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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Yes, thanks Glenn . I sent to tech support, the following is their explanation, thanks Taylor. Hello Scott, Thank you for contacting Technical Support with this. I will submit this to the developers, however I thought you'd appreciate an explanation as to what is happening with the Enter Coordinates dialog. First, it doesn't matter what angle the line is at, it only matters where on the line it's being selected. I've tested this back to X4, so I'm not entirely sure how far back it goes, but it's not a new issue with X6 by any means. Attached are some visual aids, but essentially what is happening is that when you grab a line and hit TAB or ENTER to display the Enter Coordinates dialog, the Angle automatically fills with relative a Polar Angle, however when selecting a point off-center on the line, you will notice the Angle changes from what it should be -- the angle becomes more shallow the further from center you select. If I were to guess, it is basing the Angle off of the selected point on the line and treating that as the "Relative to Start" point. With the incorrect angle, it then measures out the Distance from the selected point, rather than a 90° angle from the line's original position, and moves the line Polar to it's original location. Check out the screenshots, as it makes way more sense to see it. For now, of course the fix is to just select the center of the line, however you can also manually enter the correct angle in which the line is to move. I hope this clears up the confusion as to what it's doing, and as I said, I'll send this off to the developers to look into further. Taylor Chief Architect Technical Support
  2. Larry, quick vid if interested. http://youtu.be/T3PH0anMD-A
  3. You got me there. But Jim, I think I now have your "TAB DISEASE" The move by tab is not working for me now. Take a look at quick vid, it's like your initial vid. I did post plan to see if somebody can replicate my issue. This is a serious problem THE VID http://youtu.be/DVzNQTPhh7s EDIT: I just figured out what I was doing wrong, and I think Jim eluded to this in a prior post and I did not pick up on it. You must move the line from it's CENTER POINT. I had not realized that before. Why is that? That should not be necessary. JIMS SCREW UP DIMENSION VID PLAN 1.plan.zip
  4. Jim, I retested and CA has it correct. I typed in 5.333' which is not 5'4, it is 5'-3-3/8, If I type in 5.333333333', I get 5'-3-15/16". .333' is not 4" but just short of 4".
  5. what ever works with the least amount of work. I don't set the jump distance...... why? ..... I don't know, maybe because I do not now how to do it. I thought the method I showed was probably about as easy as it gets. Hexagon, pentagon, triangle, who cares, they all work the same.
  6. Here is a link to the vid. Good vid unless you already know this stuff. The POLAR OFFSET works as advertised. PART 1 longer than it should be http://youtu.be/Ci2OJFgAlso PART 2 short and sweet, (difference in copy and move or copy in place and then move, very interesting http://youtu.be/s2xS-kn--wQ PART 3 http://youtu.be/c9DddHXesC8 I have beaten this to death, it works for me.
  7. I guess that is why I prefaced my comment with the fact that I understand the stretch command as much as I understand my wife. I fake my understanding, it limits my exposure to any sort of legal action?
  8. I do not believe this to be so Larry. I will incorporate in tomorrow's vid. The edit cad STRETCH is something I rarely use because I understand this about as much as I understand my wife, but it does work.
  9. Thanks Glenn, just want to make sure we are on same page. I love if when we can come to a consensus. To summarize, I believe you will get different results depending on whether you concentrically resize from a corner of a pentagon or resize from a PLACED POINT IN MIDDLE OF A SIDE OF PENTAGON. very important to understand the different behaviors,
  10. What is so revealing about this thread is there are 3 experienced users that can not come to a consensus. Jim is completely lost, Glenn is trying to clue him in..... As I am, but I think even Glenn and I would not agree on how to carry out what I perceive to be a very simple task, therefore Jim has probably learned nothing. I did a vid on this several months ago, and if I am not mistaken, there is a secret handshake to concentricly resizing a pentagon that is not orthogonal.
  11. Glenn, did you post the following and then delete. I found this in my email. "To move a particular SIDE a defined perpendicular distance. That's and easy one. Concentric Edit mode, drag an tab, enter distance. I think this would be what we would want to do 99% of the time. I do not think that in the last 40 years I have ever wanted to resize a pentagon by a ratio of of 1.25. You never know, and good to know that we can do it if needed!"
  12. Looks like you did nothing wrong. But I bet you 3 chicken necks and a plate of collard greens that I can make it work in the AM.
  13. Yeah buddy, one of my favorites. I just love "TRAVELING BAND".
  14. Trivia question, and don't look it up, who wrote the song and who recorded it first. If I am right, it was originally done by one of my all time favorite bands.
  15. To move a particular SIDE a defined perpendicular distance. I think this would be what we would want to do 99% of the time. I do not think that in the last 40 years I have ever wanted to resize a pentagon by a ratio of of 1.25.
  16. BTW, try resizing a pentagon that is anything but orthogonal. I can do it, but can you? I will do a vid in the AM to explore how confusing this can be for those that do not know the secret password.
  17. There you go, have angle snaps off, stand on your tip toes, do 3 hail Mary's and if you are lucky, it will work. Yeah, I know, I am being cynical, but don't we want this to be easy for those of us that ain't the sharpest knives in the block. Actually, I think I was able to do it with angle snaps on.......... but I should never contradict the Great Glenn Woodward...... but I will check in the AM to see if by chance I know more than GW.
  18. Wow, we told him how to do it and he still can't do it. What does that tell you? Either it does not work or it is such a PITA that even a competant user can not do it. Is anybody listening at headquarters?
  19. My question would be why does he have to be careful? I believe this thread is about the weakness of CA's tools. Jim has been using this program longer than I have had my wisdom teeth in. He knows the program pretty well..... but he did not know this? Why not? Because he has to be careful? CA should listen to these types of comments and then they might have fewer disparaging comments about their CAD tools. Jim should be able to select his line, start moving it, hit the tab key, type in a number and feel confident that the line move that far in a perpendicular direction. I really don't care how CA does it, but they should do it so it as simple as possible..... maybe hit a control key or something. Careful? Nuts. When we are producing we don't want to have to think about being careful, we want to blow and go. Two more weeks until my miserable trip from Oregon down to San Diego with a broken seat spring up my wazoo.
  20. This is a very good question. It is not super clear on how to do this if I understand what Jim is saying. But, if you select a non-orthogonal line, COPY, select and start moving in a particular direction, hit the TAB, make sure it is set to POLAR, make sure your are moving in a PERPENDICULAR DIRECTION, input the DISTANCE, the new offset line will be correct. Understand you must have ANGLE SNAPS ON so it moves PERPENDICULAR, but it is possible to do what KT is talking about. Jim was not very clear on why he could not do it, but I think I can do it, but you must know the ifs ands or buts. Jim, if you still do not understand how to do it, make a quick vid showing why it won't work and then I will do a quick vid on why it will work. Definetly not perfect, but doable.
  21. Well, I may stand corrected. So you get an acad file that has topo lines and these lines have an elevation assigned to the topo lines, I do not understand how CA will understand these lines have a terrain elevation assigned to them, but if they do and CA can recognize the elevations, this is super...... I think. I am sure CA has a video explaining this process, does anybody know where it is?
  22. You guys must understand what you can and cannot do. You cannot import the 3D TERRAIN. All you can do is import the CAD LINES that represent topo lines and then you must trace those lines and assign an elevation to them. As Barton eluded to, you must be specific as to what you want to do and what you are specifically having problems with...... \