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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. More information may be required as it sounds like maybe you just need to reframe after adjusting the structure or pitch. Just like when you move a door or window in a framed wall.. you need to then reframe the wall. Post a few screen shots of the trouble spots and we may even need to take a look at the plan file. Also step by step how it ended up that way.
  2. That seems like a pretty good reason to use Rich Text. Any sort of inconsistency with that CSV that might be carrying through ? Line one is not so great but line thee looks fine.
  3. Do you actually have a roof plane in place or are you extending the rafters beyond the roof plane. Trim to soffit may be the reason you are getting 2x6. Just a guess though without seeing the plan file.
  4. It appears you may have selected " Flush Eave" rather than " Boxed Eave " in Roof Plane Specification > Options.
  5. Manual usually gives you more control but did you happen to try auto ? Other wise you may need to post the plan or share the video.
  6. No sorry I don't think so, but you can have a floating toolbar that can be completely turned off until you need it for "cabinets" or such.
  7. Is that an auto roof return or a manually placed roof plane ?
  8. Yes that sure would be nice. Or at least a project specific memory that you only need to set once. Perhaps send that over to suggestions.
  9. It appears that you have adjusted the pattern of the material which works in the vector views but does not affect the standard or raster views where the texture is used. There are corresponding Course Brick materials in the core library that should work for you. However you may still need to rotate them.
  10. Is that an operating window ? If not and it is just fixed with grills then I think you could take a stock window with a slanted top and bottom and rotate it 90° then bend it. Unfortunately I think you would need to bend a straight one first and measure the distortion to determine the initial slant you would need to start with. Can you tell I like the original screenshot ?
  11. One thing is for sure, you won't mistake it for a door with the arched base.
  12. Actually Rob, that was fun but I don't think it will work for you since I am not sure there is a way to keep the sides vertical. You may need to build from scratch with moldings and solids.
  13. Yes I agree but the question was about a brand new license. And using X14 with the new license for the purpose of collaboration.
  14. I don't think that will apply to the new license Perry.. Especially not X10.
  15. Something like this when you are done with a few experiments along the way.... Your final symbol may be best to not be a window and just use the " Inserts into Wall " option.
  16. That might require a variation on one of @yusuf-333 's tricks. Bend it with a very thick wall that has the appropriate radius and a reduced Facet Angle. Create a symbol of the window and place it in the wall rotated at 90 degrees. Recreate the symbol and rotate it back.
  17. Yes you can select and delete but your original question was to turn off the layer as it may be useful again later on. If you dock the " Active Layer Display Options " it should tell you what layer the PDF is on when selected. X14 uses the " CAD, Default " layer for imported PDF's. Note that Eric posted an X15 screen shot above. Be aware that there may be plenty of other things on the CAD, Default layer so that is why they changed it for X15.
  18. No luck selecting the PDF in plan view ? Perhaps the layer is locked ? Depending on what version you are using see the two options I listed above.
  19. Previous versions used the " CAD, Default " layer for imported PDF's by default.
  20. Ok it looks like you have the setup correct. Did you select the PDF ? Also what version are you using ?
  21. You are almost there, just a few more clicks starting with the gear tool.
  22. The easy way to do that is to use " Active Layer Display Options " and set up the Control Options to Not " Show all Layers ". Then when you select an item it it will display the applicable layers. I believe the default layer for PDF's in X15 is " Picture/PDF Boxes ".
  23. Would you not want at least 2" so you could add a nut and washer or are you recessing those ?
  24. I have seen it done with ramset nails but really don't like the safety or security of that idea so would also like to see how others do it. I think drilling with a mag drill is the much better option.
  25. Yes DWG is preferred but chief can import DXF from sources other than AutoCad. This will give you the ability to measure things that are not dimensioned and some snap points to work with but not much else unfortunately. I often ask for a reference PDF when I am being sent a DWG file that can come in handy when there are issues.