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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. No problem for the electrical icons. Draw whatever you like with cad and make a cad block and it will be available to be assigned to the symbol as it's 2D cad block. You may need to mull some standard windows together if I am understanding that problem. Post some examples and you will see a lot of creative ideas posted. Also would be great to know what version you are using.
  2. They should be the same. Are you sure that you are not just dimensioning items that have no decimals. A plan file or screen shot would be helpful.
  3. It sounds to me that you are describing the difference between a "3D Molding Polyline" and a "3D Molding Line". I am certainly not an expert with this yet but one thing I have found helpful is to just draw a cad polyline and then convert it to a 3D Molding Polyline which is different that starting with a 3D Molding Polyline. Maybe some of the source of confusion.
  4. X10 or V10 is the point of the signature. If you are V10 there are a limited number of people that will be able to help and If we can all see that at a glance then you will get better answers. Close the plan and Zip the file so it is under 25 MB or upload to a Cloud service and post the link or at least post some screen shots and maybe someone will take a guess.
  5. Try an out swing door unless you have a way of making the hinges work for an in swing.
  6. What happens if you place the sink outside the cabinet and then drag it in ?
  7. That brown is just the default for OSB or Rimboard that you can change to whatever you need it to be for a contrasting background. Have you seen Michael's Bar Joist Video ?
  8. Sometimes a painted wall will get stuck and not allow any further material changes. You will need to return the affected walls to their default material from the wall DBX select the material and use it to open the plan materials or library materials listings and Default should appear at the top of the plan materials listing or there is a icon at the bottom of the library materials listing that does the same thing. Then you should be able again to adjust to the proper materials you need.
  9. Here is the correct and official information :
  10. Until CA comes out and says why they do not recommend this practice it seems it is something we need so it would be good to keep track of any cautions that should be taken while using this procedure.
  11. Yes that can happen and there is usually a reason for it although it is not always easy to resolve or diagnose. Are the trusses in the problem area the same as others in the plan ? Usually faster to just lock a good one and move it to the problem area. If not post the plan file and someone may be able to take a look and provide a solution.
  12. There seems to be a major issue with the file. I have AutoDesk's DWG file viewer that I use any time there is an issue with DWG/DXF and it has never flat out rejected a file before. "FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0000 Exceptions at b28d6e79h " It could be locked or protected somehow. You may want to contact the sender. Draftsight will open it and it appears that there is nothing in model space which is what Chief reads. Not sure if it can be repaired or not but you can view the paper space drawings or print them with Draftsight.
  13. Sure but then you would need to set the height and keep track of them all individually. I like your method better. I was also thinking of another situation that posts will not do.
  14. A lot of Cad users have a black background and it is always possible that the whole file is drawn with white lines which do not show in Chief unless you adjust your background color. Preferences > Appearance > Colors > Background : Also there are many other possibilities so posting the DXF file may allow another user to figure it out for you.
  15. Yes that is what I meant the cross boxes that come with the enlarged studs. I just call them auto as opposed to if you have to resort to a psolid to represent a framing member that does not have a cross box. Very helpful if there are thousands of them.
  16. Yup. Thanks Larry. The auto cross boxes make the extra setup worthwhile and make a more professional looking drawing. I was thinking about this method when the other thread was posted but did not have the time to test it.
  17. Nice work Levis and thanks for taking the time to document that and send it in. Hopefully Nevin will be able to send his case in so it will get fixed and we can all produce nice illustrations like you have struggled to achieve.
  18. I hope that is not true. If it is then maybe a tactical change is required.
  19. Ok, Glad it is not just me. But the Overlap vs. Reveal settings are just the tip of the iceburg. The "Fit Frame to Wall" is not correct for both doors and windows. One may be correct but the other is not. Then there are the R.O. settings : that are totally wack. I am not so sure there is a way to explain why setting a bottom rough opening for a door creates a gap in the framing above the door. And just for fun the house wrap does not trim the same for both. So yes it could be a cold winter if they don't get fixed.
  20. Has anyone else noticed the programming inconsistencies when setting up a window Frame and Casing to match a door Jamb and Casing so you have a consistent exterior look with both doors and window. It is like they were programmed by completely different departments who never talk. There is so much wrong it must be totally baffling for new users. I will be sending my report in to tech but wondered if anyone else has already done so ?
  21. Any chance you could post the version number of the bad driver in case others are experiencing related symptoms ?
  22. Basil, I thought maybe I had lead you in the wrong direction and had not tested the theory. However I just ran a test and it seems to work fine. Take a quick check on your railing height and see if that helps.
  23. Yes X10 has stepped and or angled, or even curved layout box editing abilities. No more cad masks for that ! As for the edited layout lines, I think it is still the same as X6, maybe a few less lines or I have gotten better at my connections. There is a manual update now but I thought it always was that way. Or you can use the new live elevation views.
  24. Yes it is an expansive subject but you are not limited to modeling with just primitive tools to create a symbol as anything visible is included into the symbol so you can use walls and windows and anything else you like in 3D. You can even make a symbol of the entire model and terrain if you like. The key is to just have in your plan what is being made into the symbol by modeling in a separate plan file or copying and pasting into a new plan. Enjoy.
  25. Functionality will be limited but you can get a free copy of the X8 viewer and convert the files with it.