pony wall if the pony wall is on the wrong side.... maybe CA can look into this.
  18. I just noticed this..... Why aren't posts numbered anymore? If I want to refer to a particular post in a particular thread, how do I do this if the post is not numbered?
  19. It is no problem if you build the garage slab lower than house floor. But I think the OP wants the garage slabs 12" higher than the house floor...... that is where the issues begin.
  20. I have been playing with this with my own model (similar set up) . It seems I can get it to build correctly if... the lower concrete stem wall protrudes into the living room. Of course I would like the lower concrete stem wall to protrude into the garage but then it does not build correctly. See pics. Can anybody edit one of my plans so the lower wall of pony wall protrudes into the garage and it builds correctly ? I think this is a bug. garage foundation plan for review 4 protrudes into living room.plan garage foundation plan for review 4 protrudes into garage.plan
  21. Rob, I do not think your model is building as it would be built (For as I would build it) the concrete stem wall needs to go up to it is higher than the slab. The first picture is you model, the second picture shows how I think it should be built. If you would not build it my way, could you build it my way? t. T
  22. I will admit that I fully do not understand what is going on. But I think this is interesting.... not the foundation wall builds above the slab and then there is the 8" conc pony wall..... this is a fun model to work out.
  23. see if this helps garage foundation plan for review 3.plan