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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. The key is the length of the arc segments vs the width of the pattern/texture.
  2. After looking more closely I seem to find it on all Wall Types. Evidently it's the Last line of the Wall Assembly - the Interior Surface. Sometimes it's not obvious in the Wall Type dbx because you might have to scroll down to see it it there are more layers than will fit in the window.
  3. Set the angle of the North arrow to the proper direction from the Plan. I'm not sure about what DJP said relative to rotating Site Items. I would assume that you have your Property Lines, and Terrain Features correctly drawn relative to the building already.
  4. Maybe that only occurs in metric plans.....
  5. You need to place a North Arrow (CAD Line) in the Plan
  6. OK, I figured it out. Simonas had the Defaults for Resize About set to "Inner Surface". It needs to be "Outside Main Layer"
  7. Perry, I understand and I've been able to fix any of mine that had that problem. What I don't understand and is really the problem with Simonas' Wall Types is the fact that the Last Layer is "Blank". ie: it has no material, no thickness, etc. OTOH, maybe it's something to do with the metric dimensions vs english. The Wall Type Definitions seem to be different in some way that I can't resolve. Maybe one of the other Metric users can figure it out.
  8. Yes, it would be better if "Rough Opening Sides" was labeled "Add for Rough Opening - each Side". The value is added to the Door Width, not the Door + Jambs
  9. Simonas, I don't know how you did this, but the last Layer in your wall is blank. In addition, the 2nd Layer should not be in the Main Section. I have no idea how to fix this other than to start over with a NEW Default Template. You should send this Plan to Support and see if they can figure out what's wrong. It shouldn't have been possible to get this kind of Wall Type Definition.
  10. Simonas, The Rough Opening Sides should be 10 mm more than the Jamb Width. So set the RO to 55 mm Sides & Top and the rebuild the Wall Framing.
  11. Simonas, Please show the Wall Type Dialogs for those two walls. I'm positive that the Main Layer is what controls this. It's always been that way and I just tried it in X7 and it is the way it works.
  12. Mark, I posted a suggestion for narrow cabinet fronts. You might want to reinforce that in the suggestions forum.
  13. Main Layer. It depends which version of Chief you are using as to how that can be changed. X7's dialog is different than X6. In X7 you have Exterior, Main & Interior Layers and you can rearrange them by moving up or down.
  14. Simonas, Your dialog shows that the door has a jamb, but the plan view is not showing it. Either post the Plan, or just play with those settings until it comes out the way it should.
  15. Mark, In your user Library, open the Fluted Filler and set the y origin to 1/2". Then use that as your accessory Pilaster.
  16. Does using the millwork symbol not work for you in the accessory tab of the cabinet dbx?
  17. OK, anyway it seems that a cabinet less than 6" wide can't have any drawers or doors. I can however place a freestanding door and size it independently. Not what you're looking for
  18. Mark, There's nothing in your zipped file.
  19. I just have my Dimension Strings set further out. That's in defaults also.
  20. "Label Offset" can be set in the defaults. Normally, the "Y" offset is -12. Change it to +12
  21. Mark, Have you considered converting a pilaster to a "Cabinet Door" symbol? Then you can use just a plain cabinet with a drawer and assign the "Cabinet Door" from the Library. That will allow full use of all the Cabinet adjustments but still give you the filler you want.
  22. Mark, I took a Millwork Pilaster from the Library, set a Stretch Plane at y = -1/4", modified the depth to 24", exported to 3DS and imported back in as a Cabinet. This is the result. Is this what you are looking for? It acts just like a base cabinet but the width, height and depth are fixed. If you want different sizes you would have to do the above for each size.
  23. Mark, I need to do a bit of searching in the Library. It seems to me there are a lot of them. Can you explain a bit more what you are looking for? Some of the millwork symbols could probably be used to define fillers as "Cabinets". The process is a bit convoluted though because you have to export to 3DS and then import back into Chief in order to define it as a "Cabinet".
  24. Greg, No, I'm just trying to think of better ways to make all the info available. ie: easier to find and/or understand.