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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. The easy way to do that is to use " Active Layer Display Options " and set up the Control Options to Not " Show all Layers ". Then when you select an item it it will display the applicable layers. I believe the default layer for PDF's in X15 is " Picture/PDF Boxes ".
  2. Would you not want at least 2" so you could add a nut and washer or are you recessing those ?
  3. I have seen it done with ramset nails but really don't like the safety or security of that idea so would also like to see how others do it. I think drilling with a mag drill is the much better option.
  4. Yes DWG is preferred but chief can import DXF from sources other than AutoCad. This will give you the ability to measure things that are not dimensioned and some snap points to work with but not much else unfortunately. I often ask for a reference PDF when I am being sent a DWG file that can come in handy when there are issues.
  5. Deselect "Retain Aspect Ratio" and you can increase the height and keep the same width of the image or symbol.
  6. Yes of course, there are always drawbacks to workarounds. Some matter and some do not. That is up to the user to decide. I left my response open to other suggestions and someone decided to use me for target practice.
  7. Likely a few ways to approach that but converting to a symbol and setting to "Inserts into Wall" would likely be the simplest solution.
  8. Try compressing the 2D image column.
  9. Yes you can and people do that but it is a public forum. Any private information can be sent by PM (Private Message) if you provide CA with your email they will take care of that for you. Also if you click the follow button you will be sent an email notification of posting activity. Some of the more regular users include that information in their signatures that appear with every post.
  10. Sorry I missed a step.... 2023-07-19 01-28 AM (2).mp4
  11. Perfect convert the top of the cutout polyline to an arc and match it to the symbol. It should be automatic but this is much more satisfying.
  12. So you have imported elevation lines that chief is using to generate the terrain and contours ? Elevation Lines can be converted to plain polylines and then they no longer influence the terrain and can be replaced with other data. You may want to consider using a separate plan file for the proposed terrain and then that can be displayed in 2D and 3D in the original file.
  13. Jason when you select the symbol does this tool show up on the active toolbar ?
  14. It sounds as though you meant to attach something ? Screen shots or the Plan File perhaps.
  15. I am not sure that should be happening at all but have a look at this other recent thread and see if it can provide a solution: X15 I Assume ?
  16. Hi @Learner_Jo I have since written a comprehensive macro that handle this situation well with elevations included. I sent you a Personal Message with additional information. Please see the black envelope icon a the the top right of this forum page.
  17. It has been a while since I have seen that but I think it sometimes happens with drywall sticking out and is associated with a rogue ceiling plane. Not sure if it would be the same with the OSB or not. If you don't get a good answer soon I would post the plan file.
  18. I am not sure what is goon on Jason, I did a little test plan and tried raising the roof plane with TNR and it went crazy. Did the exact same thing with an individual rafter and it was fine. You might want to send this one in if it does not sort itself out. If @solver is around he might be willing to give it a go.
  19. That might account for the irregular birds mouth but I am not sure I can explain it. These things sometimes turn into a lengthy science experiment to understand the programming.
  20. Yea I think that is the way to go about it. Possibly the other issues you are seeing are a result of auto rebuild not actually adjusting the existing roof height for the framing change.
  21. 3.6893" vs. 7.3442" but I think you mean 7 1/4" and that would be 7.4731" for VSD.
  22. Sorry I forgot it was so quirky. It actually can not be a window symbol. Exterior Furniture seems to work and possibly a few others. Set if to "Inserts into Wall" and set the wall "Depth" Then it should allow you to use the tool from the Active Tool Bar when selected.
  23. Yes that tool allows you to fix it though, just the way you like. Somewhat like the Make Terrain Hole(s) Around Building(s) tool but for windows.
  24. That is why we have a forum. But does it work for you when you select the window symbol ?
  25. How about using the tool that is meant for that purpose ? Edit Wall Cutout Polyline.