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Everything posted by dshall

  1. This was interesting. I think you uncovered a bit of a bug. The question is, suppose you wanted a wall to connect the deck to the house. The deck on left can be attached, no problem. The deck on right cannot be attached to house..... unless you put a separation between the two deck rails that abut each other and run up and down the page. IOW, your plan works fine as long as you separate the two deck rails that run parallel and abut each other. A 1/2" separation is all that is needed.
  2. I'm not sure if anything you said is correct. I think you are making it far more complicated than it is. Someone may disagree with me, but there is nothing you said that I could concur with Maybe somebody else would like to elaborate..
  3. Just rebuild the roof but without the holes,that is probably where the problem is.
  4. For me the biggest reason to relate topo to CA is to avoid the mathematical gymnastics I must go through if I am designing two buildings on a steep lot. It is much quicker to determine elevation differences if the elevations are relative to building 1 versus an outside benchmark. Think about it.. And I don't know what the big deal is. Why won't CA throw in that option. They could probably throw this together during their lunch hour.
  5. LOL I think they do have a trailer for the horse that the Yukon will pull. So they have a 4 year old Mercedes and a 17 year old Yukon with a broken air conditioner and springs popping through the driver seat, guess which one I will be driving. In fact Dave doesn't think the Yukon can make the trip, so we are going to take the 101 in lieu of the quick drive down the 5, just in case the Yukon breaks down. It would be my luck we would be driving through rush hour traffice at 5:15 in the afternoon in LA when the darn thing breaks down. I would coast over to the shoulder and the dogs would have to "spend a penny", the parrot wouldn't shut up, the horse will be spooked by the cars honking at me and a spring from the driver's seat would of found an uncomfortable spot up my wazoo. Boy, am I looking forward to this trip.
  6. Video here if interested. Nothing special, killing time. http://youtu.be/J2uBDzg9Yiw
  7. This is so true. Sometimes we think we are saving money but actually we are losing money. So my Mom and her Husband are moving back to San Diego after 10 years in Oregon. They have two cars to bring down along with a horse, four dogs, 3 cats and a parrot....... all in two cars. Now they are older than Joe Carrick..... which puts them at about 137 years old. My Mom can barely see, she has broken her back several times falling off her horse, and she can't lift her arms above her shoulder. Being the wonderful son that I am, I insisted on flying up there and driving one of the cars and they can drive the other. If I fly on Friday, it will cost $312.00. But if I fly on Thursday, the day before, it will cost only 247.00. A savings of 65.00.... nice savings. Of course I will not be working Thursday, which at my 10.00/hour rate times 8 hours means I lose $80.00 to save 65.00. I ain't that dumb........ I am flying out on a Friday.
  8. Just post the plan and we will figure it out for you...... holy kamoly
  9. You did not try everything... remember this, that is not an individual flat ceiling plane, it is a ceiling plane from the room itself, therefore it gets its material from the room material dvx, so I went to change it, but for some reason your ROTATED material did not show in the materials list even though it was in the plan. So I made the material again rotated it. The material you are trying to change came from the room ceiling finish.
  10. I believe all manual. Auto hangers would be super.
  11. Thanks John, we all appreciate hearing from you guys on issues like this.
  12. I had not thought of that. My legacy is always compatible. Why would anybody not want it legacy compatible and if there is no reason not to, why is it even a choice? Why is it not an OOB setting?
  13. KT, you may be able to help here. I have a dimension string. There are 10 dimension numbers on string. I want to eliminate one in the middle and keep the rest. How do I do this, I forgot.
  14. Final thought, is the ceiling plane getting it's finish from the room finish or from the ceiling plane itself.
  15. I tried it and it worked for me. You might try building that particular ceiling plane in a direction that is rotated 90 degrees, that might get you the direction you want, but as I said, it worked for me.
  16. Probably, just trying to be a little clearer for others, I did not mean to step on any toes.
  17. Copy the wall, the bay should go along, now paste copied wall to correct location.
  18. I use a square, triangle would work, maybe better
  19. I agree with KT. You should not get use active layer set if set up correctly