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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. I'm not referring to your template plans. There shouldn't be any problems with plans created using X15 templates that are using X15 macros. The problems would only occur when a Library Object created in X14 (or before) with embedded macros is added to an X15 plan. Those macros wouldn't be the same as the ones in the plan and so might be incompatible.
  2. It was almost all related to NVPs in macros for openings (doors & windows). Also since I rewrote almost all of my user macros for X15 and renamed some of them to X15 conventions (no spaces in macro names) there were a lot of macros that were no longer valid in those plans. If you don't use many macros in your plans you shouldn't have too much problem. That's not my way of working. For example, I have macros for openings (doors and windows), walls and roof planes which provide different labels in plan views than in elevations & sections. Almost everything in my plans and layouts are annotated my these very comprehensive macros.
  3. I've attached a set of macros that can be used in "Text Macro Management" to display the available Global Variables and the available NVPs for any selected object. These can be very handy to determine what information is available to be included in labels, schedules or user macros. Enjoy Global & Object Porperties.json
  4. There are similar "layers" NVPs for Walls, Floors, Ceilings & Material Regions. Check the "Object Properties Macros" I posted Global & Object Properties Macros - Tips & Techniques - ChiefTalk Forum (
  5. For the Plan View, %owner.layers[0].material_data.description% placed in the Roof Plane Label should do it. -or- %owner.layers[0].material_data.description% -over- %owner.layers[1].material_data.description% if you also want to indicate the underlayment. To get it in the Schedule you will need a custom field - but the same macro should work.
  6. Some notes about moving to X15. Some X14 macros won't work in X15 due to NVP changes. If you have a project that was started in X14 or before - be careful not to open and save it in X15 Make sure you only use X15 compatible macros in new plans User Library Objects from prior to X15 may have imbedded macros that won't work in X15 Those should be modified to be X15 compatible. IOW, check the differences and make sure you account for them. I had one project that was almost completed and I inadvertently opened it in X15, made some changes and saved it, overwriting the X14 version. It took quite a lot of time to make the corrections so everything worked properly.
  7. You have to select the drawer itself in the front/sides/back face panel.
  8. My problem with using Schedules for this is that I can't specify an area to be in more than one Schedule. Basically I have many closed Polylines all on floor level 1 I want all of them to be in Schedule A some of them in Schedule B some in Schedule C etc. I need to display totals for each Schedule as well as some calculated totals (added, and/or subtracted) Schedules currently just don't have the flexibility I need.
  9. What happen if you edit one of the existing walls?
  10. Not mine, not by a long shot. There are a lot of mistakes in this macro. Some NVPs in X15 have different names than in X14, including the fact that the Base Cabinets type is now "Base cabinet". it would be better to just assign: nomen = obj.type[0].upcase which would pick up B, W, F depending on the cabinet Also, the line hinging = owner.door_swing should be hinging = obj.door_swing In my macros I use comprehensive error handling by use of: begin some code... rescue exception code... end so that my macros will never result in "evaluation error"
  11. Regardless if it's been reported by someone else or not, go ahead and report it. Squeaky Wheel.............
  12. These symbols have some serious problems in terms of how they open and what's required in terms of casings/trim. You really need to look at some actual manufactured bookcase doors to see what they really need to be. Also, the 2D Plan View CAD is totally wrong unless you specify about an 8" thickness but it should also be consistent with the wall thickness or visa-versa. The problem with that is Chief limits the door thickness to 4" I would be inclined to make my own symbols for these - but probably start with those in that catalog or "a wall cabinets w/o doors" and modify as needed. The advantage with using a cabinet is that you can have "face frames".
  13. Here's a couple of pics pic of some panels I've used. The panels were modeled as solids and converted to symbols. The wall is a single thickness "Caulk". Each panel can be resized as needed.
  14. If that wasn't so it would be difficult to maintain head height clearance.
  15. There's a formula for comfortable risers/treads: 2R+T = 24"-26" I prefer to keep the risers < 7" and I adjust the treads so that the result of the formula = 25". Generally my risers will be about 6.75" and the treads will be 11.5" but it really depends on the floor to floor height.
  16. Since you must have SSA - call Support.
  17. I use a timer for most things like this. Periodically I clear the hash (don't like using arrays) and then allow all the macros to update the hash and sum the data. Typically I set my timer to about 5 minutes so I'm not updating to often. The macros just skip all processing until the timer has reached the update interval. It's also possible to have a macro that's only displayed on demand to clear the hash. That way you can display it only when you want to force an update.
  18. I could be mistaken but I believe those also corresponded to the rapidograph pen sizes.
  19. What forum did you post in and what was it about? Spam typically get's deleted and things posted in the wrong forum might be moved to the correct forum. Never post a question in the "Tips & Techniques" forum.
  20. The IRC (CRC here in California) has a requirement for both seismic and wind loads. Even if you don't need an Architect or Engineer there's still a lateral bracing requirement. Personally, I've created a set of macros and symbols to meet the code requirements.
  21. Try "Tools>Materials_List>Calculate Materials for all Floors". The see if you can find that material (Description).
  22. If it's one of Chief's "Room Macros" then it will work in a text box placed in the room or with an arrow connecting to the room. A custom macro must have a line that sets the context.
  23. What do you need done? What sort of project?
  24. Also make sure the Reference Layer Set has the appropriate line styles and colors so they are differentiated from the main floor.