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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. Ahhhh...... There is no default "Doorway" line in the Components List for a Doorway. In order for the User Defined Category to be displayed in the schedule you have to add that category to the schedule as a separate column. The other option would be to use an actual Door instead of a Doorway and set the material to "Opening - No Material". You would probably also need to do some visibility editing of the door in Plan.
  2. If the Floor Number of the Door or Window or Cabinet, etc was available as a Ruby Attribute - then we could use that in a macro and it would work for all floors in a single schedule.
  3. Mike, The power of Ruby and Macros is good - but CA really needs to expand it so it's easier to use and has access to all the various objects and their parameters. What would be really great is if Chief had a set of macros doing such formatting tasks that could be inserted into user defined macros (within the define macro tool). Sort of a "Super Macro Subroutine Library". In your case, it could be something like: w = width - 1.625 %format_inches(w,8)% -or- %format_inches(width-1.625,8)% Having this kind of capability with predefined subroutines would make Chief's Ruby/Macro capability much easier for the novice.
  4. Sub Category is not the correct line item. Check the actual Door line in the Components List and edit that Description Field
  5. Hi Tommy, OK, here's one - very simple Shaker Style. I can do a raised panel if you need it. Door - 10 Panel for Tommy.calibz
  6. Tommy, Give me the dimensions and the panel style, etc and I'll knock it out for you. Also, does this need to have a wood grain following the rails, stiles and panel separations or is a solid non-directional material OK?
  7. I would say that he probably used roof planes sloped the opposite direction - but in order to have the normal roof structure there would need to be invisible walls and maybe a second floor where the attic exists. Another option would be to create the walls, convert them to symbols and rotate them to the desired slope - but you would still need the invisible walls and some wall editing.
  8. Check the Components List. I'm pretty sure that's where the Description Field in the Schedule comes from
  9. Greg, What version of Chief are you working in?
  10. Arthur's answer is the best. Open the Symbol in your Library and Generate 2D Block. Then it will be correct when inserted into a Plan.
  11. Mike, Try the following. It subtracts 1-5/8 from the width. The it breaks that into inches and fractions and formats it to the nearest 1/8". If you want the result to the nearest 1/16" just change the (8's) in line 3 to (16's). w = width-1.625 inches = w.floor frac = (w.remainder(inches)*8).round.quo(8) case when frac == 1 result = "#{inches + 1}" when frac == 0 result = "#{inches}" else result = "#{inches} #{frac}" end result
  12. You might have to modify this a bit depending on what you want for rounding. Basically, you need to calculate the result before the formatting. For fractions you would need to use another divmod of one of the array values. w = width-1.625 arr = w.round.divmod(12) "#{arr[0]}#{arr[1].round}" If you can give me an example of a width and what you want the final output to look like I can give you a perfect macro.
  13. arr = width.round.divmod(12) arr = arr-1.625 "#{arr[0]}#{arr[1].round}"
  14. Considering the use, I would do the same. It could be created in Plan but the machinations required to get the orientation and 2D Block right would be quite complicated. I'm really not sure why the Molding Polyline is not available in Elevation. I'm pretty sure that it was in a previous version.
  15. I'm like Brian, I don't get the slowdown at all. It has to be system related.
  16. I don't know. But personally, I've found very few cases where I needed a "3D Molding Polyline. I can see a use where there's an exterior railing wall that goes up along a stairway, then continues horizontal for a few feet and then turns at an angle left or right. In that case if I wanted a molding cap to follow the top of the wall I would use a "3D Molding Polyline" but otherwise I always use the "2D" variety.
  17. Larry, If you made that in an elevation view - just use a "Molding Polyline", not a "3D Molding Polyline". You only need a "3D Molding Polyline" when all points are not on a common plane. IAE, moving it is as easy as selecting it, click on Transform/Replicate and Move it. Note: To move any Polyline you must be in the View in which it was created - unless you use Transform/Replicate. Note 2: You can "Convert to Symbol" in any 3D View, including Elevations/Sections.
  18. Check your virus settings. Make sure that Chief and all Chief folders/files are exempted. You probably did that for X6 at some point but X7 resides in different folders. Virus checkers can really slow things down.
  19. Is this what you are looking for? Note: I did this with 3 Molding Polylines, not a Polyline Solid. The Molding Polylines are drawn in Plan View and each is assigned a different height and Molding Shape to fit: 1. Below the Window 2. At the Window 3. Above the Window If you need something more complex then I would model it using Primitive Solids and the Boolean Operations. Since I don't know exactly what the end result should be, it's difficult to give you the best possible way of doing it.
  20. Greg, Chief doesn't do "Sloped Walls" but you can use a Roof Plane. However, there's no way to insert a door or window into a Roof Plane. Attach a pic of what you want it to look like and we can help. Otherwise we can't help you do what you want. Even better, also attach your plan.
  21. If just the Exterior is to be sloped, you can use one or more molding polylines with a triangular shaped molding profile. If you can attach the pic I can be more specific.
  22. Glenn, Yes, it can be done and Yusuf showed us how to get a curved handrail - but both are extra work. You can control the Top and Bottom of the Stringer but not the width. Sometimes I want a thin (1/4"-1'2" metal) closed stringer at the outside edge of the spiral. Opening - No Material is a possible solution but might be a problem if I want a Stringer on one side only. CA could do this with some changes to the current Stairs Tool.
  23. Now, if we could just get: 1. Curved Stair Treads 2. Curved Handrails 3. No Stringer 4. Outside Edge Stinger with size control. Then it would be almost perfect.
  24. Yusuf, Suggestions like the object origin point and showing stretch plane locations in the 3D View of the dbx should be posted in the suggestions forum and/or sent to
  25. Sometimes we need to modify one of Chief's Library Symbols --- Core, Bonus, Manufacturer --- but Chief doesn't give us access to that directly. There are 2 ways we can make such changes and have the modified Symbol available for future use: 1. Place the Symbol in the Plan - make the changes to the Symbol dbx - Add the Symbol to the User Library. 2. Copy the Symbol fro Chief's Library to the User Library - make the changes to the Symbol dbx directly. The result is the same in both cases. In some cases you might want to add more 3D objects (shapes) to the symbol. In that case you would place Chief's Symbol in a blank plan, add the 3D objects and "Create a new Symbol". You will need to set all the Symbol parameters in the dbx since they will not automatically be transferred from the original symbol.