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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Do you have an alternate cloud service? It seems you need to be in the i-club to use that one.
  2. Upload it to your cloud account and post the link or make a copy of the plan file and gut all but the critical part we need. They recently reduced the file sized from 25MB to 14
  3. Sorry I meant the actual plan file. .plan David may be correct but it would be nice to know if the software could actually do it with the right combination of settings.
  4. Welcome to ChiefTalk. Did you try pulling the ceiling plane back inline with the inner surface of the gable wall ? It is sometimes difficult to trouble shoot a unique situation like that with out seeing the plan file. You can post that here and one of the experts will take a look. Also it is quite helpful to know what version you are using.
  5. Looks good and the truss engineers will determine the required webbing but you can adjust the Maximum Top and Bottom Chord Span such that there is a vertical web under your knee walls.
  6. I guess we are a little short on details to know for sure but my interpretation would be that he wants a metal webbed I Joist. Depending on the design that might be even more difficult than the steel roof/floor joists you did with moldings in your video. Something like these maybe.
  7. Yes you need to be very careful that if you have the same file open in two instances that one file is only used as a reference or you will end up with quite a mess.
  8. I think you would need to recreate the symbol at least twice to make all of those adjustments. First set a zone that will eliminate the feet and then reduce the height by the height of the feet and zone you created with the feet in it. Recreate the symbol if that is successful and then set horizontal stretch plane in a neutral area of the skirt and increase the height and add the new feet then recreate the symbol again. If you would like to post the original or provide a link to it I could try to confirm if that all works the way I described. Target dimensions and legs would also help.
  9. You can so long as it works to share computing resources. Hold down your CTRL key while you start the second instance. It is just not a recommended thing to do.
  10. Sorry 2D cad blocks do not recognize line styles or hatch patterns. I did not look at your file but you may be able to simulate what you need to accomplish with line segments. It sure would be great if this was not so.
  11. There is a setting in Preferences on the last page that allows you to remigrate called "Reset Migration"
  12. You just need to turn of those layers that you will never use a resave your template plan file.
  13. Not very many surveyors work in fractional inches. Why does this macro need to be different from the other macro's that report in inches ?
  14. Thanks for filling out your signature. Things were a lot different back in X10. First of all you will need to write your own user macro and I am not sure if you can make it work in a callout or not. I was able to get it to evaluate in the Room Label but possibly one of the guru's could explain how to do that in a callout or if it is possible.
  15. Would this perhaps be in X13 ? If so I am not sure we know the answer quite yet. If you were to post your plan file possibly @joey_martin might have something to add.
  16. We would need to know what version you are using and also if the entire status bar disappears or just the progress display ? Status bar is controlled under - View > Status Bar
  17. I just drew a very simplified version of what you have and it worked to lower the ceiling by dropping the Absolute Ceiling Elevation of the room. No apparent issues. Could you pull back from that inside corner and see if that is the issue ?
  18. That would likely be one of the rare times you could justify breaking the wall and manually editing it. Lay it out with cad in your elevation view so you have something to snap to and place your break in the top of the wall and peel it down then angle it over.
  19. Yes they are likely the most predictable. The only real issues you will run into are the ones posted by amateurs but they can usually be fixed. Other good options are .dae and .3ds
  20. In theory it should work in a text box but you will need to make an adjustment for sea level or actually build your structure based on sea level elevations. There are quite a few forum discussions on establishing sea levels.
  21. A new referenced global macro... I did not know there was such a thing. Nice idea but what is up with that ?
  22. I would probably have to disagree with that in principal since Adobe invented PDF's and sets the standards. My preliminary conclusion would have to be that Apple has decided not to follow the standards for whatever reason. Great observations though, but not likely enough to make a final conclusion. If you were able to generate the PDF with Preview and then view and print it properly with Adobe Reader then I think you could draw a conclusion.
  23. "Send to Layout" opens your default layout template or sends to the existing file. Or your could add "Open Layout" to your tool bar that is normally accessed by File> Open Layout.
  24. Chopsaw


    Not particularly helpful in this situation but that certainly may shed some light on other strange behavioral differences between interior and exterior layers.
  25. Chopsaw


    It is only an issue if you modify the wall definition. See Above.