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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Larry, try selecting the entry room, open dvx and then close dvx, that fixed it for me, weird.
  2. I was recently chastised by the Great Glenn Woodward for not posting pictures, and justifiably so, thanks Glenn for setting me straight.
  3. Uncheck the default dimension properties, change the text size for the dimension to .0003", now put your own text block over..... this eliminates the need for a FILLED text block.
  4. Here is a vid Mark. Nothing new. I built the bay manually. I guess I just live with building manually and ending up with a SQUARE vs ANGLED OPENING. Sorry, best I can do, maybe somebody else can make it work..... maybe CA can make it work for you.... what a concept. http://youtu.be/7yFSBeL7Hlw
  5. Okay, I just wasted 15 minutes trying to help. I am no help. Why these bay windows have been so hard to deal with, I cannot explain. Plain silly. Hey CA, you program these windows, have you ever tried to use what you programed? For the last 8 years bay windows have been difficult. Please fix this so us nit wits can work with them. Mark, try the manual build, unfortunately I think something has changed and that is difficult now. Good luck Bud.
  6. So I am in my office today, client comes by and wants to make a few changes. Move that wall over 6" move this roof here, change 5 windows and 4 doors, enlarge the kitchen, oh yeah, keep your door and window schedule up to date, oh can you also give me an updated floor plan, how about a model I can use on the client viewer, "yeah yeah yeah, okay, I will do this for you"....... oops, another client just texted me and they want some more renderings of the remodel I am working on, I already sent them 38 renderings yesterday what more can he want....... after 1.5 hours I wrap up with the guy in the office, bill him $1.50, send him on his way, open up second project, shoot another 14 renderings of the second floor..... email the new renderings to them........ another 120 seconds out of my miserable life, ........ now I am off to enjoy all I can eat sushi, just don't tell Lynn...... hey..... it's June..... football season is just around the corner. Thanks again CA, could not do it without you.
  7. Great question, I am assuming the pic you posted was your pic with your scroll bar. I do not have the scroll bar as you have it, it is a mac thing, the scroll bar shows up when I move the mouse to that area. In fact, if I place cursor in top right window pane, no scroll bar, BUT if I start using my scroll button to scroll, the scroll bar shows up. If I stop scrolling, the scroll bar disappears.
  8. I am the two minute man, just ask you know who....... a two minute ray trace is my limit..... I call them the "crappy ray traces" because somebody else called them crappy..... but they work for me...... they get the idea across..... I am into quantity, not quality.... .... so out comes X6 with it's quick shadows and I noticed that the render quality was almost as good as my "crappy ray trace" quality. Do I spend two minutes on a ray trace or do I spit out these renders at 8 second clip? The 8 second render works for me. And then I was getting ticked off because I had to go up and select the EXPORT button in the menu.... is there a hot key for this? Of course there is, I quickly programed a hot key to export the jpeg image and cut off another 2 seconds. Now I am down to 6 seconds per exported render. The other day I was doing a kitchen remodel for a long time client, I threw some fuu fuu stuff in, took 16 different renders in about 3 minutes and sent them off along with the plans to him. Next day I was measuring a job with him and he thanked me for the "ray traces". I said they weren't ray traces, they were renders. He said they were awesome. He then asked if Lynn and I wanted to join he and his wife to see the play, "Book of Mormon". I said sure, how much are the tickets. $400.00/ticket on Craig's list, it's sold out. I said, "Holy Moly!", okay, we are in, he then offered to pay for them, I said not necessary, he insisted....... he explained that I was that important to him. Well, we all know it's not me who is important, it's what I can do with CA. So I want to thank CA for how they have changed my business and how they have added value to my services. In the 7-1/2 years I have been using CA I marvel at how far this program has come. So you guys at CA...... Thank You, keep up the good work, I truly appreciate all you do.
  9. Two points for G., somebody please give me a few negative points, richly deserved.
  10. I think The Great Glenn Woodward hit on it, it is the scrollable list option or the tiled to fit window option. When I select the tiled to fit window option, I get what I expect, I must of changed it at some point, thanks G.
  11. Okay guys, my bad, here is a couple of pictures of my library browser. At one time the images in the top right window were much smaller so I could see multiple items. In fact they were so small my bad eyes could barely discern what they were. Now they are so big...... So what controls the size of items in the top right window of library browser.
  12. dSorry G., I deserve that, my bad, I will post a pic in the AM, again I am sorry.
  13. My buddy Jon giving me a hard time. Hey Jon, why don't you join us tomorrow morning, I bet you have a few good things to say.
  14. Never really thought about this. But now the display in my library browser is huge. I can only see a few items at once, symbols, colors etc. A couple of days ago I could see a bunch of stuff because the displays were smaller. Does anybody know what controls the display of items in the library browser?
  15. And we are off, another 30 post thread without a conclusion. This one will be fun to watch.
  16. First, Looking at the photo it is difficult to see the problem. Second When chief builds a deck, it uses 2x decking with gaps between them. IOW, it is not waterproofed. If that works for you, ignore the warning. Third, if you can't draw a house with four walls the same height, you might want to look for a different program.
  17. 6 hours for the measure sounds a bit. High. For a job that size typically takes 2.5 to 3.5 hours with two people. You might want to join us this Saturday for our ON LINE MEASURING WORHSHOP. you might pick up a few tips and you could share a few tips. I'm anticipating picking up some very good tips and hoping to learn more about the laser measures.
  18. Glenn, the TAB issue is unique to the MAC. Should work fine on PC.
  19. this is a test. I want to know what happens if I do not hit the ADD TO POST button for the jpeg. EDIT; I guess the pix go in front of the text instead of at the end.
  20. And since we are sharing, this project took 40 hours. Modeled off of an architects set of plans. It took an additional 20 hours to take wall elevations of all rooms sans closets, that was quite a surprise, a lot longer than I would of thought. All of these jpegs are renders and not ray traces. Again, this is for comparison sake. It helps us all know what is possible and gives us goals to shoot for.
  21. Thanks for sharing that Allan. It is great when we share with others the time spent doing things. We then become aware of what is possible. Now for my blistering comments. The time spent to create the model sounds pretty good. Not sure if that included measuring time on site and whether it included a full set of structural plans, but pretty darn good. You did have a bit of time developing the site with the retaining wall, steps and slope bank in front. The 30 minute time for each ray trace is awful. Not sure what kind of machine you are running or your ray trace settings. I use the crappy ray trace method, (under 2 minutes). I think my ray traces may be better in a fraction of the time, you be the judge. You can probably speed up your production if you were to find out why your ray traces took so long and why they are not any better. (3) crappy ray traces are attached (2 minutes each).
  22. It all works pretty well except you must TAB to the NEXT button, and then hit the NEXT button. It was reported during BETA but not fixed.
  23. That happened to me also, I forgot how I fixed it or if I did fix it for that particular plan. I just tried it in new plan and all is okay. Does it happen in all your plans or just that one?
  24. Yes, a very big problem with the MAC. Your pdf files are typically 80 meg, very hard to email. I have resorted to drawing on the MAC and printing on PC. IOW, keep a PC handy. Well, if you have been on a MAC, how do you print your plans?